Saturday, October 29, 2022

Russian Navy Ships Hit In Ukraine Drone Attack

H Turner

"There are reports that as a result of a morning attack by kamikaze UAVs and submersible drones of the Armed Forces Ukraine (AFU), the Sevastopol Naval Base minesweeper was damaged and the radar station of the Admiral Makarov frigate of the Russian Black Sea Fleet was hit by shrapnel."

 Video from the area shows a bright explosion from the Sevastopol Harbor last night:

Who guided those drones for the attack is an issue, right now.   Before and during the attack, a U.S. GlobalHawk unmanned aerial vehicle was in the area, loitering:

It is not officially known if the US GlobalHawk had anything to do with the attack, but conjecture is running high.

 At this hour, 6:42 AM EDT, we can be reasonably certain that some serious damage was done to the Russian Fleet in Sevastopol.
The attack was at 5 AM, still dark, and 8 hours later there is lot of smoke from a considerable area.


Statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense:

Sevastopol Bay was attacked by 9 UAVs and 7 marine drones. Minesweeper "Ivan Golubets" was damaged . . .

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