Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Now NYC Emergency Management Telling New Yorkers To Be Ready To Evacuate And Have A 'Go Bag'

NYC Emergency Management Now Telling New Yorkers to Have a "Go Bag" and Be Ready to EVACUATE

Just two weeks after releasing a Public Service Announcement telling New Yorkers what to do if a nuclear bomb hits the city, that same agency is now telling New Yorkers to pack a "Go Bag" and be ready to EVACUATE New York City.

According to the official government web site for New York City Emergency Management, New Yorkers should:

Go Bag

Everyone in your household should have a Go Bag — a collection of things you would want if you have to leave in a hurry. Your Go Bag should be sturdy and easy to carry, like a backpack or a small suitcase on wheels. You'll need to customize your Go Bag for your personal needs, but some of the important things you need in your Go Bag include:

  • Bottled water and nonperishable food, such as granola bars
  • Copies of your important documents in a waterproof container (e.g., insurance cards, Medicare/Medicaid cards, photo IDs, proof of address, marriage and birth certificates, copies of credit and ATM cards)
  • Flashlight, hand-crank or battery-operated AM/FM radio, and extra batteries
  • List of the medications you take, why you take them, and their dosages
  • Contact information for your household and members of your support network
  • Cash, in small bills
  • Notepad and pen
  • Back-up medical equipment (e.g., glasses, batteries) and chargers
  • Aerosol tire repair kits and/or tire inflator to repair flat wheelchair or scooter tires Doctors' names and phone numbers
  • First-aid kit
  • Toiletries
  • Child care, pet care, and other special items
  • Supplies for your service animal or pet (e.g., food, extra water, bowl, leash, cleaning items, vaccination records, and medications)
  • Portable cell phone chargers

If you have children, pack child care supplies as well as games and small toys.

If you're older or have any special medical needs, consider including these items:

  • Instructions and extra batteries for any devices you use
  • Aerosol tire repair kits and/or tire inflator to repair flat wheelchair or scooter tires
  • Back-up medical equipment
  • Items to comfort you in a stressful situation

Include items that can help protect you and others from COVID-19, including hand sanitizer, and face coverings for each person.* (*Face coverings should not be used by children under the age of 2. They also should not be used by people having trouble breathing, or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or unable to remove the mask without assistance. Learn more from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))

Avoid panic buying. Buy supplies slowly to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to buy what they need. Report overcharging and price gouging to the City

If that isn't blunt enough, Emergency Management then goes on to tell New Yorkers about EVACUATING


Evacuation should be addressed as part of everyone's planning efforts. City officials will tell you when to evacuate through the media and direct warnings. Evacuation is used as a last resort when a serious threat to public safety exists. If you must evacuate, your first plan should always be to stay with friends or family.* In a planned evacuation, such as for a coastal storm, the City will advise residents of which areas are impacted and provide guidance on how the evacuation will proceed. In the case of coastal storms, designated routes have been identified throughout the city to effectively get people from low-lying hazard areas safely to higher ground. To find out whether you live or work in a hurricane evacuation zone, use the Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder, the City's evacuation mapping tool.

In an unplanned evacuation, such as for a hazardous material spill, officials will advise affected residents to leave the immediate area until the danger can be removed. Always have your Go Bag prepared and easily accessible in case of any evacuation. You may not have time to assemble your belongings, and you may not be allowed back until the danger has passed.

Evacuate immediately when you:

  • Are directed to do so by an emergency official.
  • Are in immediate danger.

Be Prepared to Evacuate

  • Determine whether you live in a hurricane evacuation zone by accessing the Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder, or contact 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115).
  • Know evacuation plans for all the places you and your household members spend time. Often buildings have floor marshals who are responsible for evacuation plans.
  • Make alternate transportation plans; the means of transportation you usually use may not be available.
  • Practice plans through regular drills. People who practice escape drills can evacuation with greater ease than those who are unfamiliar with the procedures.
  • If you have pets, consider what you would do if you cannot return home to them. Pet owners should read Ready New York: My Pet's Emergency Plan for more information.
  • Residents of high-rise apartment buildings and basement apartments may face special risks and should be prepared to evacuate if needed. (Basements are vulnerable to flooding.)

Disaster Sheltering

If you are directed to evacuate, make arrangements to stay with friends or family outside the affected area whenever possible. For evacuees who have no alternative shelter, the City will open shelters throughout the five boroughs. Disaster shelters may be set up in school, municipal buildings, and places of worship. They provide basic food and water. If possible, bring clothing, bedding, bathing and sanitary supplies, medications, and your Go Bag to shelters. Bring a face covering for each member of your household to the shelter. Maintain at least 6 feet of space between you and people who aren’t in your immediate family.


For anyone so dense that they cannot see the writing on the wall, New York City is preparing their citizens to be hit by a nuclear bomb and be forced to Evacuate.

And lest you think this is hyperbole, or exaggeration, the notion that New York City isn't going to exist much longer seems to have struck a chord at the United Nations.   

They put the UN Headquarters . . . . UP FOR SALE!


  1. I believe the UN is coming to Aus

  2. Don’t come down here, we have enough of you know it all SOB’s already. Head west to your mother land, California.
