Saturday, June 25, 2022

Putin Announces New BRICS Global Reserve Currency Project To Replace The Petrodollar

HOW AMERICA ENDS: Putin announces new BRICS global reserve currency project to REPLACE the petrodollar

Although the biggest news of the week is undoubtedly the US Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, there’s another bombshell that quietly broke two days ago — one that will have a vastly more profound devastating consequences on the world than any decision coming from SCOTUS.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that BRICS nations are going to roll out a new alternative to the US dollar’s global reserve currency status. As reported by

According to the Russian president, the member states are also developing reliable alternative mechanisms for international payments. Earlier, the group said it was working on setting up a joint payment network to cut reliance on the Western financial system. The BRICS countries have been also boosting the use of local currencies in mutual trade.

But this is only the beginning of the bombshell here.

We also know from industry sources that “Project Sandman” refers to a group of over 100 countries that plan to simultaneously denounce the US dollar as a global reserve currency. This will likely take place on a Sunday evening, USA time, says Andy Schectman, the CEO of Miles Franklin (a gold and silver dealer). He told me this in an interview recorded yesterday, to be aired soon.

The new replacement currency will be powered by blockchain and backed by gold, which is why member nations have been rapidly stockpiling gold supplies in anticipation of the big announcement. When that announcement comes, nations that represent nearly 75% of the world’s population will simultaneously denounce the US dollar and roll out a gold-backed, blockchain-audited international currency system that will instantly become the world’s currency choice for free trade and a store of value.

The dollar, backed by nothing but more money printing and incompetent political leadership, will collapse toward zero. Virtually overnight, goods and services sold in America will increase in price by 1000%. And that’s only the beginning: The dollar will continue to lose value by the hour as the world’s holders of US Treasury debt and dollar currency dump it all at any price.

Those holding dollars will lose everything.

The United States government will quickly collapse in parallel with the collapse of the dollar and the US central bank. There will be no money to pay military troops or pay off corrupt government officials. All government salaries and pensions will be effectively halted. The great neocon empire of debt, lies and death will implode so rapidly that people will be psychically shocked and physically unprepared.

Russia knows that it can defeat America simply by joining the world’s efforts to declare America’s dollar currency to be null and void. No nuclear war is necessary. America it already highly vulnerable to this sort of collapse due to the nation’s massive debt and spending addictions. Russia and China are merely sucking the air out of America’s collapsing currency, knowing that economic gravity will do the rest.


  1. Hey

    Why wasn't my Friday's question/comment
    on the Rapture not posted?


  2. Hi,
    It was a good question - and I wanted to have time to give it a good (probably lengthy answer - I'll get to it today - Sorry, Ive been busy with my day job!)

  3. hi again, friend!

    no worries, I didn't know you have a day job :)
    you are lucky to have a job.

    I look forward to your answer.

    Many blessings to you

  4. Hello - and thanks and same to you ! :)
