Thursday, June 30, 2022

Anti-Semitism On The Rise

Europe: Dangerous Influence Of Anti-Semitic Propaganda

A study released on Tuesday found a 40% increase in Jew-hatred in Germany in 2021, a rise the German government’s commissioner to combat antisemitism referred to as “frightening.”

The Department for Research and Information on Antisemitism (RIAS), a German organization that monitors antisemitism in Germany, published the study, which revealed an outbreak of 2,738 incidents of antisemitism in Germany in 2021, averaging over seven per day in the country. Of these incidents, 63 were reportedly cases of “extreme violence.” 

In contrast, 2020 saw 1,957 cases of Jew-hatred reported marking a 40% increase within the span of a single year.

One particular flare-up of antisemitic instances occurred in May of 2021. That month, German Muslims used Israeli self-defense against Hamas terrorists, who fired over 4,000 rockets at Israeli cities, to call for genocide against Jews and the obliteration of the Jewish State of Israel.

The organization stated in the report that one main driver of the Jew-hatred was Palestinian propaganda against Israel.

Indeed, much of the modern antisemitism we witness today is cloaked in pro-Palestinian activism. As former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asserted in 2021, the widespread claim that the Jewish State is an occupier of the land of Israel is the “antisemitic canard of the present generation.”

The terror organization Hamas, which carries the support of much of the Palestinian population, espouses within its charter numerous antisemitic conspiracies that were popular within Nazi Germany, revealing that these two forms of Jew-hatred are far less distinct than many may believe.

Additionally, many of the attacks resulted from conspiracy theories linking Jews to the COVID-19 Pandemic, a false accusation that brazenly echos antisemitic lies told during the Black Plague in the 1300s.

In the middle-ages, many falsely pointed the finger at the Jewish population, claiming that they had spiked water wells causing the illness. Similar to what took place in Nazi Germany, Jews were then evicted from countries, forced into ghettos, and massacred. 

Unfortunately, the media, politicians, Hollywood, and social media today help spread the antisemitism they claim to condemn through pro-Palestinian sentiment and their refusal to denounce anti-Jewish and anti-Israel rhetoric.

This is particularly disturbing since societies are often swift to eat up anti-semitic propaganda.


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