Monday, April 25, 2022

This Is No Drill...

Under Attack By Spectre--This Is No Drill

Anyone who is familiar with the James Bond franchise knows that Spectre is an international crime organization.  Like Spectre, the World Economic Forum (WEF) operates in the shadows, but working under the pretense that they are an organization devoted to preserving peace and saving the planet.  They are, in reality, a criminal cartel whose only interest is world conquest by enslavement and mass murder. 

Their scheme has many names…The New World Order (NWO), Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The Great Reset.

The cabal is determined to return the planet to medieval serfdom, except without sovereign nations. They will establish world government, and a universal religion, deciding what you are to believe.  The world population will be kept below 500 million or ‘in balance’ as the globalists say. Genetics will be controlled and regulated. The current population is around 7.9 billion…what to do, what to do.  

They will merge digital, physical, and biological systems (gene modification/eugenics injections aka COVID shots), and rely on technological surveillance rather than the rule of law to make people compliant.  Without much thought, over half the population of the United States have agreed to become the first test subjects. Insurance companies are alarmed that excess deaths are up by 40%, associated with COVID-19 directly or indirectly. 

Their goal is simple, the billionaires (gentry) get to keep what they own, everyone else, the commoners/peasants/serfs, surrender their property, and privacy (everyone will be tagged) for the good of the planet, of course.  They insist you will own nothing and be happy. All accomplished by 2030.  So they say.

The globalist movement has been working diligently for decades. They move nations around like on a game board.  President Kennedy was the victim of regime change, having warned the nation of the NWO in 1961.  Trump’s departure was their latest move. Trump’s mortal sin was telling the globalists in Davos that he wasn’t interested in the U.S. giving up its sovereignty.  He warned that there were forces working “to destroy our economy and wreck our country or destroy our liberty.”  Trump put the country on a stable footing, something the globalists could not tolerate.

Supporters of this New World Order are found in government, multi-national corporations, royalty, government leaders, education, Hollywood, the Deep State of many countries, scientists, Big Tech, Big Media, the Vatican.  Yes, the Vatican.  Like Mr. White said to 007…“They are everywhere.”

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