Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Manufacturing A Food Crisis?

5 signs they are CREATING a food crisis

Indeed, there are a few signs that the food supply is about to genuinely come under attack.

In summary…

  1. A war which did not need to happen is driving up food and oil prices.

  2. Sanctions which did not need to be put in place are alsodriving up food and oil prices.
  3. Western allies are intentionally raising their oil prices.

  4. Despite warning of a food crisis, US and UK are paying farmers not to farm.

  5. A “bird flu epidemic” very much like the fake Covid “pandemic” is driving up the price of poultry and eggs.

  6. Western companies are actively making the fertiliser shortages worse.
  7. Bizarre fires are crippling large sections of the US food industry.
Taken individually maybe these points could all be seen as mistakes or coincidences, but when you put them all together it’s not hard to spot the pattern. The press may claim we are “sleepwalking” into a food crisis, but it looks more like they’re running head-first into it.


  1. I can tell you this. In my local grocery store The refigerated health food area once fully stocked now full of ice bags.

  2. I can further validate this is happening now. As a door delivery service employee I’m seeing we’ll known restaurants canceling orders because they are out of items until a truck arrives. That was yesterday.
    -Rebecca-Midwest, USA
