Friday, March 25, 2022

Vital Lessons Learned 2 Years On

2 Years On: The vital lesson Covid can teach us about Ukraine

Yesterday marked exactly two years since the UK went into our first lockdown, just “three weeks to flatten the curve”. Several months later the lockdown stopped. Then it started again around Christmas.

There was never, ever, any justification for the lockdown. Lockdowns don’t work to halt the spread of disease, even if they did “Covid” was never enough of a threat to justify one, and the destructive knock-on effects on public health and the economy make the cure worse than the disease.

We don’t need to go into the details of that now. It’s all well-established at this point.

More importantly – it was well-established before the lockdowns began.

The coming agenda was that obvious, even then.

Surveillance. Censorship. Vaccine mandates. It was all there to see in January of 2020.

By March 13th 2020 it was even more blatant, as I wrote at the time:

It turns out in order to best deal with the coronavirus we need to ban large public protests, introduce martial law, stop using cash, vote digitally or by post, leave our borders wide open, censor the major social media networks and start enforcing compulsory vaccination. Which is very fortunate, because they wanted to do all of that anyway.

The day before the UK’s lockdown was put in place, a spokesman for Italy’s Institute of Health admitted[emphasis added]:

The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals WITH the coronavirus are deemed to be dying OF the coronavirus

From at least March of 2020 it was perfectly clear that the data was being manipulated and that the bureaucratic machinery was being put in place to create a “pandemic” through nothing but the magic of cultivated statistics.

This was not just an important issue, it was the ONLY important issue.

That the mainstream media never discussed this is not surprising. The mainstream are a lost cause, they live in a pretend world they think they can build with their fake headlines about non-events. They have sold themselves completely, and there will be no reaching them. They talked about mask mandates and R0 numbers and hand sanitisers and the panic-buying of toilet paper. Carefully examining the bark on every tree, whilst meticulously ignoring the forest.

The agenda was the issue. The lie used to sell that agenda was the issue.

In the end, the government didn’t care whether you thought masks worked, or exactly how long you self-isolated. They didn’t care if you thought they were incompetent, or heavy-handed or supported them wholeheartedly.


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