Saturday, January 29, 2022

Secrets Kept:


History will show that COVID-19 was the catalyst that either destroyed the most powerful country that ever existed or caused that nation’s people to come to terms with the reality of its government, choosing to oppose it. History will soon tell us which will prevail.

COVID-19 is not a naturally occurring virus that went mad.

The Gates foundation admits investing $1.75 billion to the COVID vaccine’s development and distribution

Icame across a video that the globalists are desperately trying to purge from the internet. By the time you read this article, it will probably be gone. In the video, Fauci explains the normal process of producing a vaccine and the process they undertook to get a ‘vaccine’ for COVID-19. It reveals much.

A brief history first: Patents for the Coronavirus have been around since 1999 with Dr. Ralph Baric. In 2002, the virus was seen as exploitable. On April 25, 2003, the CDC saw an opportunity from a virus that can be easily manipulated or artificially adapted to infect humans (gain of function). They filed a patent on the Coronavirus transmitted to humans, its detection and measuring, a potential gold mine. Since nature is prohibited from being patented, then it must be a manufactured virus. If it is a manufactured virus then it must also be illegal, against international law and treaties as a bioweapon. In 2007, the CDC requested that the application be kept confidential. Between 2003 and 2018, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric and the CDC were at the hub of control of the virus, controlling 100% of the cash flow from the coronavirus arms race. In a moment of clarity, between 2012 and 2013 the federal funding for research was halted, but those involved were authorized to keep going. In other words, off-shore the research…fund it through a series of cover organizations. The Gates foundation admits investing $1.75 billion to the COVID vaccine’s development and distribution. Enter the recipient, Wuhan Lab, Wuhan, China.

Going back to the video…rather than take the chance of including the video and the reader coming up with nothing when clicking the link, I decided to give the reader a close synopsis of what Fauci said. I’ve done my best to give it to you word for word:


1 comment:

  1. So question. Knowing this, the masses are asking why are the CCP, Fauci, Gates, CDC, etc. all involved in this diabolical scheme, still on the loose? Answers are needed and not more ways those on the loose plan to keep committing their crimes, IMO!

    Articles with resolutions, solutions, suggestions, info as to what is being done to stop this insanity, would be so welcomed, IMO!
