Thursday, December 23, 2021

U.S. Confirms Commitment To Two-State Solution

Washington committed to two-state solution, US envoy tells Abbas

The Biden administration has affirmed its commitment to the two-state solution and the importance of joint action by all parties to move forward to achieve peace and stability in the region.
The commitment was relayed to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan during a meeting in Ramallah on Wednesday, according to the PA’s official news agency WAFA.
The meeting was the third of its kind between Abbas and senior Biden administration officials in the past 10 days

A PA official described Wednesday’s meeting as “positive and constructive,” but did not provide further details. The official said that the PA was continuing to work towards strengthening its ties with the US administration.
Abbas briefed the US official on “the latest developments in the Palestinian territories and the need to end the Israeli occupation of the land of the State of Palestine,” the agency said.

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