Friday, December 24, 2021

Never-Ending Emergency Powers And 'Aggressive State Action'

Emergency Powers Deployed to Impose Vaccine Passports

Boston, Massachusetts just announced a new “vaccine passport” system set to take effect next month. This was one of the first major actions of the recently-elected mayor, Michelle Wu, who’d been hailed by many as a paradigm-shifter for her inspiring Progressive potential. Wu’s passport system is endearingly called “B Together,” because there’s nothing more emblematic of heartwarming communal “togetherness” than compulsory monitoring of medical activity by the government.

Waiters, front-desk clerks, and movie theater ushers will join “together” to carry out this very important epidemiological task. At first, the proof-of-vaccination requirement will apply to all individuals age 12 and up who wish to enter a covered venue — restaurants, museums, sports arenas, etc. — but children as young as five will be included by March. It has been so ordered.

The stated purpose of this system is “to address rising COVID-19 cases” in Boston caused by the “Omicron” variant. This seems a bit strange, because what we’ve been told is supposed to be so alarming about “Omicron” (pronounced “Oh, c’mon”) is that it’s extra transmissible — with rapid viral spread observed even among those who are fully vaxxed and “boosted” out the wazoo, drowning in daily “rapid tests,” and quadruple-masked at the first sign of human contact. These measures have evidently not succeeded in curtailing the exponential spread. Nonetheless, the hammer is about to come down hard again on “The Unvaccinated,” allegedly because they pose such a unique transmission threat. If you don’t quite follow the logic there, you simply must not understand The Science, dummy.

Though the “booster” is not yet required for compliance with this system, Bisola Ajikutu, the head of the Boston Public Health Commission, offered a pertinent clarification at a press conference Monday: “We will adjust the policy as needed when the definition of fully vaccinated changes.” Got that? The people who run these “public health” bureaucracies reserve the right to perpetually modify what it means to be “fully vaccinated,” and therefore add future injections at their pleasure.

And it’s far from just Boston. New York City, whose “vaccine passport” system was cited by Michelle Wu as a favorable model, has continuously extended its own “State of Emergency” since March 2020 by order of Mayor Bill de Blasio — most recently on November 23. This enabled de Blasio to unilaterally impose the NYC system in September.

Missing from any of the debate around the Boston measure is why the de Blasio “model” should somehow be seen as an unmitigated success, in light of what we’re being told is an explosion of “Omicron cases” underway in NYC at the moment. Countries like Germany, which tout similar “passport” systems, are also seeing “cases” skyrocket and have announced further restrictions. But, whatever! This almost two-year uninterrupted “Emergency” has endowed Mayor Michelle Wu with the authority to make such a policy determination on her own, unfettered volition.

Given the vast interlocking patchwork of governmental jurisdictions in the US, only the most discerning citizens would have the faintest clue that these official “Emergencies” are not only still on the books, but are still being invoked to authorize aggressive state action.

On Monday, Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington, DC once again declared a “Public Emergency,” which once again vests city officials with a variety of “emergency”-related powers — including the ability “enter into contracts and procurements… without regard to established operating procedures relating to the performance of public works.” Conveniently, this likely means there will be no “performance” metrics used to evaluate the efficacy of the million-plus “rapid antigen tests” just ordered on Monday by the DC Health Department. 

1 comment:

  1. Bye, bye Boston it was nice knowing you!! Wu has zero understanding of how this is going to destroy the city. Tourists, school field trips, jobs in all sectors, medical industry, it will become a ghost town.
