Friday, October 29, 2021

U.S. Navy To Issue Blanket Rejection For Religious Exemptions Sought

U.S. Navy’s Plans to Issue Blanket Rejection for ALL Religious Exemptions

On Wednesday, independent journalist Liz Wheeler dropped a bombshell when she revealed a series of documents from the US Navy that expose their plans to flagrantly ignore several laws and procedures in order to DENY every single servicemembers’ request for a religious exemption to the federal Covid vaccine mandate.

Traditionally, all religious exemption requests are required to follow a strict procedure when they are received in order to fairly evaluate whether or not the request is granted, but as of right now, the Navy’s woke leadership is much more concerned with partisan politics than following the laws that are on the books.

Wheeler provided screenshots of a pre-typed ‘rejection letter’ with the corresponding commanding officer’s signature already printed on it. This letter was sent to several different members of Naval leadership as a template that could easily be updated with the letterhead and signature of the officer in charge of issuing a decision so they could quickly reject the incoming requests.

In this example, CAPT Marc Ratkus – the Commanding Officer of the Navy’s Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) – sent a copy of the ‘standard denial’ memo to CDR Meredith Schley, who is under his command, and instructed her to use it for “all requests” that she receives.

The template even included his letterhead and signature on it.


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