Wednesday, October 27, 2021

How Daily Use Of Masks Is Harmful To Health:

Top 8 Ways Covid Face Masks Are HARMFUL as Analyzed by a Physician and Former Medical Journal Editor

S.D. Wells 

Billions of people worldwide are terrified of the China Flu and will do everything they are told to do to avoid catching it, but that’s where the biggest problems come into play. It is theorized that much of the advice about Covid prevention and minimization is fundamentally flawed, and some to the extent that it makes matters worse, endangering the lives of those who follow it and those around those “sheeple” followers. There are no better examples of this than all those mask wearers seen everywhere, every day. Some folks even wear their masks when they are outside away from other people, or even when alone in their automobile.

Thanks to mass media, vaccine-shilling talking heads, and fake “experts” promoting mask-wearing, billions of people are accomplishing the exact opposite of their goals in warding off Covid – they’re setting themselves up for infection of the worst kind.

Have you experienced the health detriment of wearing a Covid mask for hours on end? People are experiencing nausea, headaches, shortness of breath, blurred vision, compromised hearing, hindered communication abilities, and those are just the symptoms of health detriment that are being “bred” by the masks. A physician and former medical journal editor is blowing the whistle on the whole mask scam, proving how they add to the chaos of the pandemic, weakening humans, and setting people up for exactly what they’re trying so hard to avoid.

Covid masks are creating and “masking” major health problems that none of the wearers seem to realize

#1. Masks lower oxygen levels in the blood.

#2. Masks raise carbon dioxide levels in the blood.

#3. Masks trap exhaled viral pathogens thus increasing viral load and severity of disease.

#4. SARS CoV-2 becomes more dangerous when blood oxygen levels decline.

#5. Masks give a false sense of security.

#6. Masks divert exhaled air and pathogenic plumes into the eyes.

#7. Masks are dangerous for people with pre-existing medical conditions.

#8. Cloth masks increase risk of contracting respiratory infections, including Covid.

People are terrified of catching Covid because it attacks the respiratory system, causing lung tissues to swell with fluid. It’s a horrible way to die, yet, the Covid masks can also lead to respiratory infections and ultimately, death. As the masks inhibit air flow in and out of the lungs, people with chronic lung diseases, asthma and COPD are worsening their conditions by wearing masks.

Here’s what most people don’t know. Because masks increase the depth and frequency of breaths, they also increase the likelihood that each breath contains a larger amount of pathogenic virus particles. This is called an increase of the “viral load” as it contains greater levels of infectious particles, just the opposite of what mask wearers are being told by the CDC, mass media and fraudulent Fauci. This can also back up the viral particles deeper in the lungs, increasing the severity of Covid infection.

Read the Whole Article

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