Monday, August 30, 2021

Biden Falls Asleep As Israeli PM Quotes Isaiah's Prophecy


Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with US President Joe Biden on Friday in the White House. Among the topics discussed were the Iranian nuclear threat as well as Israel’s vaccination program against Covid.

At one point during their meeting, Bennett removed his mask to explain to Biden a passage from Isiah 60. 

Bennett then explained to his American counterpart how during prayer services on the Sabbath, the Jewish people read a portion of the Torah as well as its corresponding portion from the Prophets saying: “In the synagogues across the world we read a Biblical portion beyond the Parsha. It’s called the haftarah and tomorrow we’re going to be reading words of the prophet Isaiah.

Bennett then recited the passage in its original Hebrew: “שְׂאִי־סָבִיב עֵינַיִךְ וּרְאִי כֻּלָּם נִקְבְּצוּ בָאוּ־לָךְ בָּנַיִךְ מֵרָחוֹק יָבֹאוּ וּבְנֹתַיִךְ עַל־צַד תֵּאָמַנָה׃”

Raise your eyes and look about: They have all gathered and come to you. Your sons shall be brought from afar, Your daughters like babes on shoulders. (Isaiah 60:4)

The Israeli premier then translated the verse saying: The sons and daughters of the Jewish people are gonna come back to our land, are gonna nurse our ancient land and rebuild it and this ancient Jewish prophecy is today’s Israel reality.”

Biden, whose head dropped and eyes closed appeared to have fallen asleep as Bennett relayed those prophetic words.

Bennett told Biden that he comes from Jerusalem “our paternal capital” and brings with him a “new spirit of goodwill, a spirit of hope, a spirit of decency and honesty, a spirit of unity and bipartisanship.”

It has taken just two months for Israel’s Prime Minister – Naftali Bennett - to abandon implementing his 10 years old policy calling for Israel to unilaterally extend its sovereignty into 60% of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) - dubbed Area C under the Oslo Accords.

Bennett’s backdown was made in the New York Times on 24 August:

“This government will neither annex nor form a Palestinian state, everyone gets that”

Bennett told the Knesset exactly the opposite on the occasion of his swearing in as Prime Minister on 13 June:

“We will ensure Israel’s national interests in Area C – and we will increase standards to that end after much neglect in this area.”

Bennett articulated Israel’s national interests in Area C when presenting his comprehensive Israel Stability Initiative in February 2012:

Abandonment of these objectives by Israel’s present Government for the next four years can only be regarded as:

  • an attempt to curry favour with Biden and his administration
  • a missed opportunity to advance President Trump’s detailed peace plan to extend Israeli sovereignty into approximately 50% of Area C (see diagram following)
The mutual backslapping and expressions of self-admiration by Bennett and Biden for each other at their White House meeting on 27 August took place as the US was reeling from the deaths of 13 US military personnel, 18 more wounded and at least 169 Afghani citizens killed in two suicide-bombing attacks following Biden’s disastrous decision to unilaterally withdraw from Afghanistan. 

Taking flight from – rather than fighting for – Bennett’s own and Trump’s carefully crafted proposals to provide Israel with secure, defensible and recognized borders – is not in Israel’s national interests.

Kowtowing to Biden and jettisoning Trump does not augur well for Bennett’s coalition Government or Israel.

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