Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Coming Great Deception?

“A new instrument with an evil-sounding name is helping scientists see how stars are born. L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for ‘Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,’ is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means ‘morning star’ [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson.” ­—Rebecca Boyle, Popular Science magazine

If you’ve been paying attention, you are probably aware that UFO sightings have increased worldwide, that some of them could pose a threat to National Security, and that the Pentagon is set to release a major report on the phenomenon June 1st.

Right on cue, the Pope’s Society of Catholic Scientists “has scheduled their 2021 SCS conference, and this year’s topic is literally out of this world. Titled ‘E.T., A.I., and Minds Beyond the Human,’ the conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C. from June 4th thru 6th [and] half of the talks are going to be about extraterrestrial life by some big experts on that subject,” reports The Debrief.[i]

Is mankind being set up for a coming “Great Deception” or delusion in which the Vatican helps governments worldwide disclose “extraterrestrials” as already here or soon to be and who will correct our perception of religion and reality?

Rome—as illustrated in the article quoted above at The Debrief—is quietly preparing for just such a scenario and somehow, they pretend to know their “extraterrestrial brothers” will not challenge their spiritual authority.

But more on that later in this series.

Scientists working with the Vatican ultimately will be called upon to persuade multitudes to believe “aliens” are our benefactors when in fact they may be part of what the Bible speaks of when it refers to “lying signs and wonders” that are set to produce strong delusion for those who have rejected the truth of the Gospel, ultimately helping Antichrist gather an even greater following.


  1. OK so man on Earth can't even unite right now, no one wants to entertain fake Aliens that haven't helped our cause to sow perfect harmony, love, kindness, sharing of God's lands, or of God's resources bestowed upon our Earth, IMO!

    After drawn out constant drama especially during the last three President tenures of Bush, OB, President Trump, recent known Election Fraud Unchecked, Covid sent used to upheaval Citizens freedoms, and rights, nobody wants Big Foot, nor non-productive Aliens, thrown in the mix, in my opinion!! (:
    Deception diversion using some "Delusional UFO Debunked Saga" won't work, in my opinion, and especially right now!! National Security Interest with Foreign Enemies that have known weaponize evils for an EMP, sent ICBM's, Lab Viruses manipulated, etc., might be of an interest to keep check on, those are UFO for sure possibilities, but man is his own worst enemy, whether flying around, or otherwise, in my opinion! Nothing will fly at this time, folks are burnt out on deceptions, IMO! Like, no one is listening, only surviving from Aliens among us right now, like whose running our Government, for real?? No one seems home. Response to Vatican IMO would be: ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Masses want calm, peace, respect, justice, small Government serving populace, and prayers answered from God; We need to see Angels only right now, calling on all angels!! If any Aliens want to help out, they can transport our Traitor Criminals to Mars for starters, otherwise, fly, fly, away....our human race is fed up with drama, in my opinion!

  2. Anonymous,

    I really try to hang in there with your comments. I wonder if you are hear to learn? Please omit saying IMO after each thought. I want to hear your thoughts but am so very distracted. Comments are opinions so no need to state it. I wonder if you seek responses or just venting. I even wonder if you aren't a real watcher. You caught me in a mood, but I'd like to understand. Sincerely curious...
