Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Selective Covid Enforcement Targets Churches...Why?

Is It Only Where God Dwells That Requires Random Covid Ticketing?

How sincere was Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s crocodile tear apology for the Covid clampdown that sees Canada’s most populous province tottering on bankruptcy when just three days later, his henchmen are back ticketing in-person church goers at Kitchener’s Trinity Bible Chapel?

Within 24 hours of walking back what were the strictest coronavirus restrictions in North America, empowering police to make random stops on motorists to ticket those on the basis of being out on “non-essential” business,  he’s reverted to the newly implemented Covid Integrated Response Team (CIRT).

In other words, the police are not doing the random stops the premier walked back following last week’s teary apology—they are now randomly picking spots to target churches!

And doing so during a time of massive business closures and a spike in suicides and depression!

“Nine tickets were handed out to churchgoers attending in-person services at Trinity Bible Chapel Sunday morning. (Kitchener Today, April 25, 2021)

“Waterloo Regional Police said officers from their newly implemented COVID Integrated Response Team (CIRT) were stopping attendees seen leaving the premises, and issuing tickets under the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA), which carry a fine of $750.

“Officers are now able to hand out tickets thanks to recent changes in provincial legislation, allowing officers to stop an individual believed to be violating COVID-19 related orders. (Kitchener Today)

“The original provincial change to police powers allowed random stops of pedestrians or drivers, though Regional Police said they would not be doing random stops. (Kitchener Today)

...the officers were not inside the building, just waiting in the parking lot to randomly nab and fine church goers coming out after service.

The history of the harassment of Trinity Bible Chapel, which has been fined roughly over $100,000 in fines to date, demonstrate Christian Persecution of the most vile kind.

“On April 24, Trinity Bible Chapel associate pastor Will Schuurman posted a blog stating that churches should be allowed open during the pandemic and defended their “civil disobedience.”  (Kitchener Today)

“When the government forbids what God commands or commands what God forbids, we must obey God, not men,” he wrote. “Keeping in mind that God has commanded us to love thy neighbour, let me then ask you this question: What is more loving of neighbour—to open your church on Sunday morning or to close it?” 

“Schuurman also pointed to the fact that there were no “outbreak associated deaths” attributed to places of worship in 2020. However, places of worship have accounted for 2.7 per cent of outbreaks in Waterloo Region alone.”

How is it that the Covid Integrated Response Team (CIRT) are not conducting random stops at provincial liquor stores and casinos from which the Ontario Government makes huge financial killings?

Is it only where God dwells that requires random ticketing?

“Simply put, we got it wrong. We made a mistake. These decisions, they left a lot of people really concerned,” Ford said on April 22.  “For that I am sorry, and I sincerely apologize.”

Those were the words of Ford’s apology on Thursday, April 22. 2020.

It’s April 26,  high time for Ontario Premier Doug Ford to resign.

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