Monday, November 16, 2020

Things To Come: The Main Threat From CV Is Not The Disease

The Main Threat From Covid Is Not the Disease

The Covid Deception ( ) was used in the US to justify fraud-ridden “vote by mail” in order to steal the election from President Trump.  Covid’s next use is to assault civil liberty. If the Democrats’ theft of the election stands, we are likely to get the national lockdown that Biden’s Covid adviser favors.  Little doubt that mandatory vaccination will be sold as the way to get released from lockdown.

There have been large protests in Britain and most of Europe against the lockdowns and restrictions on civil liberties mandated in the name of public health.  British journalist Chris Sweeney says he no longer recognizes the Britain that he knew.   The movie, “V for Vendetta,” was predictive.  In the movie, the origin of the popular Guy Fawkes masks, a pandemic is engineered in order to establish a dictatorship.  It does look like more control over people, their ability to work, and their movements is what we are headed for.

Soren Korsgaard sees the alleged Covid pandemic as another assault on civil liberty like the police state measures ushered in by 9/11:

“Under the pretext of the coronavirus and via an unprecedented terrorist/propaganda operation, governments have successfully conducted the largest human experiment in history [21]. The consequences are staggering and will become more tangible over the next months and years. So far, with the stroke of a pen, governments have (not the virus) reduced humans to mere sheep and cattle: billions have been forced into house arrest or confinement, non-essential businesses were closed and millions of people lost their livelihood in an instant, the ability to move and travel freely was eliminated, the global economy took a nosedive resulting in untold suffering in first-world and, in particular, third-world countries. Additionally, dystopian and extremely intrusive spyware were rolled out to track and monitor citizens (but not government officials) [22]. The stress resulting from the global lockdown, unemployment, and propaganda has initiated a virtual pandemic of suicides and overdoses. In England and Wales, the suicide rate has hit a two-decade’s high, meanwhile 75,000 excess Americans are estimated to die from suicide and overdoses due to exacerbated living conditions [23-24].

“If we carefully observe the techniques used by the presstitutes and public health officials during the Covid crisis, it appears that they have conditioned the masses to accept totalitarianism as a solution through the covert use of psychological conditioning techniques used in the military....

 In regard to the coronavirus, the masses have been terrified, suppressed, isolated, subdued, impoverished, and demoralized. Is Covid being used  to reshape and resocialize the masses in order to prepare them for massive changes, such as transnational digital dictatorship?”

Fear is an effective means of destroying liberty and transforming society. 9/11 and Covid have both served to reduce liberty, impair its defense, and enlarge the powers of government and corporations over people.  Consequently, the accountability of government is disappearing and democracy along with it.

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