Thursday, October 29, 2020

Escapee Reveals Details Of Chinese 'Re-Education' Camps

Escaped inmate of Chinese re-education camp testifies inmates are told "there is no God"

Reports of concentration camps built by China for the "re-education" of religious minorities forcing inmates to renounce their faith has been confirmed in a new report from an escaped Kazakh inmate.

In the report detailed to Christian ministry Barnabas Fund, an ethnic Kazakh ex-detainee described his time in a camp in the western Chinese city of Xinjiang. Previous reports have extensively corroborated claims of forced labor, organ harvestingsexual assault, and squalid living conditions in nearly 400 camps built over the past few years.

According to the escaped inmate, the day began at 6 a.m. with a communist anthem blared in cells over loudspeakers.

leaked video in August showed how Chinese authorities play propaganda at the camps to promote communist ideals.

The ex-inmate reported being kept in a packed cell with up to 10 prisoners at a time and fed expired foods that many suspected was laced with medicine meant to sterilize prisoners. Female prisoners have testified to similar injections meant to stop ovulations. Experts have called the Communist Party's sterilization and abortion efforts "demographic genocide."

The ex-inmate reported that prisoners were sent to "school" each day and taught "there is no God" as they learned about the "strength of the Communist Party." They also learned the Chinese language and customs in an effort to erase their cultural and religious identity.


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