Monday, August 24, 2020

Human Contact Being Banned By Politicians

Politicians Ban Human Contact

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Handshakes and hugging are simply off the cards for Australians for the foreseeable future, the nation’s top nurse has said.
“We have reached a point at the moment where a handshake is no longer something we should be doing socially,” Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Alison McMillan said today.
“It has very much become part of our culture over a very long time, handshakes are something we should avoid at this point in time — we all know that.
Australia’s Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Alison McMillan provides the national update on the COVID-19 pandemic for Sunday August 23, 2020. (9News)
“If you are within your family unit, the people you live with, if it is your children or your loved ones, of course if they live with you, you can hug.
“When it comes to the broader community and hugging others outside of your family unit, then no we really think at this point in time we need to think of innovative and different ways to show a welcome or a greeting to someone but not a hug.
“At some point perhaps in the future we may reach a point where we will see hugging again, but not at this point in time.”
Handshakes and hugging are simply off the cards for Australians for the foreseeable future, the nation’s top nurse has said. (Unsplash)

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