Monday, July 27, 2020

'Catastrophic Flooding Expected' As Hurricane Hanna Hammers South Texas

'Catastrophic Flooding Expected' - Hanna Hammers Virus-Infected South Texas

Tropical storm conditions are expected for South Texas and northeastern Mexico on Sunday after Hurricane Hanna roared ashore on Saturday as a Category 1 storm. 
Hanna was the first hurricane of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season and came ashore on Saturday afternoon around Port Mansfield, Texas, with maximum sustained winds of 90mph. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) downgraded the hurricane to a tropical storm early Sunday.
Chris Birchfield, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service (NWS) in Brownsville, told AP News the storm's real threat continues to be heavy rainfall. "We're still expecting catastrophic flooding," he said. 

Rainfall estimates are in the range of 6 to 12 inches through Sunday night, with isolated areas could receive upwards of 18 inches. Willacy County, Texas, which is near Brownsville and the border with Mexico, has already reported 12.6 inches. Brownsville is reporting 5.6 inches and Reynosa, a city in Mexico, has already seen 11 inches. 

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