Hal Lindsey: Signs Of The Times
Signs of the Times
By Hal Lindsey
This year, planet earth has been taking a stroll through Matthew 24 — the famous chapter where Jesus laid out for His disciples some of the signs to look for as the time of His return approaches.
The most obvious sign right now is “pestilences.” COVID-19 has been dominating the lives of people around the world. But it hasn’t come alone. London’s Daily Star reported recently on an “Apocalyptic swarm of deadly mutant ticks” that have invaded Russia. Massive locust swarms are still ravaging parts of Africa and Asia. The world is battling pestilences almost everywhere.
And if you think the present pandemic is bad, look out. Shi Zhengli is the deputy director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and one of the world’s leading scientists specializing in viral transmissions from bats. She said the current coronavirus pandemic is “just the tip of the iceberg.”
Jesus also spoke of “lawlessness.” We’ve been seeing lawlessness all over television in recent days. It started with lawlessness among four law enforcement officers. Then some of those protesting that lawlessness went full rogue themselves — looting, burning, and finally injuring and even killing police officers who had nothing to do with the death of George Floyd.
As Jesus foretold, these are also days of unprecedented “deception.” Technology has given us more ways to communicate than ever before. Your telephone is a TV studio and global broadcast station packed into something small enough to put in your pocket. And with every new way to communicate comes another opportunity for deception. I’m not talking about occasional mistakes that honest journalists make from time to time. I am talking about blatant lies meant to deceive and mislead. And it’s everywhere.
I could speak of wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, persecution, and the other things Jesus told us about. But in the present turmoil, I want to focus on a phrase found in Matthew 24:7 — “nation will rise against nation.” The word translated “nation” is the Greek word “ethnos.” The English derivative is “ethnic.” Racial prejudice and divisions are a direct fulfillment of this prophecy.
The events from Matthew 24 that I have been describing are hard to watch. But it’s important to realize that the Lord told us about them two thousand years in advance. He likened the world in these times to a woman going through labor. Birth pangs follow a pattern. They increase in frequency and intensity right up to the time of birth. That’s what’s happening now.
We look forward to the Lord rescuing us from this world. (See 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). In the meantime, we will see heartbreaking things. We can best help people by sharing the Gospel in every way possible. And while we’re here, remember the power of prayer. 1 Timothy 2:2 gives us an amazing motive to pray for those who are in authority — “that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
This not the time for timidity or fear, but for love, wisdom, work, and prayer.
Hi Scott
ReplyDeleteInteresting article but the truth is mankind has suffered many days of pandemics, plagues and a load more of suffering. To attach these natural events to biblical
prophecy in my opinion it is a dangerous way of thought..much of the new Testament is about hope, sharing, love and also challenging times as a christian it troubles me that so many fall into the trap of misreading the teachings of Christ Jesus was not about punishment God is not about punishment, its about a pure love..the end of days have being biting the heels of mankind since the vikings, Britons and the early ages in fact if you look at the state of the world in those times that indeed would have being considered the end of days. It is very easy to attach a biblical Quote from an apostle
or chapter to our current world...i wonder if Christ would prefer attention to a friend in need, a neighbour with no food, a homeless person/family in dire needs, a loving arm to persecution, judgement..i have read many articles by a lot of so called "watchers" of biblical writings for the last 16yrs not one is correct the only truth Jesus told us to keep our hearts open and ready for our day to day lives in my believe this is the key
to happiness i really believe in my heart Jesus did not want to stand on corners shouting the end of times i believe he would have much preferred a loving hand to a human in need and a piece of bread
Go Well Scott
Hi there James, let me unpack this and respectfully disagree.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, watching the signs as directed by Jesus and helping those in need or neighbors or witnessing etc aren't mutually exclusive exercises, I certainly attempt to do both whenever possible
Secondly, Jesus never said (in reference to the birth pains) that this generation would be the ONLY time we see these signs, rather what He said was, that they would occur as birth pains (clustered signs that would occur in increasing frequency and severity, like birth pains occur)...And in the same generation that we would see Israel would be regathered as a nation "in a day". SO that would confirm that we are indeed in that last generation
Third, he gave us the beginning of birth pains in Matt 24/Luke 21/Mark 13 which would indicate that the birth pains of the last generation had begun (world war, famine, pestilence, earthquakes etc) - all fo which spiked together during the WWI era.
Fourth - we witness using this information - in fact, my primary method of witnessing is revealing to people these generational signs and "waking people" up - and whenever we have a "birth pain" it presents an excellent opportunity to witness as people are more open to knowing the truth during perilous times. I can't even count the number of people I have witnessed to during such times, when normally they wouldn't be open to such.
Fifth - If we know the signs and recognize that we are in the generation of His coming, we are obligated to reveal this (Ezekiel 33:6)
SO I believe Jesus wants us "shouting the end of times" AND extending a loving hand to a human in need" - we should be able to do both. But I can't in good consciousness - know that we are approaching the Tribulation and not informing people - the saved and unsaved - its a game-changer...Many many lives have been saved via prophecy releasing...I was reading the "Left Behind" series years ago while traveling frequently and I can't even count the number of people who approached me while on a plane or at the airport who said "those books saved my life and brought me to Christ" - seriously - it was incredible how many people approached me like that...
Just my 2 cents :)
Also - I forgot this one - anyone who has stated, at anytime in this generation, that we were in the end times, or at the end of the age have been correct - just because it didn't happen within minutes of such proclamation doesn't mean that they were wrong.....Look at the Prophet's warnings - Jeremiah warned the nation of Israel that Babylon would be allowed to take siege of Jerusalem for years and he was ignored...Elijah gave warnings for years...Noah gave warnings for a century..God gives people a lot of warnings over a long period - wanting no one to perish. But this generation is coming to a close pretty soon...Mathmatically, IMO based on beginning at the WWI era, we have a maximum of 10 years before the Tribulation can begin (I believe it will be much sooner), based on 120 year generation (genesis 6)