Friday, May 1, 2020

Things To Come:

‘Social distancing’ is not the answer; it’s the problem

It should be clear by now to even the slowest of wits. Bill Gates and his corrupt buddies at the United Nations-World Health Organization medical-industrial complex engineered the Great Panic of 2020.
And if it’s left to them, things are not going to return to normal.
They have the monopolistic power of Google-YouTube-Facebook on their side, censoring dissidenting perspectives from brave physicians like Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi.
They have the mainstream media on their side.
They have almost every Democrat governor and mayor on their side.
They have the Vatican and the pope on their side. [See my previous article, Rasputin in the White House.]
They have a growing number of evangelical Protestant leaders on their side. All refusing to open their churches, apparently until forever.
They have the richest foundations on their side, those run by the Soroses, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Gateses, and countless others with names nowhere near as recognizable.
All of these forces are running with the same story and working to smash anyone who questions the official narrative.
We bowed to their wishes and “flattened the curve,” which was the stated reason for sheltering in place — to save hospitals from being overwhelmed. Mission accomplished. But, suddenly, that’s not enough.
We must robotically march to each new set of rules as delivered to us by the state-run media.
That’s because this has nothing to do with flattening any curve. It has nothing to do with anything related to your health and safety.
It has everything to do with consolidating the power that has been gained in the last few weeks over vast numbers of previously free people.
For a taste of how dissidents are being treated in the new Amerika, check out the video of Michigan State Police manhandling a female protester exercising her constitutional rights at the State Capitol in Lansing on Wednesday, April 29.
Authoritarians like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan do not let go of authoritarian power unless they are confronted and forced to give it up.
The authoritarian governors and mayors who grabbed new powers in the name of “safety and security” in recent weeks will not relent until they finish the job set out before them – which is that of destroyers. They must be stopped or they will destroy what’s left of free America.
The forces named above, including the Gates Foundation, the WHO, CDC, World Economic Forum, Johns Hopkins University, the CIA and various corporate media outlets met at the Event 201 Conference on Oct. 18, 2019. It was there that they armed themselves with a mass-marketing strategy to hijack the narrative on the COVID-19 flu virus as soon as it was released in late November by the Chinese communists.

This cabal intends to ride COVID as far as it will take them on the path toward a new world order under U.N. Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development [aka Green Economy, aka Green New Deal, aka Technocracy].
Some governors are simply drunk with power.
The White House guidelines aimed at reopening America are rigged in a way that furthers this evil agenda. If Trump sticks with these guidelines, you can pretty much guarantee that come September or October a “second wave” of COVID infections will force a new round of lockdowns.

That will mean mail-in voting and voter fraud on a grand scale. Trump will lose the presidency — another globalist goal checked off.
They believe the planet is over-populated with useless eaters pumping dangerous carbon dioxide into the air. They would love to thin the ranks. COVID helps. Not by infecting and killing, but by keeping us down, depressed, devalued and divided into camps of essential and non-essential. Perhaps they believe if they push us far enough we will start killing each other off. Wars do tend to break out in times of economic hardship.

Thus, the talking heads on the left will say anything to keep us locked down, repressed, depressed, divided and suspicious of one another.
In just one of the many outrageous Democrat claims, a Rutgers University professor, Brittney Cooper, posted on Twitter that “reopening the U.S. is about killing black people.”
That’s right, only Trump-supporting racists would want people to go back to work and be able to put food on their family’s table. Only a racist would choose work over government dependence and house arrest.

Watch CNN for 30 minutes and you’ll realize their entire daily newscast is invested in keeping the lockdowns in place for as long as possible.

Any mention of opening up is met with “harmful,” or “too soon, too risky.”
That’s why California Gov. Gavin Newsome announced his outrage that people were returning to the beaches in his state. He promptly announced that police will shutter the beaches and arrest anyone who violates the order. We cannot have people exercising their right to behave as normal human beings!

Meanwhile, the hidden consequences of shutting down an entire nation will soon be all too apparent to even the most unwoke sheeple.
Tyson Foods is warning that millions of pounds of meat are being removed from U.S. supply lines and the food chain is breaking. Ranchers are having to euthanize their cattle and farmers are letting crops rot in their fields. Millions of gallons of milk are being poured out.
United Nations Food Program Chief David Beasley warned last week that the shutting down of the world economies will cause famines of “biblical proportions,” according to CBS News, with an additional 130 million people likely to starve to death.

So it’s obvious these lockdowns have nothing to do with health or safety. We are killing far more people by enacting these draconian rules than the coronavirus could ever accomplish.
It’s about locking in new streams of power. Controlling previously uncontrollable people. Creating a new serfdom.

To lock in the control measures that COVID has delivered to globalist elites, the American free-enterprise system must be destroyed.
Only then can you replace the global economic standard with something more manageable and controllable, a world order where people no longer choose for themselves how they will live, where they will live or work, how they will transport themselves from point A to point B. All of these decisions will be made for them.

The enemy’s narrative goes like this:
  • Stay home [far away from Trump rallies and church services].
  • Stay safe — code for staying controllable.
  • If you must go out, stay masked [a visible sign of submission to irrational government edicts].
  • In every situation, practice social distancing [keeps us isolated from friends and like-minded thinkers and dependent on social-media giants like Facebook and Twitter who can shut us down and silence us with the stroke of an algorythm].
If we get too out of line, they will order us back into lockdown.
This strategy has only one end, the total collapse of not only the economy but all of society. No more traditional weddings, funerals, birthday parties, business meetings. These must all be turned into virtual not actual gatherings.

All of a sudden people have another reason, in an already divided America, to view their neighbor with a suspect eye.
You’re not wearing a mask? Why are you not following the rules? Rule-breakers are a danger to the common good.
As more and more data comes in, the scare-factor of this virus continues to fade. More than 99 percent of those who catch it will make a full recovery. Children seem to be totally immune to its effects.
But the propaganda machine just keeps rolling, one lie after another. The irrational fear must not be allowed to fade.
A fearful population can be easily led.
“Wash your hands.”
“Do your part: Social distance 6 feet.”
“Cover your face.”
You can’t turn on the TV or radio without being bombarded by the same messages. It’s a full-on assault against the human mind of which Adolf Hitler’s propagandists would be proud.
We must reject this mind-control before our civilized culture gets smothered and people turn into programable machines.
We also know, by Dr. Fauci’s own admission, that the body count is being inflated.
What am I saying?
I am saying that, barring a mass uprising, we must start thinking of how we will survive as dissidents in a post-COVID society. This is a place where everyone will be issued a digital ID showing their health history, complete with the latest Bill Gates-supported vaccine.
If you take the vaccine or some other digitized device, maybe an app on your cellphone, you have handed the government the potential to track and monitor you for life. No dissent from the prevailing government-certified views will be tolerated on social media or any other respectable platform.
That’s the Brave New World being advocated by Gates, Soros, Zuckerburg and Google. And Dr. Fauci is working for Gates, not us. He serves as one of five medical professionals on the Leadership Council of the Gates Foundations’ Global Vaccine Action Plan.
These vaccines are going to be outfitted with nanochip technology, which allow for tagging and tracking of every human being on the planet.

For example, a daycare will be allowed to reopen only if it observes strict social distancing of the children. That will require the children to be separated at least six feet apart at all times. Not only does this hurt the daycare’s bottom line, operating at less than half its normal capacity, but it will have a catastrophic effect on the social development of young children. If this goes on for a period of months or even years, look for a whole generation of socially stunted, anti-social adults who operate more like machines than human beings. Isn’t that what technocrats like Bill Gates would prefer?

Unless President Trump turns and announces a shift away from his current policy, American society will collapse into a new dark age.
We can’t wait till July, August or September. And we certainly can’t withstand a series of events where whole cities or states go in and out of lockdown.
The economy will have collapsed.
The education system will have collapsed.
The food-supply chain will have collapsed.
And the healthcare system will have collapsed.
The entire nation will be brought to its knees.

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