Saturday, May 2, 2020

'Is Something More Nefarious At Play' ?

Defectors from Globalism, Where Would You Go?

During the Soviet and Eastern Bloc decades of communism, which dominated almost the entire 20th century, fundamental dissenters to the communist ideology who were locked up between the borders of a tyrannical system rarely matched by history were considered dissidents. They were forced to live a life of harassment and poverty below the average proletariat’s impoverished lifestyle, being denied basic human rights.
But some citizens chose to escape their physical and mental communist prison at any cost to them or their families and became defectors. Politically, the definition of a defector sounds ordinary, “a person who gives up allegiance to one state in exchange for allegiance to another, in a way which is considered illegitimate by the first state. More broadly, it involves abandoning a person, cause, or doctrine to which one is bound by some tie, as of allegiance or duty.”
There are thousands of untold stories of defectors who walked away from conferences, chess tournaments, gymnastics competitions, classical concerts and ballet performances, swam across the Danube River while being shot at by border guards, hiding inside car seats or engine compartments, crawling under barbed wire, jumping from trains into large rivers and lakes and swimming to freedom, flying light aircraft low in order to avoid detection, and many who escaped by visiting friends and family, overstaying their three-month visas, and never returning to the communist hell they escaped.

In each case, the defectors were stripped of their citizenship from their home countries, of their life possessions, savings, and private property if they had any, and their families left behind were tortured, mistreated, beaten, and stripped of their private property which did not even belong to the defector. Such was the totalitarian socialist life dictated by the Communist Party. Under their control, you had no freedoms and certainly you had no way to redress any wrong.

You were told what to do, where to live, how to live, where to go to school, where to work, where to travel, what to eat, how much to eat, how to behave, how to exercise, locked down in your own little world dictated by the all mighty communists and their informants, enforcers, the police, the security police, the economic police, the border police, and the army.

People were prisoners in their own countries, their homes, and minds. Doctors were even sent to homes to check on the medical and physical welfare of children to make sure that they were raised in the right socialist environment in order to become good and compliant socialists.

Having felt on my own skin the socialist oppression under the boot of the Communist Party, I watched in dismay as one virus, which killed less people than the seasonal flu, become an instrument of oppression and an excuse to install a political global control which someone had termed “corona communism.”
Never have I seen Americans, so fond of their freedoms spelled out so clearly in their founding documents, compliantly and peacefully watch them disappear virtually overnight under the guise of “protection” from a virus.
Millions of healthy people around the globe were quarantined in their own homes by draconian state and local governments who used the police and the military to enforce compliance – healthy people forbidden from walking and sitting in the woods, parks, beaches, and other recreational venues. Everything was shut down except “essential businesses” which were randomly chosen based on their crony capitalist size.

But the current lockdown (quarantine) of healthy people all over the world, not just in the U.S., is something that we have never experienced before to this extent.
Why did Americans fold so quickly to the irrational power and control of two CDC doctors, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) chief whose faulty computer modeling predicted millions of casualties in our country alone, and globalist political hacks at all levels of government? Certainly, the globalist media fanned the flames of fear and irrational panic of instant death and destruction.

It is a good question to ponder as we struggle to restart the comatose economy at -4.80% GDP in the first quarter. As more and more small businesses are going belly up due to forced closures, and even large retailers are filing for bankruptcy, are we just sinking into an even more serious recession in Q2, or is there something more nefarious at play?
I hope that some Americans will not be forcefully vaccinated with the rushed corona vaccine,  nor microchipped to prove their compliance. 

They will become defectors in their own countries because there is certainly nowhere else to defect to on the planet that offers the freedoms they have been enjoying and taking for granted for such a long time. But the skies are getting darker and more ominous with each day of forced lockdowns and closures of “non-essential” businesses. Defectors from encroaching globalism, where will you go? The “no borders” are being squeezed tighter.

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