Sunday, May 10, 2020

CV Cases Drop To New Lows After Georgia Re-Opens State And Lifts Lockdown Orders

Coronavirus Cases Drop to New Lows After Georgia Opens the State and Lifts Lockdown Orders -UPDATE

Fauci Wrong Again: 

In late April Dr. Tony Fauci made it clear he opposed the decision by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to lift the lockdown orders in his state.

“If I were advising the governor, I would tell him he should be careful. Going ahead and leapfrogging into phases where you should not be … I would advise him not to do that.”

But Dr. Fauci was wrong again.

In fact, it starting to look like this guy is NEVER right about anything?

It must be nice having a government job and not have to worry about getting fired!

Fauci and the critics were all wrong.
Today Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced on Saturday the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th and the lowest total of ventilators in use.

Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th.

Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available).

We will win this fight together!

This is interesting.
The Georgia National Guard was disinfecting nursing homes 5 weeks ago.
What a brilliant plan and it appeared to have made a difference.

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