Thursday, May 7, 2020

Brave New World

Virus used as prop to launch wave of psychological warfare & fake news against Americans

Leo Hohmann

America’s media landscape is frought with conflicts of interest, particularly in the realm of public-health issues.
Should we be surprised, then, that the mainstream media has proven itself completely incapable of providing balanced coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic?
There have been almost no stories on the inflated death counts attributed to the coronavirus, as admitted by Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. It was Birx who famously stated at a White House briefing last month that hospitals are being “liberal” with COVID-19 death certificates, meaning many people are dying “with COVID-19” not from COVID-19.
We have seen video trickery in which CBS used footage of an overwhelmed Italian hospital in a report about New York City hospitals. [See CBS admits to using footage from Italy in NYC Coronavirus report, the New York Post, April 1, 2020, by Lee Brown]
There have also been staged events passed off as news.
In the most recent revelation, a CBS News crew in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was caught by an undercover watchdog staging a busy COVID-19 testing center. Hospital workers at Cherry Medical Center in Grand Rapids were on camera talking about their experience with a CBS News crew with lines of sick people waiting to be tested and treated. There’s only one problem: It was all fake.
Cherry Medical’s hospital staff said they were called off the floors where they were working and told to get in their cars and make the line look like it was wrapping around the parking lot. Nurses in the testing center were forced to pretend they were testing patients. [See Michigan Hospital Workers Say CBS and Hospital Admin Faked COVID Patients for Sensational News SegmentPJ Media, May 6, 2020, by Megan Fox]
These media do not serve the people; they serve the power elites and the political establishment, the same ones who launched Russia-gate, Ukraine-gate and Pornstar-gate against President Trump.
Trump fought bravely and defiantly to defeat all of these attacks against his presidency, but for some reason he has struggled to confront and defeat the lies and deceptions surrounding this pandemic.

There have been false computer models predicting between 1.1 million and 2.2 million dead Americans. These bogus models came from two Gates-funded university departments, one in Gates’s home state at the University of Washington and the other at Imperial College of London.
There have been false goals [remember “flatten the curve”] that were thrown out to justify shutting down the economy.
There have been false mortality rates of 3 to 4 percent [they’re actually less than 1 percent].
Trump has uncharacteristically not been able to shoot down any component of this false narrative.
As a result, our lives have been turned upside down.
We’ve seen drones spying on people in New Jersey, barking out government orders to “shelter in place” and practice “social distancing.”
We’ve seen a mom get ticketed, lectured and fined in Wisconsin for letting her kid attend a play date with a neighbor’s child.
We’ve seen the mayor of Chicago threaten city residents with arrest and jail time if they have a house guest, or talk about having house guests on social media. “We’re watching you,” she warned.
Cities such as Kansas City and New Orleans are forcing businesses and churches to keep logs of every person who enters their buildings so they can be traced and tracked.
We’ve seen governors close beaches, parks and golf courses, decisions not backed up by any scientific evidence. When governors such as Ron DeSantis of Florida and Brian Kemp of Georgia decided to reopen beaches, they came under ferocious media criticism. They were told they will have “blood on their hands!”

We’ve seen small-business owners arrested for reopening salons and barber shops in Texas and Maine in violation of gubernatorial edicts ordering the shuttering of everything deemed “non-essential.” Shelley Luther, a mother in Dallas, was handcuffed and jailed this week for reopening her salon under strict social distancing rules — this is the same Dallas County that has released more than 1,000 hardened criminals from its prisons so they wouldn’t contract the coronavirus.
We’ve seen governments teaming up with corporations to use phone apps that track the movements of healthy people.
We are seeing states across the U.S. hiring, as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo described it, an “army” of persons called contact-tracers who will fan out across the land in search of “asymptomatic” carriers of the invisible disease, a privacy nightmare in the making.
We’ve seen state governments set up hotlines where people can rat out neighbors suspected of violating the new orders.
Never in the history of our country has the government told people they can’t go to church because it’s not essential but they can go get an abortion because that’s essential.
Never before have we seen the government let criminals out of jail at the same time they threaten to lock up the law-abiding.
Never before have we been told we could not go to the store and purchase a firearm at the same time prisons were being emptied of murderers and rapists.
The only thing in question now is how much of this transformation will be made permanent.

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