Friday, May 1, 2020

Activists See CV Lockdowns As Model For 'Climate Emergency'

‘Fantastic’ for the climate: Activists See Coronavirus Lockdowns As Dress Rehearsal for ‘Climate Emergency’ – Special Report

Climate activists lusting after the coronavirus lockdowns
"Neither Greenpeace, nor Greta Thunberg, nor any other individual or collective organization have achieved so much in favor of the health of the planet in such a short time...It is certainly not very good for the economy in general, but it is fantastic for the environment." -- Astrophysicist & Philosopher Martín López Corredoira
"One beneficiary will be the climate: after all, the world's lungs are already breathing more easily thanks to the collapse of industrial production. Who is to say that this pandemic does not provide a turning point in world history." - Oxford University Global History Professor Peter Frankopan on the coronavirus
We have an "incredible responsibility" to "actually converge the solutions -- at least the financial solutions -- to coronavirus to the financial solutions for climate. Because what we cannot afford to do is to jump out of the frying pan of COVID and into the raging fire of climate change." -- Former UN Climate Chief and UN Paris pact architect Christiana Figueres &  video link
"[The UN Sec. Gen. said] the pandemic could create an opportunity to rebuild the global economy along more sustainable lines." - UN Secretary-General António Guterres as reported by Scientific American
"If we can shut the world down to stop a virus, that also means it is possible to do the same for climate change. Treat all emergencies like emergencies!" - "What would it look like when the world actually decides to take on the climate crisis? It would look like what we’re seeing right now." Teen activist JAMIE MARGOLIN in Teen Vogue magazine Op-Ed
COVID-19 "offers an opportunity to direct finances towards bolstering climate action.” – “Similarly, we will step up our efforts to catalyze green investment to relaunch economies on low-emission, climate-resilient trajectories.” – United Nation’s Green Climate Fund
"The mass shutdowns we now experience – likely necessary in a pandemic – could provide a model for imposing harsh actions to curb carbon emissions that activists consider as great or greater threats than the virus itself." - UK Guardian editorial staff
"Let’s not let this crisis go to waste." Coronavirus offers "a chance to do capitalism differently." "Government has the upper hand, it must seize the moment." - UN’s environment chief, Inger Andersen
"Already, the coronavirus has achieved something that government policies and moral awakening couldn’t: it is pushing us into green living...we’ll look back on December 2019 as the all-time peak in global carbon emissions...Governments need to make good use of the current pandemic." - Simon Kuper - FT (Financial Times) Magazine columnist
"The similarities between the causes of and solutions to the coronavirus and the climate crisis are nothing short of eerie." -- Mark Hertsgaard (Covering Climate) & Kyle Pope, editor in chief of the Columbia Journalism Review.

The climate change activist community has been in awe at the governments around the world and their responses to the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic. Global warming campaigners have been watching closely and taking notes as the virus-induced societal shutdowns have enacted many of the climate activists’ long sought after agenda. The coronavirus government response of austere lockdowns and limited economic activity has inspired climate activists and motivated them to the virus fears to lobby for their climate “solutions.”

Everything the climate campaigners could have ever hoped for has become a (temporary?) reality with the Coronavirus shutdown of modern society. 
Climate activists…
  • Hated economic growth, the hallmark of the capitalist system. Now? Growth wiped out. 
  • Called for end of the hated gas-fueled cars? Now? Car driving and sales wiped out as global oil demand drops dramatically.  
  • Called for an end to “excess” consumption? Now? Done. Non-essential stores, businesses, movie theatres, vacations, etc shut down indefinitely in response to the coronavirus.
  • Wanted kids to skip school to accomplish all of the above climate goals? Now the schools are canceled almost everywhere! 

As Peter Barry Chowka observed in American Thinker: “Overnight, our society is doing what radical leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her fellow Green New Deal fanatics have demanded: An almost total end to air travel; personal automobile travel down to a trickle; promises of free health care for all quickly becoming the new status quo; and the ability of people to sit at home without working and receive a paycheck from the government. The Democrats want that to continue indefinitely.”

And prominent climate activists have revealed they will not hesitate about enforcing these types of regulations in the name of climate change.
In February of 2020, then-Democratic presidential candidate and mega climate funder Tom Steyer, laid out his plan for a climate police state. “I will declare a state of emergency on climate on the first day of my presidency. I will use the Executive emergency powers of the presidency to tell companies how they can generate electricity, what kind of cars they can build — on what schedule, what kind of buildings we’re gonna have, how we are going to use our public lands,” Steyer declared. “We need to rebuild this country in a climate-smart way…we don’t have a choice on this,” he added.

There have even been calls for military enforcement of climate regulations. In 2019, University of Copenhagen international relations professor Ole Wæver explained: “If there was something that was decided internationally by some more centralized procedure and every country was told ‘this is your emission target, it’s not negotiable, we can actually take military measures if you don’t fulfill it’, then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not.”

The climate activist community has been waiting for decades for this type of muscular government intervention in the economy and society. They have long sought to seize the opportunity to impose their world view, central planning and the banning of what they deem are non “climate-friendly” aspects of our lives and remake society in their image. 
In short: If you like living under the coronavirus fears and government-mandated lockdowns, then you’ll love living your life under a “climate emergency”.
The climate movement may now be poised to plan and dictate a new “earth-friendly” world in the aftermath of the coronavirus. The climate activists quickly began to mobilize how to use the governments’ response to the coronavirus pandemic as a model for the climate scare. 

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