Friday, April 17, 2020

Politics Or Medicine?

Leaked emails show Fauci was called Hillary’s 'Doctor Admirer,' wanted Hillary to know 'we all love her'

Dr. Anthony Fauci has emerged as a key figure as President Donald Trump wages a two-pronged attack against both the coronavirus and the disinformation campaign about it led by Democrats and the establishment media.

A favorite among Democrats, Fauci -- one of the nation’s top infectious disease experts -- has become a lighting rod of controversy as reporters have attempted to bait him into contradicting the president, and vice versa.
Emails obtained by hackers and released by Wikileaks years ago are still guiding part of the national conversation in 2020, and they demonstrate Fauci had a great admiration for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In an email sent to Clinton aide Cheryl Mills on Jan. 23, 2013 -- the date Clinton testified before Congress about her knowledge of the 2012 Benghazi consulate attack -- Fauci showed his support for the embattled Democrat, who was also facing questions about her health at the time.

“Anyone who had any doubts about the Secretary's stamina and capability following her illness had those doubts washed away by today's performance before the Senate and the House,” Fauci wrote to Mills.

“She faced extremely difficult circumstances at the Hearings and still she hit it right out of the park. Please tell her that we all love her and are very proud to know her,” Fauci added.
In forwarding the email to Clinton, Mills wrote that the message was "From your doctor admirer."
But the years-old email certainly does little to quiet the politicization of the COVID-19 outbreak, or to dispel a notion by some that Fauci is operating with a different modus operandi than Trump and other leaders on the coronavirus task force.

In fact, the doting email raises more questions about the doctor’s motives in helping the president guide the country through its unprecedented crisis -- even if they are only questions.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with Fauci being friends with or admiring a public official, it could be problematic from an optics standpoint, given his influence.
This revelation raises an important question that needs to be asked: Should the doctor be so close to the decision-making in such a politically charged atmosphere?
To date, the doctor has also been often wrong with regard to his predictions about the COVID-19 outbreak and has helped to push flawed models about cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
Furthermore, Fauci has appeared hesitant to support the use of anti-malaria drugs such as hydroxychloroquine to treat the illness, and has been skeptical of reopening the country’s economy, even as millions of Americans lose their jobs.
It is impossible to know if Fauci is operating as a scientist or with political motives. The Western Journal reached out to the White House for comment on the matter but did not hear back in time for publication.

DEPOP TAG-TEAM: Anthony Fauci joins Bill Gates in calling for “digital certificates” of coronavirus immunity


In lockstep with Mr. Microsoft (Bill Gates) himself, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Dr. Anthony Fauci has signaled that Americans will eventually be able to return back to normal after the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis ends. But this will probably only be the case if they agree to get vaccinated and carry around digital proof of vaccination everywhere they go.

Speaking on CNN‘s “New Day” program, Fauci stated that requiring digital vaccine certificates is a “possible” outcome of the pandemic because “it’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure that we know who the vulnerable people are and not.”

“This is something that’s being discussed,” he added. “I think it might actually have some merit.”

Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy, a Republican, has similarly proposed that the government create some type of immune registry to keep track of people who are no longer believed to be at risk of infection with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). One possible way to do this is to administer antibody testing, which could potentially indicate whether or not someone has already had the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and is now recovered and immune to it.

Very soon, Fauci says, there will be a “rather large number” of tests available for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). But a potential problem will be validating them as accurate, seeing as how early Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) tests were wildly inaccurate.

Fauci’s buddy Gates has a similar plan in mind that involves giving people a digital mark of the beast that “approves” them for reentry back into society once they’ve been deemed “safe” following mandatory vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Gates has stated that he would like to see everyone have a “quantum dot tattoo” microchip inserted into their bodies that would not only “clear” them of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), but also function as a digital form of identification (ID2020) that includes the entirety of a person’s medical records.


  1. Is anyone else wondering if we need to look really closely at the call for a national certificate of immunity or freedom from being a COVID-19 carrier in order to buy or sell? I have always fully believed in a pre-trib rapture and that the mark of the beast doesn't happen until half way into the trib but this definitely has me wondering.

  2. I actually think this is part of conditioning for the actual MOTB - don't forget, when the MOTB gets rolled out it will be under the direction of the AC and FP - and it will be associated with allegiance to the AC - none of that is in place now (nor are the "Ten Kings" for that matter) - but like everything else now, its stepping stones to the Tribulation. And now people will get the idea that under certain circumstances its OK to give up your freedom and have a mandatory "certificate" to go in public, etc....Conditioning the masses.
