Saturday, April 18, 2020

Petty Tyrants, Stage-Setting For The Tribulation And Things To Come:

Pandemic Panic Has Magnified The Worst Impulses Of The Power-Hungry Elite

Stella Morabito

This pandemic has exposed the motives of our self-appointed betters in D.C. and the media, pushing anti-American policies to give themselves more power.

For all the American people’s common efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, we keep seeing a lot of reckless responses from politicians and propagandists. They continue to shamelessly exploit a national crisis to pursue their own political and personal agendas. Obama-era health care adviser Zeke Emanuel and others are calling for an 18-month shutdown, which is obviously not survivable for America economically or socially.

Media pundits, impervious to the suffering this crisis is causing Americans, persist in trying to use the pandemic to trap President Trump and instill panic. “How many deaths are acceptable, Mr. President?” “Why don’t you shut down the grocery stores, Mr. President?” The list goes on.

It’s time to stop pretending such folks have any interest in the public good. Let’s stop enabling them by taking their policy prescriptions at face value. Instead, I daresay we should confront them by questioning their motives and real goals. No matter how this pandemic ends, we owe it to ourselves and our posterity to put that mindset under a microscope and try to diagnose it.

First, we are witnessing an attitude that hopes for failure. Trump critics seem to hope for high death counts in America to score political points against the president. This mindset shamelessly manipulates people’s worst fears, such as CBS News using a videofrom a crowded Italian hospital dealing with coronavirus patients and reporting that it was in New York. CBS pulled that stunt not once, but twice.
The media go ballistic when audiences are exposed to any views that do not coincide with their agenda to accrue and maintain their power and status — hence, mainstream media cries to stop airing Trump’s press briefings on the virus, and now their attempts to get him to stop appearing at them.

Astonishingly, they also want to ban hydroxychloroquine because it could prove to be an effective treatment for Wuhan virus symptoms as we wait for a vaccine. It’s an outlook that also hopes for a stock market crash, ruining the retirement plans of millions of Americans. Many of these folks also run cover for the totalitarian regime of communist China, which suppressed critical information about the outbreak in Wuhan, unleashing the virus on the world.

Second, they seem to be using the crisis to infect American life with anti-American attitudes. For example, officials are empowering petty tyrants to snitch on people who gather “unlawfully,” promising anonymity to the snitches. A rural-area Virginia hospital— not in a hot spot for the virus — is preventing parents from visiting their newborns in neonatal intensive care units.

The governor of Indiana purports to tell Christians whether they may take communion and, if so, how they may take it. The mayor of Louisville, Kentucky, forbade people to attend drive-in church services on Easter morning, even asking congregants to inform on pastors who held services by calling 311. The last thing America needs is a shameful profusion of communist China-styled meddlers and snitches.

Meanwhile, back in Washington, D.C., House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff are using the crisis to try to devise another destructive impeachment attempt, sowing yet more chaos into a nation where people are reeling from imposed isolation, economic ruin, and fear of a plague for which there is no cure. What kind of people do such things?

Megalomaniacs Are Always Looking for ‘Awesome Power’

This scenario does not reflect politics as usual at all. It reflects something much darker: a stark naked megalomania intent on controlling the lives of others. These folks feel entitled to play god. This is no overstatement.
Consider, for example, the 1,400-page socialist-saturated wish list that Pelosi tried to substitute for the Senate relief bill in March. She caused unconscionable delaysand disruptions to the lives of millions of Americans.

Pelosi revealed the reason for her self-centered behavior in a 2018 interview with Rolling Stone in which she discussed the prospect of Democrats regaining the House. She could not contain herself as she cried out that it was all about “awesome power.” She excitedly added, “The speaker has awesome power.” Indeed, that is the raison d’etre of all so-called progressives. This is perfectly in line with the structure of socialism, which is always based upon putting too much power in the hands of too few people.

When Majority Whip James Clyburn reportedly told the Democrat caucus that the coronavirus relief bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” he was simply echoing Rahm Emanuel’s mindset that a crisis should never “go to waste.”

What is at the bottom of this “vision” to which Clyburn refers? “Awesome power.” Personal power. Political power that always ends up with a top-down elite telling everyone what they may say, what they may think, how they may act, and with whom they may associate.

Those who perpetuate this vision have never made a secret of the fact that they wish to perpetuate their power in the form of a permanent majority. This is nascent communism in a nutshell — or, in today’s parlance, progressivism.

This pandemic has laid bare the intentions of our self-appointed betters in Washington, the media, and beyond. They have shown no desire for national unity, pushing policies to empower only themselves. They manipulate people’s worst fears, knowing that’s the surest way to get them to lay down their liberties.

We should be able to see a God-complex at work in all this control-freak behavior, and we should not fear calling out that behavior for what it is. If this seems over-the-top to American readers, that’s because we aren’t used to living under totalitarian rule.

Consider that the 1.4 billion people of communist China are at the mercy of this mindset every day, an atheistic mentality hostile to religion and intent on destroyingchurches and any assembly that does not put the state first. People intent on playing god do not want to compete with the one living God as they try to control the lives of others.

That mindset brought on the miseries of human history. Our founders recognized it because they saw that failing in human nature, and therefore in themselves. There was a time when Americans were taught that the central purpose of the Constitution was to keep that impulse in check so we could have individual liberties. When we refuse to see the urge in ourselves, we are far less able to keep it in check.
We should call out this mindset wherever we see it, and that means questioning the motives of anyone who continuously pushes for policies that undermine individual liberties and build a mass state with a tiny elite controlling us all. No more should Americans simply attribute the totalitarian impulse to good intentions gone astray — certainly not while our economy is on its knees and the nation has undergone the trauma of the media’s fearmongering. The stakes are just too high.

Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has threatened to extend her extreme stay-at-home order in response to protesters who rallied against it at the state’s capital on Wednesday.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Governor Whitmer said that the protest was “irresponsible” and that “we might have to actually think about extending stay-at-home orders, which is supposedly what they were protesting.”

“When you see a, you know, a political rally — that’s what it was yesterday — a political rally like that, where people aren’t wearing masks, and they’re in close quarters, and they’re touching one another, you know that that’s precisely what makes this kind of a disease drag out and expose more people,” Whitmer said.

Thousands of protesters had converged for a protest called “Operation Gridlock” to protest her order, which is one of the strictest in the nation.

The plan was for people to remain in their cars and rally against the draconian order by clogging the streets around the capital, but many ended up taking to the street to protest on foot.

“People are basically being told what they can and can’t buy at stores,” Conservative Coalition member Matt Seely told News 8. “Nothing makes sense. You can buy a bottle of liquor, but you can’t buy a gallon of paint.”

Setting Up Americans For Starvation As Prepping Suddenly Becomes Popular With The Masses

 Food Shortages Everywhere & Seed Companies Cannot Keep Up With Demand

Suddenly Americans, many of which previously thought that “preppers” and “survivalists” were crazy people that needed tin foil hats because they believed the “conspiracy theory” that some event would  happen that could cause a number of things, including food shortages, or rioting, civil unrest, among other possible consequences from said event, have decided that “Hey, prepping might not be such a bad idea!”

Make no mistake, I am not mocking those late to the party on prepping, better late than never. But I am pointing out that waiting until after we start seeing food shortages, civil unrest, and protests is like closing the barn door after most the animals had already escaped.
It is quite literally impossible to catch up all at once.
Try to buy a few years worth of food from a emergency survival food company now, and most are sold out or announcing that it could take a month or three to even ship your order.  Of course there is plenty of items listed as available, but there are notes at the top of their main pages, say things like “Due To Increased Demand Please Allow 1-2 Months To Ship – Click Here to Shop Available Products,” over at BePrepared.comand “We are experiencing a delay in shipping. CLICK HERE for details,” at My Patriot Supply.”
Below we are going to visit a few stories that prove that if you haven’t started your garden, indoor or outdoor, depending on your space,  you better get it started now.
The goal here is to stock up on enough to at least last a couple months, since finding year-long supplies in one kit with a reasonable delivery and shipping time, is simply not feasible, and getting a garden producing at right about the time you run out and need fresh fruits and vegetables, should now be the goal.
It is interesting that just as we see that some Walmarts are preventing shoppers from accessing the gardening sections, and the ‘Tyrant’ woman Governor of Michigan has banned some stores from selling seeds, soils, and gardening supplies calling them “not necessary” (Source- Forbes),  as seed companies report they cannot keep up with demand because many Americans have discovered the need to start growing their own food.

It wouldn’t be surprising if more states, cities or towns start implementing that same type of policies where they think they should be able to decide what is and is not”necessary” or “essential” for Americans.

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