Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Orwellian Trends

“Don’t Question, Just Obey”: The Horrific Orwellian Trend

Craig Huey

In watching local and national media, I’ve noticed several commentators as well as news teams say the same basic thing.
I couldn’t believe they said this, “Don’t question, just obey.”
(Editor’s note: read more on Orwellian here)
When you see politicians, media, bureaucrats, and “experts” wanting blind obedience – it’s time to question why.
This is what you would have heard in Nazi Germany.
This is what you would have heard in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – the USSR.
This is what you would have heard today in Socialist Communist China.
This is what you would have heard in other communist countries like Venezuela and Cuba.
This is what you would have heard from authoritarian leaders demanding obedience to the state.
Now we are being told this in America:
Don’t question the medical establishment… Just Obey.

Don’t question the data models… Just Obey.

Don’t question the quarantine… Obey.

Don’t question government overreach… Just Obey.

Don’t question government action on the economic shut down… Just Obey.
Be very, very careful about not questioning and only obeying.
Truth demands questioning – especially those in authority. Especially those who want to hold themselves up as the authority experts. Especially, of those who want to take your individual rights and freedom away … for your own good.

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