Thursday, April 9, 2020

Common Sense From Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Resistance Building To Coronavirus 'House Arrest' Orders...(Video)

Americans have suffered under the boot of tyranny long enough.

Resistance to the house arrest orders and pushback against the bans from making a living are finally surfacing in large numbers.  Have people finally realized they are not slaves to be controlled by a few power-hungry politicians?
Across the country, from political leaders to small business owners, to parents who just want to take their children to the park, resistance is growing to the authoritarians who have effectively suspended the Constitution and placed most of the country under house arrest.
Lawsuits are also challenging unlawful “stay at home” orders. What if all the hysteria-driven orders have actually made the virus outbreak even worse? More scientists are coming forward to argue for the “Sweden model” of moderation rather than lockdown.
In Dr. Ron Paul’s latest Liberty report, he says this frustration is positive.

As Americans begin to lose patience with their enslavement and the tyranny of almost every governor in this country, the government should see themselves as on borrowed time.  “Fauci is losing credibility,” says Dr. paul. Give the people back their natural right to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and the ability to make a living.
Dr. Paul says there’s a group of people in Idaho that are on the right side of human rights and the Constitution vocally standing up to the authoritarians who attempted to enslave the entire public.
Paul and Daniel McAdams discussed the psychological impact of fear this has had on the general public. The fear has led to people accepting their chains, yet that’s beginning to change. If governors and the federal government do no want to go down in history in the same manner as other tyrants, they would do well to give people back their rights and to never attempt this type of enslavement again.
Life in and of itself is a risk, and personally, I’m not interested in facing tyranny for any reason, but let alone because of a pandemic.  One of those we can stand against as they have done in Idaho, and the other we can take voluntary individual actions to lessen its impact without destroying our neighbors’ lives in the process.

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