Thursday, April 16, 2020

Brazil's President Rejects Confinement: Brazil Death Rate 8x Lower Than New York

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Fires Health Minister for Pushing Total Confinement, Something Bolsonaro Rejects — Brazil’s COVID-19 Deaths 8 Times Lower than New York State

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro fired his Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta on Thursday. Dr. Mandetta wanted the Brazilian government to shut down its economy and enforce a total confinement of the population.

Jair Bolsonaro refuses to destroy his economy in confronting the virus.
Brazil today has 1,924 coronavirus deaths in a country of 207 million.
New York state has over 16,000 deaths in a state of 20 million.
New York as over 8 times the deaths of tropical Brazil with a population 10 times its size.
So far Jair Bolsonaro’s bold policies to save business and people’s livelihoods has paid off.
El Mundo reported (translated):
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has fired Thursday the country’s Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta, a doctor by profession, who had previously reiterated earlier today that his departure from office was imminent after public discrepancies with the president.
“I just heard from President Jair Bolsonaro the notice of my dismissal from the Ministry of Health,” Mandetta, a supporter of the social isolation measures rejected by Bolsonaro, reported on his Twitter account.

Since the Covid-19 crisis began, Mandetta and Bolsonaro have shown profound differences in how the health crisis should be faced. The minister is in favor of adopting drastic measures , such as the total confinement of the population, something that the president rejects so as not to harm the economy.
The still minister had insisted this Thursday during an appearance on the Internet that the coronavirus “does not negotiate, does not give up”, and those who do not face it “end up being run over by the way it behaves.”
Mandetta has promised to “support” his substitute in office,

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