Friday, March 27, 2020

Something Is Not Right

Something Is Not Right

Something is not right. Too many things do not add up.
Both Covid-19 and the influenza virus are contagious viruses that cause respiratory illness. The flu in America, so far this season, according to the CDC, has caused about 46 million illnesses, 550,000 hospitalizations and about 41,000 deaths. And yet, we have almost completely shut down our economy to the point of approaching collapse because of a comparatively small fraction of Covid-19 cases caused by another virus from China. Instead of preaching good nutrition, a healthy immune system, supplementing with extra vitamins A, C, and D, our political establishment is pushing for lock downs, face masks, and pressuring our president into creating fear and panic. Why

“Your mind picks up signals very fast when something is not right…you don’t always have to figure it out completely, you just know.”—unknown author


  1. Many are asking these same questions but what I have come think, is that it is because we have no antibodies to resist a novel strain whereas with flu we have some protections. So if, with some protections, shots, and exposure to variants, we see the high number of deaths with flu, what will this virus death toll look like when it has finally passed? Also, it was the second wave of the Spanish flu that killed so very many. HOPEFULLY, we will have a vaccine sooner than later. In addition, it is the overpowering of our medical complex that has put this very much at the forefront.

  2. Just go back and look at the NEJM article I posted - this will end up being like a normal/bad flu...The numbers are being inflated by disingenuous manipulation - the real question is why....Chloroquine IS a cure in the vast majority of cases - its already been studies in open label trials.

  3. Thank you, Scott. I agree with you. The devil is definitely in all the details, from shutting down our churches to keeping grandchildren away from their grandparents and on and on. So subtle, so evil. Come, Lord Jesus!!!

  4. Have read it, Scott. I keep doing the percentage math with every report out of NY for instance and they are still in the 1 and a half percent category. Italy though was far worse because of the ratio of infected to deaths. This is a puzzler! Can it be a way to bring on One world Order? Easily. What will Europe look like, economically after this?
    On the other hand, read the article on Spanish Flu from the Smithsonian. Wilson made it a federal offense to scare people through newspaper reporting, hence much-needed steps were not taken and it took many lives. Nearly his own.. He caught it while at Versailles and missed the treaty which led to WW2. This, I remind myself of: Jesus met illness with compassion and overcame it every time He met it. He didn't rule over the evil systems enacted by hard hearts ie free will. We will suffer, He has said so. But we meet these needs with compassion. He is coming, that is sure and very hopefully, soon!

  5. The Israeli numbers are remaining the same with around 1.3-1.4 serious cases (not deaths) and deaths far below this and the Israeli data are probably the best...Then the NEJM came to similar conclusions saying the death rate would look like "normal" flu.....Also keep in mind he spanish flu was very very different in that it struck the young and healthy - and the death was mainly from a cytokine release from healthy immune systems, so it can't be compared to this flu - apples and oranges.

  6. also that whole narrative of 'we don't have antibodies' is now being questioned as well
