Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Palestinians Riot Throughout West Bank

Palestinians riot throughout West Bank on 'day of rage'

The Times of Israel is liveblogging Tuesday’s events as they unfold.

Palestinian ‘day of rage’ riots being held throughout West Bank

Palestinians in the West Bank are staging protests and violent riots in at least five locations as part of the “day of rage” against the US stance shift on the legality of Israeli settlements.
Rallies are being held at Abu Dis, Rachel’s Tomb on the outskirts of Bethlehem, a junction outside Ramallah, in Hebron, and at a checkpoint at the entrance to Tulkarem, according to the Ynet website.
Between 200 and 500 people are attending each demonstration, the report says.
Some of them are hurling rocks at Israeli soldiers and burning tires. Forces are responding with riot control means.
Riots are also being held in protest of the death from cancer of Sami Abu Diak, a Palestinian prisoner who was serving three life sentences for involvement in the killing of three Palestinians accused of collaborating with Israeli security services.

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