Wednesday, July 25, 2018

IDF Strikes Both Northern And Southern Borders After New Round Of Flareups

Two front flareup: IDF strikes on both northern and southern borders

[00:29] Rocket sirens heard in southern communities
Rocket sirens sounded across communities in the south near Gaza late Wednesday evening, according to the IDF Spokesperson's Unit. The rocket sirens sounded in the communities of Kfar Aza, Saad, Nahal Oz and Alumim.

[22:45] Residents report projectile fell near Gaza border
Residents of the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council reported a projectile fell in open areas, a spokesman said Wednesday night.

The spokesman said the IDF was looking into the situation. The IDF, however, has not commented.
[23:33] Soroka Medical Center confirms soldier in moderate condition
Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba confirmed the IDF soldier brought from the Gaza border is in moderate condition and was taken to surgery.

Prof. Gilbert Sabag, director of the surgical department at Soroka Medical Center, said in a statement: "The wounded man was taken to the trauma facilities with a penetrating bullet wound in the abdomen and chest. He was transferred to an operating room and his condition is now defined as 'medium'"
[23:27] Rocket sirens heard in Southern Israel
Rocket sirens were heard again in Southern Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip on Wednesday night
[23:15] IDF: Officer moderately wounded by sniper fire
An IDF officer was moderately wounded by sniper fire earlier Wednesday, the IDF announced.

The officer was evacuated to the hospital for medical assistance.
[22:50] Red alert sirens sounded in Gaza border region
Red alert sirens sounded in the Gaza border region in the area of the city of Ashkelon, according to a statement released by the IDF Spokesperson's Unit.
[22:45] Netanyahu consulted on developing situation in Gaza, north
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held security consultation with the Defense Minister, IDF Chief of Staff and the head of the national security council in light of the developing situation in Gaza and on the Syrian border.
[22:45] Israel Air Force strikes rocket launcher in Syria
“The Israel Air Force struck the rocket launcher from which the two rockets were fired and by artillery towards the area from which the rockets were fired,” read a statement released by the IDF’s Spokesperson’s Unit.

“The IDF will act against any attempt to harm the sovereignty of the State of Israel and the security of its residents,” the IDF statement continued.
[22:30] IDF: Red alert sirens in Ashkelon false alarm
The red alert sirens that sounded earlier on Wednesday evening in the Ashkelon area were false alarms, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said.
[22:00] Hamas: The occupation is a bloody criminal
Hamas blamed Israel for the escalation in Gaza in a statement released Wednesday night.

“The scale of the Zionist escalation on Gaza and the deliberate targeting of the resisters reflect the intention of the occupation to kill and proves that the leadership of the occupation is a bloody criminal.”
[20:40] Unconfirmed reports Israel struck Syria after errant rocket landed in Kinneret

[21:30] IDF tanks strike Hamas positions in Gaza
IDF tanks struck seven Hamas military positions in the Gaza Strip Wednesday night, according to a statement by the IDF Spokesperson's Unit.

The strikes follow the wounding of an IDF soldier by Hamas sniper fire on the Gaza border earlier in the evening.
[21:15] Liberman meets with IDF commanders to discuss Gaza incident
Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman met with senior military and security officials at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv to discuss the unfolding security situation in the Gaza Strip after an IDF soldier was wounded by Hamas gunfire.

Palestinian media are reporting at least four Gazans killed from Israeli airstrikes in response to the wounding of the IDF soldier.

Rocket sirens blared in Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip and security chiefs huddled for urgent consultations late Wednesday as a fresh flareup on the volatile border threatened to once again send the region spiraling toward wider confrontation.
Earlier in the evening, an Israeli officer was injured by sniper fire and the military responded with strikes on a number of Hamas positions in Gaza, killing three members of the terror group.
Initial reports suggested two rockets were launched into Israel , hitting open areas, after alarms sounded in the Hof Ashkelon, Shaar Hanegev and Sdot Hanegev regional councils at about 11:30 p.m.

The Shaar Hanegev Regional Council said one projectile fell in an open field. The IDF said it was still investigating.
Sirens sounded again in Shaar Hanegev and Sdot Hanegev just after midnight.
In Tel Aviv, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, Shin Bet head Nadav Argaman and National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat met at Defense Ministry headquarters for urgent consultations on the increase in tensions.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was updated by the group by telephone, according to Army Radio.
The outburst of violence came after several days of calm following intense Israeli airstrikes in the Strip over the weekend in retaliation for the shooting death of an IDF soldier on the border Friday. On Tuesday, UN mediator Nikolas Mladenov said the sides were “minutes from war” before a tacit ceasefire was reached.
On Wednesday, another soldier was injured by sniper fire from southern Gaza. The soldier was rushed to Soroka hospital in Beer Sheba, where he underwent surgery for gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen, according to a hospital spokesperson. His condition was upgraded to moderate after the surgery.

In response, the IDF said tanks struck seven Hamas positions. Hadashot TV news said both the Air Force and tanks opened fire on targets in the Strip.
According to the IDF, a group of 20 minors were rioting along the border fence, which was used as a decoy by the sniper to fire upon soldiers responding to the unrest.
Hebrew media reports cited initial army assessments that the sniper was not acting on behalf of Hamas, the terror group that rules Gaza.

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