Tuesday, May 29, 2018

05:15 Further rocket sirens sounded in Southern Israel
Sirens are currently sounding in the Sha'ar HaNegev, Eshkol and Sdot Negev Regional Councils. The details are still unclear.
04:02 Iron Dome intercepts projectiles over southern Israel
The IDF's Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted several projectiles that were launched at the Sha'ar HaNegev and Sdot Negev Regional Councils over the past hour, the IDF spokesperson reported. The rest of the sirens in other areas appear to be false alarms. The details are still unclear.

03:05 Further rocket sirens sounded in Southern Israel
Sirens were heard in the Sha'ar HaNegev, Sdot Negev, and Eshkol Regional Councils. The details are still unclear.
02:36 Further rocket sirens sounded in Southern Israel
Sirens were heard in Southern Israeli communities. The details are still unclear.
02:25 Further rocket sirens sounded in Southern Israel
Sirens were heard in the Eshkol Regional Council. The details are still unclear.

01:59 Footage shows the iron dome intercepting dozens of Hamas rockets fired towards Israel

01:49 Nikki Haley condemns mortar fire into Israel, calls for UNSC emergency session
On Tuesday, American Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley strongly condemned the latest round of mortar and rocket fire emanating from the Gaza Strip and called for an emergency session of the UN Security Council to be held on Wednesday.

“The Security Council should be outraged and respond to this latest bout of violence directed at innocent Israeli civilians, and the Palestinian leadership needs to be held accountable for what they’re allowing to happen in Gaza,” Haley said in a statement.
01:33 Further rocket sirens sounded in Southern Israel
Sirens were heard in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council. The details are still unclear.
01:30 The IDF attack 25 terrorist targets in retaliatory strikes in the Gaza Strip
Late Tuesday night, IAF fighter jets, attack helicopters, and aircraft struck 25 military targets belonging to the Hamas terror organization in the Gaza Strip, the IDF Spokesperson reported.

The target strikes included sheds of drones used for terror purposes, a rocket manufacturing workshop, advanced naval weaponry, military compounds, training facilities, and a munitions manufacturing site.

"This is an additional strike against military targets belonging to the Hamas terror organization, which is accountable for activity from the Gaza Strip, and therefore is responsible for the severe attacks that were carried out against Israeli civilians," an official statement read.

"The Hamas terror organization again chooses to act against the interest of the residents of the Gaza Strip. After it failed during the violent riots along the security fence, it now chooses to conduct and allow a wide-scale attack against Israeli civilians."

The statement continued, warning that "The IDF views the terror activity carried out by the Hamas terror organization with great severity, and will continue to operate in a powerful and determined manner. The IDF is prepared to carry out its missions as necessary."

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