Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hawaii National Guard Presence Builds As Lava Nears Geothermal Plant

Hawaii National Guard Presence Builds As Lava Nears Geothermal Power Plant

Update: For some context of what is going on in Hawaii, here is NBC's latest live shot - not a green screen...

The situation on the Big Island is changing rapidly as Mount Kilauea spews more lava and gas threatening life in the region...

National Guard presence on the island is high as molten lava has made its way within a few hundred yards of Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) power plant which government insiders have already warned may explode.

RT reports that the geothermal power plant has been forced to completely shut down after Hawaii's Kilauea volcano entered a more violent stage, shooting fountains of red into the vicinity and threatening the release of toxic gases from the site.

Crews at the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) plant worked overnight to cap the 11th and final well at the site, which provides 25 percent of the Big Island's power.

The wells run 6,000 to 8,000 feet (1,829-2,438 meters) underground to tap into extremely hot water and steam used to run turbines and produce electricity.
The capping is the latest measure to be taken at the plant, which has been closed since Kilauea first erupted on May 3. Authorities previously removed the highly flammable chemical pentane from the site.
“County, state, and federal partners have been collaborating closely to monitor the situation and work with PGV to ensure the safety of the surrounding communities,” county officials said, as quoted by Reuters.

The highly-controversial Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) geothermal power plant has become a major issue of concern among U.S. government insiders who fear an imminent explosion of the plant may cause a massive tsunami and wreak havoc in the region due to the recent uptick in volcanic activity on Mount Kilauea.
What officials aren’t telling you is that PGV usually contains tens of thousands of gallons of highly flammable solvents which it uses to power its turbines. 
If earthquakes, eruptions, or fire cause this solvent to ignite it would trigger a massive explosion which National Guard/Civil Defense whistle-blowers fear will cause a massive tidal wave which would, in turn, threaten the Hawaiian Islands and the lives of people in the region. Although 60,000 gallons of the solvent was removed from the site last week, there is still a chance that capped underground geothermal well chambers which contain gasses may explode.
Now that the lava flow has made its way within a few hundred yards of the plant it only stands to reason the National Guard would be fully prepared to handle the disaster if one were to occur.

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