Sunday, November 26, 2017

Rumors Of War: Iran Threatens Israel And Europe, Israel Vows To Destroy Iranian Positions Within 40 KM Of Syrian Border

Iran threatens to put Europe in missile range if threatened

A top Iranian general warned Saturday that the country could increase its missile range beyond 2,000 kilometers if it feels threatened by Europe.
Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami, head of the powerful Revolutionary Guards, also claimed Israel was afraid to go to war with Lebanese terror group Hezbollah because this would lead to the annihilation of the Jewish state.
“If we have kept the range of our missiles to 2,000 kilometers, it’s not due to lack of technology. … We are following a strategic doctrine,” he said, according to a Reuters translation of a Fars report.
“So far we have felt that Europe is not a threat, so we did not increase the range of our missiles. But if Europe wants to turn into a threat, we will increase the range of our missiles,” he added.
Also on Thursday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged the Muslim world to fight “cancerous tumor” Israel.
“Today, the issue of Palestine is the primary issue among the Muslim world, since it has been an Islamic country usurped and turned into a means of sabotaging the security of several countries in the region,” Khamenei tweeted. “This cancerous tumor [Zionist regime] should be fought against.”

Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida revealed on Sunday that an Israeli source disclosed a promise from Jerusalem to destroy all Iranian facilities within 40 kilometers (25 miles) of Israel's Golan Heights.
The source, who remains unnamed, said that during Syrian President Bashar Assad's surprise visit to Russia last week, Assad gave Russian Premier Vladimir Putin a message for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Damascus will agree to a demilitarized zone of up to 40 kilometers from the border in the Golan Heights as part of a comprehensive agreement between the two countries, but only if Israel does not work to remove Assad's regime from power. 

The report also claims that Putin then called Netanyahu to relay the message, and that the Israeli prime minister said he would be willing to accept the deal, but that Israel's goal of eradicating Iran and Hezbollah from the country would remain. 

The source also commented that after the defeat of the Islamic State, the conflict in Syria would become ''more difficult,'' likely pointing towards a vacuum that would be left without the group. Russian, Syrian and Iranian-backed forces have been fighting against ISIS, while also seeking to knock out rebel groups that oppose the current regime. Russia's stated interests have been in line with Iran's in wanting to keep Assad in power. 

 Damascus and Jerusalem have exchanged heated remarks as well, with Netanyahu threatening to bomb Assad's palace, and Syrian officials warning of ''dangerous repercussions'' to Israeli strikes on Syrian targets. 

The People’s Liberation Army Air Force has been “training” high above the western Pacific this week – trespassing not only on Taiwan’s airspace but also skimming over Japan’s air border.
Xinhua reports that a combat group of H-6K strategic bombers flew past the Bashi Channel between the Philippines and Orchid Island of Taiwan, as well as the Miyako Strait between Japan’s Miyako Island and Okinawa, passing well beyond the first of three island chains that surround China.
The battalion of warplanes took off from several airbases in central China’s Shaanxi province in a daily “freedom of navigation” drill that also involved flyovers in the South China Sea, a PLAAF spokesperson said on Thursday.

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