Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Over 200 Of Paddocks Foreign Financial Transactions Were Flagged As Possible 'Covert Terrorism Financing'

So many questions surround the Las Vegas mass shooting that it’s difficult to believe the FBI when the agency immediately claimed that the shooter, Steven Paddock, had absolutely no terror ties. This was in opposition to ISIS claims, that assert Paddock converted six months ago and had been radicalized.
It’s interesting to note that the shooting occurred right at the end of Yom Kippur in front of a pyramid, but even by discounting the most wild conspiracy theories, the FBI’s complete and utter denial that the man had any terror contacts seems suspicious. The evidence, from what has been released seems to support ISIS’s responsibility statement. In fact, over 200 of Paddocks foreign financial transactions were flagged by the “intelligence” agency as possible “covert terrorism financing.”
The attack was planned very carefully. Suspicions concerning another person were first reported but have now been denied. There is a discrepancy concerning the date Paddock checked into the hotel room, there’s an ISIS video predicting the carnage, and he made several trips to the Middle East. Now we also know that a security guard was killed six minutes before the shooting began. Don’t casinos have their own, pretty awesome security teams? How do these things somehow discredit the claim made by the terror organization?
In fact, ISIS does not claim responsibility for attacks they haven’t carried out. There’s so much evidence for this fact, that the New York Times’ terrorism “expert” had to give credence to the claim. Plus, the L.A. Times reported this weekend that the FBI investigated the Orlando mass shooter for “10 months, and found nothing.”
However, it is well known that the Orlando killer who opened fire at the gay night club was a card-carrying jihadist who’d pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.
Using just that information, either the FBI is a bunch of liars, or they are incompetent.
But, there’s more. The Bureau was warned about the Boston Marathon bombings in advance, more than once, yet they did nothing. In another example, an FBI translator wed the ISIS jihadist who she was supposed to be investigating.
Also, the disturbing incident in Garland, Texas was helped planned by the FBI. And they did nothing as the terrorists were on their way to behead Pamela Geller. Fortunately, she had a separate security team on detail who were able to save her life. She said, “We survived despite the FBI.”
Although they knew all about the plot, they neither warned her, nor tried to stop the murderers. In 2015, ISIS recruiter Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, also known as Mujahid Miski, communicated with the Garland jihadis before attack. He’d been communicating with them for over a year.
The attack was planned very carefully. Suspicions concerning another person were first reported but have now been denied. There is a discrepancy concerning the date Paddock checked into the hotel room, there’s an ISIS video predicting the carnage, and he made several trips to the Middle East. Now we also know that a security guard was killed six minutes before the shooting began. Don’t casinos have their own, pretty awesome security teams? How do these things somehow discredit the claim made by the terror organization?

There are simply too many questions surrounding these events to believe that investigators are offering the honest truth. If over 200 of Paddock’s monetary transactions were being investigated, doesn’t that signal some sort of radical connection? According to the faulty FBI, nope.

Contrary to FBI Propaganda, Steven Paddock Fits the Profile of an Islamic Convert

The idea floated by “intel” agencies that Steven Paddock didn’t fit the profile of a Muslim convert is absurd on its face...How can they profile what they refuse to acknowledge, learn about or recognize?
The fact is the FBI has nothing.
Over a week after the monstrous slaughter, they have nothing and yet they have dismissed ISIS claims out of hand, despite the fact ISIS does not take credit for attacks that are not theirs.
Not only did they take credit, they did something they never did before – they doubled and tripled down.
Jihad is the only motive that makes any sense.
And the fact that the FBI has nothing else points to that.
That Steven Paddock left no digital trail might very well be deliberate – to show how incompetent our law enforcement agencies are.

ISIS took credit for the downing of the Russian jetliner in the Sinai.
Everyone in law enforcement dismissed that too. Until ISIS provided proof a couple of weeks later, that is.
I suspect we may see the same thing happen here.
The Vegas attack mirrors the sophisticated planning and secrecy consistent with more complex ISIS plots like Sinai explosion of Russian airliner.
We have been told that because Paddock was white and 64, it is unlikely that he would be a convert to Islam.
Islam is ideological – it’s not a race or an age.
It’s a belief system.
It’s also being said that if Paddock was a convert, Homeland Security is going to have to change their whole approach to jihad terror in the Homeland.
Who would be attracted to an ideology that is the cause of hatred, misogyny, subjugation and slaughter?
He was a happy-go-lucky guy who drank and gambled until he stopped.
Sophisticated planning and secrecy consistent with more complex ISIS plots like Sinai explosion of Russian airliner.

The FBI is discounting ISIS’ claim that the Las Vegas attack was jihad. But is the FBI really trustworthy?
The Islamic State says Steven Paddock converted six months ago. He filmed himself killing; jihadis do that and post it online. The attack was meticulously planned, as jihad attacks are, and Paddock likely had an accomplice. Paddock made numerous trips to the Middle East. Over 200 of his foreign financial transactions were flagged for possible “covert terrorism financing.”
Contrary to the ignorant, misinformed and delusional talking heads in the media, ISIS does not take responsibility for events that are not theirs. This hasled even the New York Times’ terrorism expert to give credence to ISIS’ claims. The Philippines attack at Resorts World Casino was theirs. And there again, ISIS’ initial claims of responsibility were dismissed.
The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday that “the FBI investigated the Orlando mass shooter for 10 months -- and found nothing.”
The Orlando jihadi who opened fire on gay nightclub revelers at the Pulse Nightclub called 911 during the attack and pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State. The FBI investigated the Orlando mass shooter for 10 months and found nothing.
The FBI was warned of the Muslim Boston bombers -- multiple times -- and did nothing. Their inaction led to the Boston Marathon bombings.
And in another case, an FBI translator married the ISIS fighter that she was supposed to be investigating.
The FBI was in on the planning of the jihad attack against the Garland Muhammad art expo in Garland, Texas. They did nothing to stop it, not even giving us a warning that my event was targeted by devout Muslims who meant to kill us Charlie Hebdo-style. We killed those jihadis. It was the security team I hired to protect my event that saved numerous lives, nothing the FBI did. We survived despite the FBI.

The FBI was in on the planning of a Boston plot to behead me. They did not warn me or alert my security team. It was a Boston cop who killed one of the Muslims who had attacked the cop on his way to New York.

The ISIS plot to carry out mass shootings in Times Square, the NYC subway, and at music concerts reported yesterday actually took place this past June. All three were arrested months ago, but the FBI had it sealed. What else are they not telling us?

In 2015, ISIS recruiter Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, also known as Mujahid Miski, was communicating with the Garland jihadis in the lead up to the Texas attack. Hassan allegedly traded more than 550 messages with attacker Elton Simpson, from November 2014 up until the day of the May 3, 2015, terror attack. Miski was also in contact with the Boston Muslims plotting to behead me. It has also been alleged that Miski influenced the San Bernardino Muslim mass murderers. Where was the FBI?

While I do believe that undercover FBI agents have to play along with the jihadis they’re dealing with -- because in order to be in an informant you have to have credibility -- it’s a whole other thing if you’re encouraging and cheering on the proposed murder of Americans who are standing in defense of freedom of speech, and then not doing anything about it. Why did the FBI only have one agent there? And not a team waiting for them to shoot back?

The FBI knew about the attack before it happened, but did not alert law enforcement or my security apparatus. When I first heard that the FBI had prior notice of the attack, I thought that it was very short-term notice. It was assumed by many people that the FBI had had some sketchy prior knowledge of the attack, but nothing particularly specific.

But we know now they were in on the planning of the jihad attack, and did nothing about it. If you recall, the FBI only got around to a general alert just three hours before our event. It was Garland police, not the FBI, that coordinated all the super security efforts with our own security team.
The FBI knew about the impending attack -- one of their agents told Simpson to “tear up Texas,” and an accomplice of Simpson was even communicating with the undercover agent at the time of the attack.

The Daily Beast reported that this accomplice “asked the undercover officer about the Draw Muhammad event’s security, size, and police presence, during the event, according to an affidavit filed in court. The affidavit does not specify what the undercover responded to questions about size and security.” Why not? Why weren’t the agent’s answers released?
They knew about the attack, yet they didn’t have a team there in case the jihadis started shooting?

It’s hard to escape the conclusion that the Obama FBI wanted me and the other speakers at the event dead. Dutch freedom fighter Geert Wilders was the keynote speaker; he has been living with armed guards for years for supposedly “insulting Islam.” My colleague Robert Spencer has received numerous death threats from Muslims. Cartoon contest winner Bosch Fawstin drew Muhammad. Did Obama’s pro-Islam FBI want us all dead?

What other conclusion can be reached?

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