Tuesday, January 3, 2017

U.S. Senators Introduce Bill To Recognize Jerusalem As Israel's Capital, Surge In Sales Of 'Mein Kampf' in Germany, Around World

US senators introduce bill to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, move embassy

Three US senators have introduced legislation that would commit the United States to moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move US presidents have opposed for decades but which President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly signaled he is willing to do.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R), Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R) and Nevada Sen. Dean Heller (R) proposed the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act on Tuesday, the first day the new Congress convened on Capitol Hill as Republicans prepare to control the White House, Senate and House of Representatives for the first time since 2007.

The measure is similar to a 1995 resolution, led by former House speaker and current Trump confidant Newt Gingrich, that called to move the embassy. It was immediately dismissed by then-president Bill Clinton, who aimed to have the future status of Jerusalem settled in final negotiation between Israelis and Palestinians.

Clinton and his two successors — presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama — have repeatedly used the prerogative granted them to delay implementation of a Congressional demand, passed in a 1995 law, to move the embassy.
But with an incoming president who has indicated he will break with these practices, those pushing for the relocation believe the White House may no longer be an obstacle.

The move would “honor an important promise America made more than two decades ago but has yet to fulfill,” Heller said.
Supporters of relocation were also given a boost last month when Trump selected his longtime friend and attorney David Friedman to be his administration’s ambassador to Israel.
In a statement announcing the selection, Friedman, a vocal supporter and even donor to Israeli settlements in the West Bank, said he expected to carry out his duties in “Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem.”

Many people do not like Netanyahu and the nation of Israel.  However, as much as some people do not like Israel, everyone should fear Iran.  Obama has already made it possible for Iran to go nuclear and with its totally insane leadership, world peace woud be endangered.
Like it or not, Israel provides a check and balance against an out of control Iran. Now, we see Netanyahu being investigated for corruption in his home as authorities are looking for evidence. Even if the allegations are true, nobody of Netanyahu’s status would keep evidence of corruption in their home.  Does anyone else smell Obama and the CIA, again? IS this a coup against the Israeli leader? Is it designed to destablisze the Middle East and present Trump with an impossible situation when he takes the oath of office?
There is a strong possiblity that when the smoke clears on this, we will see the CIA all over this and Obama will be exposed as the puppetier in this unsettling development.

After a 70-year ban, Adolf Hitler's Nazi manifesto Mein Kampf was made available again in Germany in 2016, and as The BBC reports, the German publisher of a special annotated edition of the anti-semitic text says sales have soared since its launch a year ago.

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.
- Adolf Hitler

As The BBC reports, about 85,000 German-language copies of the anti-Semitic Nazi manifesto have been sold.

But, as Mike Krieger noted previously, sales of Hitler's manifesto have been soaring worldwide for the last few years. At this point, we’d like to remain hopeful that these sales trends spring from a similar curiosity on behalf of the population, rather than from a darker more hateful place. From Time:

The infamous manifesto Adolf Hitler wrote while in prison after a failed coup in 1923, Mein Kampf or My Struggle, in which the dictator outlined his idea of a global Jewish conspiracy, is a surprise hit on the ebook market. While the book’s print copy sales remain stagnant, the ebook is in the top 20 on iTunes’s Politics & Events chart, next to books by Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, the number one Propaganda & Political Psychology book on Amazon, and the 17th bestseller in the company’s Nationalism list. How could that be?

Chris Faraone explains why in a fascinating essay that argues ebooks provide the perfect format for reading controversial material. “Mein Kampf could be following a similar trend to that of smut and romance novels,” Faraone writes. Customers may have not wanted to be seen reading the book or having it on their shelf at home, but the cheap digital copies “can be quietly perused then dropped into a folder or deleted.”

Ebook reviewers’ comments support the 50 Shades of Grey theory. “I think I waited 45 years to read Hitler’s words… I wish I had read it sooner,” wrote Steven Wagg. “Curiosity killed me to get this book,” said another reviewer. The document also functions as a warning: “People need to understand that if we do not learn from people like this, then we will fall into their traps again,” Ray D’Aguanno wrote on Amazon.

Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, says it "'would be best to leave 'Mein Kampf' where it belongs: the poison cabinet of history.'" "'Unlike other works that truly deserve to be republished as annotated editions, 'Mein Kampf' does not,'" he adds.

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