Monday, October 10, 2016

Vladimir Putin Interview: 'Pulls No Punches' - Discusses U.S. - NATO - EU

Vladimir Putin : “Publish A World Map And Mark All The U.S. Military Bases On It. You Will See The Difference Between Russia And The US”

Vladimir Putin pulls no punches in an interview with Corriere della Sera [Below are a few quotes from Vladimir Putin from this interview]:

Vladimir Putin: 

What are the roots of the Ukrainian crisis? Its cause seems to be completely disproportionate to what has become an utter tragedy today claiming many lives in southeast Ukraine. What sparked the crisis? Former President Viktor Yanukovych said that he needed to think about signing Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU, possibly make some changes and hold consultations with Russia, its major trade and economic partner. In this connection or under this pretext riots broke out in Kiev. They were actively supported both by our European and American partners. Then a coup d’état followed – a totally anti-constitutional act. The new authorities announced that they were going to sign the Association Agreement but would delay its implementation until January 1, 2016. The question is: what was the coup d’état for? Why did they need to escalate the situation to a civil war? The result is exactly the same.
What is more, at the end of 2013 we were ready to give Ukraine $15 billion as a state loan supported by a further $5 billion via commercial banks; plus we already gave it $3 billion during the year and promised to cut gas prices by half if they paid regularly. We were not at all against Ukraine signing an Association Agreement with the European Union. But, of course, we wanted to participate in the final decisions, meaning that Ukraine was then and is still now, today, a member of the CIS free trade area, and we have mutual obligations as its members.
How is it possible to completely ignore this, to treat it with utter disrespect? I simply cannot understand that. The result that we have – a coup d’état, a civil war, hundreds of lives lost, devastated economy and social sphere, a four-year $17.5 billion loan promised to Ukraine by the IMF and complete disintegration of economic ties with Russia. But Russian and Ukrainian economies are very deeply interconnected.
We have a market for Ukraine, but many ties have been severed unilaterally by the Ukrainian side. For example, all engines for our combat helicopters came from Ukraine. Now deliveries have stopped. We have already built one plant in St Petersburg and another plant will be completed this year, but the production of these engines in Ukraine will be shut down because Italy, France or Germany don’t need and will never need such engines. It is impossible for Ukraine to divert its production in any way; it will need billions in investment to do this.

I don’t understand why this was done. I have asked many of my colleagues, including in Europe and America, about it.
What does the actual potential show? US military spending is higher than that of all countries in the world taken together. The aggregate military spending of NATO countries is 10 times, note – 10 times higher than that of the Russian Federation. Russia has virtually no bases abroad. We have the remnants of our armed forces (since Soviet times) in Tajikistan, on the border with Afghanistan, which is an area where the terrorist threat is particularly high. The same role is played by our airbase in Kyrgyzstan; it is also aimed at addressing the terrorist threat and was set up at the request of the Kyrgyz authorities after a terrorist attack perpetrated by terrorists from Afghanistan on Kyrgyzstan.
We have kept since Soviet times a military unit at a base in Armenia. It plays a certain stabilising role in the region, but it is not targeted against anyone. We have dismantled our bases in various regions of the world, including Cuba, Vietnam, and so on. This means that our policy in this respect is not global, offensive or aggressive.
I invite you to publish the world map in your newspaper and to mark all the US military bases on it. You will see the difference.
Sometimes I am asked about our airplanes flying somewhere far, over the Atlantic Ocean. Patrolling by strategic airplanes in remote regions was carried out only by the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War. In the early 1990s, we, the new, modern Russia, stopped these flights, but our American friends continued to fly along our borders. Why? Some years ago, we resumed these flights. And you want to say that we have been aggressive?

American submarines are on permanent alert off the Norwegian coast; they are equipped with missiles that can reach Moscow in 17 minutes. But we dismantled all of our bases in Cuba a long time ago, even the non-strategic ones. And you would call us aggressive?

You yourself have mentioned NATO’s expansion to the east. As for us, we are not expanding anywhere; it is NATO infrastructure, including military infrastructure, that is moving towards our borders. Is this a manifestation of our aggression?

Finally, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which was to a large extent the cornerstone of the entire international security system. Anti-missile systems, bases and radars are located in the European territory or in the sea, e.g. in the Mediterranean Sea, and in Alaska. We have said many times that this undermines international security. Do you think this is a display of our aggression as well?

Everything we do is just a response to the threats emerging against us. Besides, what we do is limited in scope and scale, which are, however, sufficient to ensure Russia’s security. Or did someone expect Russia to disarm unilaterally?

I have proposed to our American partners not to withdraw from the treaty unilaterally, but to create an ABM system together, the three of us: Russia, the United States and Europe. But this proposal was declined. We said at the time: “Well, this is an expensive system, its efficiency is not proven, but to ensure the strategic balance we will develop our strategic offensive potential, we will develop systems of overpowering anti-ballistic defence. And I have to say that we have made significant strides in this area.

As for some countries’ concerns about Russia’s possible aggressive actions, I think that only an insane person and only in a dream can imagine that Russia would suddenly attack NATO. I think some countries are simply taking advantage of people’s fears with regard to Russia. They just want to play the role of front-line countries that should receive some supplementary military, economic, financial or some other aid. Therefore, it is pointless to support this idea; it is absolutely groundless. But some may be interested in fostering such fears. I can only make a conjecture.

For example, the Americans do not want Russia’s rapprochement with Europe. I am not asserting this, it is just a hypothesis. Let’s suppose that the United States would like to maintain its leadership in the Atlantic community. It needs an external threat, an external enemy to ensure this leadership. Iran is clearly not enough – this threat is not very scary or big enough. Who can be frightening? And then suddenly this crisis unfolds in Ukraine. Russia is forced to respond. Perhaps, it was engineered on purpose, I don’t know. But it was not our doing.


  1. Good morning Scott! Those emails between Podesta, hillary and Mitchell are starting to get picked up finally by Christian sites.
    Even Pastor Paul Begley did a short little video.
    So I'm guessing it's ok to probably let that info out now. I know you are very careful to be super solid and not say anything sketchy at all but I think at this late point in the game the cats coming out if the bag one way or another.
    It is official email between people who know. There was no discussion about "if" these things exist, it was a discussion of what we do to placate them. What our federal govt does to placate then. (And as you and I both know, it's just the tip of the iceberg)
    Anyway the only reason I brought this up is because I really feel like so many Christians are going to be deceived by these "aliens". His people, lack of knowledge thing.
    Whatever you decide to do, I love you brother, and I stand with your decision. You are far wiser than I.
    Im really surprised Begley picked it up, he has gotten really bold since the prophecy conference in Knoxville a week or two ago. I think the fact the NSA had black choppers spying on the conference and the fact that the cERN info got erased by the feds had put a fire under some of these guys now.
    So many people have been hearing from God lately, 83 or 38 are getting ready to occur. It's time to "get right" or"get left".
    Hope I make it out brother.
    Sorry for the rant! Woohoo we are going home soon

  2. Good morning Scott! Those emails between Podesta, hillary and Mitchell are starting to get picked up finally by Christian sites.
    Even Pastor Paul Begley did a short little video.
    So I'm guessing it's ok to probably let that info out now. I know you are very careful to be super solid and not say anything sketchy at all but I think at this late point in the game the cats coming out if the bag one way or another.
    It is official email between people who know. There was no discussion about "if" these things exist, it was a discussion of what we do to placate them. What our federal govt does to placate then. (And as you and I both know, it's just the tip of the iceberg)
    Anyway the only reason I brought this up is because I really feel like so many Christians are going to be deceived by these "aliens". His people, lack of knowledge thing.
    Whatever you decide to do, I love you brother, and I stand with your decision. You are far wiser than I.
    Im really surprised Begley picked it up, he has gotten really bold since the prophecy conference in Knoxville a week or two ago. I think the fact the NSA had black choppers spying on the conference and the fact that the cERN info got erased by the feds had put a fire under some of these guys now.
    So many people have been hearing from God lately, 83 or 38 are getting ready to occur. It's time to "get right" or"get left".
    Hope I make it out brother.
    Sorry for the rant! Woohoo we are going home soon

  3. Off topic from this article, but I have a question. Does the feast of trumpets end before Yom Kippur?


  4. Doesn't this all seem so surreal? The fact that Mrs. Slick Willy Clinton can accidentally delete 30k + emails, as well as her wall street transcript speeches. She can deny access to Benghazi information, while ambassador Chris Stevens and special opps protection personnel fought for their lives for 12 hours, until they ran out of ammo, they single handedly held off over 300 insurgents when help was just an hour away?

    We can't have enough transparency when our cops are fighting for their (and our) lives every day on the streets, against thugs, that would kill a 90 year old woman for the change in her purse. When these same thugs are killed "justifiably" by police, all of a sudden they become unarmed pillars of the community. These Marxist groups can demand body camera footage be released to the public all the while rioting and looting are a secondary result of inflammatory propaganda.
    So why is it when osama bin laden was killed, we dare not show that video? We don't want to "upset" our Muslim extremists infidels in and around our country because of "recourse". But on the other hand, we can explicitly show 9/11 footage over and over of the carnage "they" caused. It's ok to show Americans jumping from 100 stories to their deaths.

    I'm so sick, in fact to the point I won't turn on the tv, because of the political rhetoric that inundates my home every hour of the day and night.

    Our government can heavily arm isis , and Syrian rebels who at some point, when they are through with their conflict will turn those same weapons against us. And yet our government are actively working to take our weapons away from us.

    We can give 100 billion dollars to Iran and spend hundreds of millions of dollars on idiocracies called campaign ads, yet we have starving, and impoverished families, right here in our own countries. That money could have built Haiti safe housing and infrastructure to live through hurricanes. Yet the best we do for them is give them our used military tents to live in during 180 mph winds. My son is there right this very moment picking up those 900 plus bodies. He can't even contact his family, nor we contact him because there's no cell service. Yet we have satellites that are so sophisticated you can count the hairs on a spider from 10 thousand miles in the air.

    No matter what, God is still sovereign. I will trust him and believe in him until my last breath. I can just imagine him in heaven right now saying, it's ok. Just stay the course, my father's kingdom is at hand. Keep guard until you are called. Keep watching for the time is near. And above all keep the faith.

    That's the only thing that keeps me going. I'm sick of this world. I don't want any part of it anymore. I haven't been the best servant ,I've killed, I've done so many unthinkable things, I'm not the best person, nowhere close. But I have always believed in God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ my savior.
    This November, the election may be over, however the torment of the dead I see when I close my eyes will never end this side of heaven. God himself will be our revival. We will not see it again on this earth. The hell of the tribulation will be ruthless and unbearable. And the Bible says, in those days, men will seek death, but they will not find it. I wonder, will no one die during the tribulation? No death, no suicide? Not the place I want to be.
    Until then! God have mercy on us all.
    I apologize for the rant, I have simply had enough!

  5. Ally, send me that link.

  6. To David. You said pretty much what I feel too. So hang in there. I will say a pray for you.
    The Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you.


  7. Thank you, David. Amen and maranatha!

  8. Thanks guys, really, I'm so ready to go! My past haunts me. When I say I see dead people, I mean it. The ones that I have killed. I've lost track. I've seen my brothers in arms killed for what? Land, oil, politics? Why not me? Why did I make it? What did I deserve that they didn't? I'm sick of being tired. I just want this nightmare to end. I believe this is the generation. Praise God for his grace. I couldn't enter his gates without it.
    I have no honor. I have no pride. I stand ashamed. Alone, and broken. I can't see my God, but I know he's there! I believe he's there. And my hope is that he's there. I will stay the course. I can't see tomorrow, but I feel its presence. I can't wait for the day, when there's no more suffering, no more sickness, no more PTSD. No more death. No more night mares! Im coming home. Some day, im coming home!
    Oh God, let it be soon!
    I pray for you all. May the God of comfort be with you all to the very end of days. One day we shall dwell in the house of the lord. And we will finally be free.

  9. Lance, I was under the impression that there would be 29 trumpet blasts on consecutive days? I can't recall where I read that

    David - that describes all of us to some extent. We're all broken, only redeemed through Jesus...But I'm with you on being tired and tired of this place and the world system. But thats ok, because we know that you can't love this world and love God, (1 John).

    We're getting ever so close.

  10. We're oh so not worthy, but thank God, Jesus has made us worthy through His precious blood!

    In my heart I've murdered, fornicated, committed adultery, coveted, and broken the rest of the commandments. We all have. I'm so tired of this ever-so-darkening world. I'm so tired of me!

    Like all of you I so want to go Home, but meanwhile I pray the Lord give us strength to continue to occupy as He sees fit.


  11. Don't fret people! We got this. We have Yeshua!!!!!!!! And even better, HE HAS US!!!!! :)
