Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Putin Sends Warning To America

Putin Sends Warning To Trump And All America: ‘US Elections Being Stolen’

In this eye-opening video, Putin completely destroys the thuggish policies that the Obama administration has had towards Russia (not to mention towards the American people) and we learn why Donald Trump could be 'the light at the end of the tunnel' in wanting to have healthy and good relationships with Russia. Why WOULDN'T the Obama administration want 'healthy relationships' with Russia? As anybody who listens to this video can hear, Putin is NOT looking for war with the US but respectful relationships. Why would we be preparing for war against them that would lead to our total destruction? 

It's clear that Mr. Putin knows that US elections are rigged as well and as we hear in this video, he sends what could be looked at as a very, very clear warning to Donald Trump in this video: "Crooked Hillary WILL steal this election from you, too….so watch your back!" As anyone who has been following the Clinton's outside of the mainstream media already knows, the list of the dead that follows them everywhere they go is legendary and the absolute corruption surrounding them proves this family is the last family on Earth that Americans want or need back in the White House. If most of America really thinks that lying, crooked, war-criminal, blood-money Hitleryis the 'change we need', maybe they haven't looked at her disastrous record already in the Middle East and Benghazi. If Clinton is the 'change we need', maybe America deserves the 'date with destruction' the globalists have been pushing us towards. 

If they can't steal the election via the Diebold machines they control, the globalists will steal it by either taking down Trump or pulling off some kind of a BREXIT-style false flag such as the recent horrific shooting in the UK that may have been carried out by a mind-controlled MK-ultra slave and one that very well may keep the UK in the European Union if recent polls are correct showing a monumental shift since the killing of Jo Cox.

Listen to Mr. Putin… he tells us that Russia stays out of the US's business, though he drops another bombshell on us in telling us that those from the international community who would like to monitor US elections have been forced away by US prosecutors, so we should stay out of Russia's business, too. However, like the ever-present and brutish 'big brother' that US government has become, it continues to poke the Russian bear…over and over and over again….almost as if US leaders and this administration WANT Putin to respond and completely annihilate us so we can completely annihilate them.

Putin clearly doesn't want to send the US back to the dark ages…he wants to build strong relationships with us…how this administration responds over the next few months will tell us if the US gets into 2017 alive and well or in a total and utter chaos. Putin also shows us why Americans need to get rid of this administration that has totally sucked up to the  'new world order' before they completely destroy us via NATO's belligerence towards a country that clearly has no ill will against the American people. 
While we certainly understand that Putin was the prior head of the KGB and no angel, the leadership that he has displayed in Russia through this ongoing crisis should be commended, especially in comparison to what we've gotten from the administration here. 
This video could also be looked at as a final warning to America…try to get it right this time because lowly scum are preparing to steal another election from you and send you into another downward spiral that will lead to your Republics utter destruction, thus, completing the process of what the globalists running American into the ground today want anyways. 


  1. I don't believe that we the people can escape the Obama administrations damage that has permanently traumatized America.

    I truly believe we are in for a planned chaos event either just before or just after the election.

    So many things are taking place behind the scenes that people don't see or know about. DHS, and FEMA bases anti terrorist urban assault vehicles have been dispersing disaster kits in and around the Charlotte area. Why? One can only imagine. As with many of the governments tactics, we don't or won't know until scenarios are already in play.

    Did any of us this time last year believe we would be where we are now? We are in the season God spoke about. No one knows the day nor the hour, but the season will be evident.

  2. I agree, David. I smell planned chaos in the air. And the powers that be won't let a good chaotic event go to waste.

    Good grief, I thought for sure we were Homeward bound back in 2011 when so much had lined up then. Look at where we are now! The list of insane news items grows daily. Seems like a dream at times. So surreal. Come quickly, Lord!!!

  3. Totally agree. Just shows the nearness of the hour

  4. I somehow feel like this is inappropriate to post but I find it both sickening and hilarious. (Like when you would laugh really hard as a kid and milk would shoot out of you nose)
    So Bill Clinton has a bastard son with a black prostitute from Arknsas? Bad enough right? Looks just like him, probably a much better person than Bill tho. The part that is making me laugh isn't that, it's kinda sad really, but Bill isn't Chelseas dad. She is Web Hubells kid.
    Even after Chelseas plastic surgery she is the spitting image of Web. Webb's other daughter and Chelsea could be twins.
    Sorry, I know times are very serious. But sometimes you just have to laugh. You can fool people but you can't fool God!!!! And well genetics, one of God's specialties....which is why Satan is always trying to corrupt seed.
    And yes we are frighteningly close. Especially if you aren't a believer. I've been sharing the gospel and getting laughed at profusely. Count it all joy. I tell people, "laugh now, but remember me when these things come to pass very shortly, for if you don't choose him now, you will be a tribulation saint" abs nice on to the next person.
    It's the Holy Spirits job to convict, I'm just the messenger. I believe every person I witness to is going to get saved. Because he us willing that none should perish

  5. We're seeing a present false sense of,the days of Noah .

  6. If you would have asked me 10 years ago if we'd still be here today I would have said probably not; but we are. I do agree though that with all the craziness piled one on top of another that we are very close. We just need to heed the calling of the HS and trust the Good Lord that He knows what He's doing, and that He'll bring us home on His perfect timing.

  7. It seems these contractions come in 10-12 day intervals now...of course sometimes much closer.... If the world is to suddenly get better at this point, meaning peace and security....it seems to me it would take much more than a G-20 summit or UN council meeting. The point of no return is alarmingly close. Yes, the world has been in similar strife before but not on such a grand scale. Really hard to explain all this away at this point....

  8. I'm starting to wonder how much closer we can get without being there already? As any parent can testify to are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Almost honey just a few more minutes and we will be home.
    I'm wondering why he didn't include men's hearts would be failing then out of excitement for looking for the bridegroom! ;)

  9. Bt - that last comment is very interesting and may capture the most important point "...hard to explain all this away at this point"...absolutely - there is too much, too rapid, too many different and 'unrelated' things all moving at the speed of light right now. Simply cannot be explained away other than biblical prophecy.

    Ally FWIW - I have always felt that we would be gathered up JUST before major carnage and the beginning of the Trib...I base this on the parallels that Peter gave in 2 Peter when he referenced Noah and Lot, both of who were "taken" just in the nick of time, and the fact that one of the definitions for Harpazo is to 'seize' or 'snatch up' suddenly to prevent sudden destruction...I think we'll be here till the last 'minute' - I always have

    1. :) I can see the bombs dropping and us leaving the exact same second. Kinda starting to look like that might be what's gonna happen.
      Still Scott, I can't shake that "knowing" feeling I've had for years. Something is going to happen HUGE before we exit in order to turn men's hearts towards Jesus.
      Could be wrong about that, it's not biblical really, it's just knowing how much Jesus loves us!!!! He is going to give everybody a final chance. It's just his nature. But I also believe when it happens we as a church must be ready to preach and comfort. For our time to do it will be so short......
      I can hear the gallop of his horses feet.....
      Eyes up, thumb out Ive been waiting for this ride ny whole life!!!

  10. The comments have been great recently! I think everyone is feeling the anticipation of the rapture reality! We have an amazing privilege for our generation. My mind was totally captivated today as I drove a long distance about actually flying and seeing Jesus face to face in the flesh. Simply incredible!!!!

  11. The major reply from most people , if they notice these happenings, is that it is being done as to follow what has been predicted in the Bible. Has anyone else had to deal with these type comments?

  12. I too think that we will be here right up until the bad stuff happens. Just look back to Methuselah. Oldest man that ever lived and after him the promised judgement(dying the same year as the flood). It shows God's grace in giving the unsaved as much time as possible to turn to Christ.

  13. oodie - I'm not sure what you mean - people are saying that these things are being done to intentionally follow biblical prophecy?

    1. Yes, very educated people have not been able to totally dismiss so many occurrences. They will reply with the Bible is an old book but "the government or whatever powers are in charge "are using this as a playbook for all of the Christians to focus attention on.

  14. Iowa - yea, I agree another good point

  15. Hmmmmm...I haven't heard that one. I've actually gotten to the point - in these discussions - if I sense someone is even remotely interested, I jump on it and lately asking if they are aware of whats happening in Syria right now...Most people are clueless, but if interested its an easy segway to Isaiah 17, Gog-Magog etc...I like to tie things to what is really hot in the news. But if someone isn't interested or blow it off completely, I don't pursue anything beyond that. Ive learned over the years that such folks will immediately dismiss it as "conspiracy" or whatever, and refuse to take a serious look. Its easy to spot when you have these discussions - with those folks I don't put in any effort, its just not worth it

  16. Brother Dave- It matters not what these little men in tall buildings are planning. Grateful that God is on His Throne, and always will be. He can in and instant, foil any little plan that some evil men come up with. He causes ALL things to work together for the good , no matter what we may “think” about it when things happen. It is a matter of whether folks Trust Him, or not.

    Sister Ally – what “gallop of the horses feet”? Jesus will be in the clouds for the Rapture, and a horse at the end of the Trib. :)

    Brother Dutch – Yes, it is Gods Perfect Timing that matters. We are subject to be ruled by emotions, leaving us vulnerable to error. We need to Trust in Him, not in ourselves, that is what it is all about, Trust, which surprisingly, some folks have an issue with. God did not give us a Spirit of fear whatsoever. Jesus continually tells us “fear not”, over and over, and that these things must take place.
    2 Timothy 1:7
    7. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

    We can simply look to Peter as an example. When he took his eyes off of Jesus, and instead focused on the wind and the waves, his Faith faltered, and he began to sink. Jesus then Saved him :) In present day, all these events happening around us, (some true-some false) are the wind and the waves around us, are a distraction from Jesus and His assured Promises, and can instill fear if we let them.
    I will never, ever forget a Brother in Sri Lanka, who's Faith we could all use to inspire us. He was facing the rushing, flooding waters of the 2004 Tsunami, with a small boat load of orphans from he and his wife’s orphanage. He said when the powerful waters were about to hit and swamp their boat, he recalled the Scripture from Isaiah :
    Isaiah 59:19
    19 So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.

    This Brother stood up against the water! He raised his hand and declared "I command you in the name of Jesus stop!" The water then seemed to "stall, momentarily," he said. As the waters began to roll back out to sea, the turbulence subsided” This gave he and his wife time to attempt to save others, and to escape death for themselves and their children from the orphanage.

    With the “waves” and “winds” of the evil events that are occurring all around us in these Last Days, we can chose to focus on the evil and sink by taking our eyes off of Jesus, or keep our eyes on Jesus and Promises to us! :)

  17. Mrs. C, I look at the signs as a marker, like a ruler, a measurement.
    Im excited beyond measure to be this close....
    Tis true he shall ride on a steed on his return trip.
    But he's gotta come get us on something lol.
    David Wilkerson saw the rapture in a vision and said literally Jesus was in a gold chariot. Pulled by horses.
    I always wanted a pony as a kid, didn't you Mrs. C?
    He could come get me in an Edsel for all I care. ;)
    What about you Mrs. C? How close do you think we are? Not date setting, just sign watching....

  18. to Ally/Mrs. C,
    Just jumping into the conversation, and not trying to be setting dates at all, I don't believe we can have more than 15 years left before we see the glorious day (glorious day for us, terrible day for others), and the light of the Almighty shine above all darkness. The pace in which things have been deteriorating lately amuses me. If we consider that many of the nations alignments that we see today have expiration dates, meaning there's a window of time/opportunity to stay as they are (which they are matching bible prophecy for the most part), and then they will dissipate or change, I'd confidently can say my calculations of no more than 15 years left shouldn't sound so outrageous. 15 years also provides for all rapture views, it might be pre-trib, post-trib, pre-wrath, mid-trib. In that subject, I wish we would concentrate more on be of please to God, than argue that our own theory is the correct one. The bible explicitly says "watch", that's our sole job and, not to try to push thru everyone else's throats what I think my interpretation of the word of God is... after all don't the Sovereign God has the last word on how He wants to do things?

  19. A lot of prophecy "experts" would agree with you 15-20 year window. It certainly seems to be a reasonable time span.
    I however hunger so desperately to see him I'm HOPING it will be before thanksgiving.
    I'm pushing it, I know. I've been waiting for over half a century. Beats 2000 years tho ;)

  20. Hector..saw in another post you were an Army Blackhawk Pilot. Hey Brother, thank you for your service.

    Now...as for that 15 year comment. If we have more than 1/3 of that I'm gonna throw a heavy duty temper tantrum and like an ill little child for a while. Geepers, stuff is coming unglued from the inside now.

    Of course, I'm exaggerating on my reaction of a delayed "Poof" event. I know our job is to occupy and harvest and plant seeds, and I'll do my best. But I've been that combat officer and understand from a very limited basis some of the "stuff" we see going on today, I've been an intense follower of economics for a decade, and have a number of contacts serving in "interesting" places in the government.

    Everything seems to be screaming that we're close. More than close. And for more reasons than I listed above, many more.

  21. The generation started in the WWI era because thats when "the beginning of birth pains" started. Fruchtenbaum points this out and the "data" confirms it. I believe its clear that the generation is approximately 120 yrs based on the lifespan of this era and the days of noah reference to genesis 6 which seems to confirm 120. But you have to subtract 7 years for the trib and whatever interval between rapture and tribulation. So.doing that math would be 1914-1918 range +120 takes us to 2034 - 7 = 2027 - interval? So at the very very extreme long end it could be another 10 years but thats pushing it to the very very end, which i dont see. And dont forget the rapture is an imminent event. Could happen at any second. But yea imo there is the possibility that it could be 10 years but more. And Jesus didnt say it would go to the tip end of a generation but somewhere within a generation.

  22. Should read "could be 10 years but NOT more"

  23. Amen, Mrs. C. Hector...15 years? I shudder to think what this world will look like NEXT year. I don't want to be here. I will be throwing that temper tantrum with Caver. :) Maranatha!!!
