Wednesday, September 7, 2016

War On Cash Continues, The U.S. Banana Republic, 'Plan B'

History teaches us that central authorities dislike escape routes, 
at least for the majority, and are therefore prone to closing them, so that control of a limited money supply can remain in the hands of the very few. In the 1930s, gold was the escape route, so gold was confiscated. 

In a deflationary spiral, where the money supply is crashing, very little money is in circulation and prices are consequently falling almost across the board, possessing purchasing power provides for the freedom to pursue opportunities as they present themselves, and to avoid being backed into a corner. The purchasing power of cash increases during deflation, even as electronic purchasing power evaporates. Hence cash represents freedom of action at a time when that will be the rarest of ‘commodities’.

Governments greatly dislike cash, and increasingly treat its use, or the desire to hold it, especially in large denominations, with great suspicion:

Cash is largely anonymous, untraceable and uncontrollable, hence it makes central authorities, in a system increasingly requiring total buy-in in order to function, extremely uncomfortable. They regard there being no legitimate reason to own more than a small amount of it in physical form, as its ownership or use raises the spectre of tax evasion or other illegal activities:

The greater the public’s desire to hold cash to protect themselves, the greater will be the incentive for central banks and governments to restrict its availability, reduce its value or perhaps eliminate it altogether in favour of electronic-only payment systems. In addition to commercial banks already complicating the process of making withdrawals, central banks are actively considering, as a first step, mechanisms to impose negative interest rates on physical cash, so as to make the escape route appear less attractive:

In some states almost anything, no matter how small, can be purchased electronically. Everything down to, and including, a cup of coffee from a roadside stall can be purchased in New Zealand with an EFTPOS (debit) card, hence relatively few people carry cash. In Scandinavian countries, there are typically more electronic payment options than cash options:

Sweden became the first country to enlist its own citizens as largely willing guinea pigs in a dystopian economic experiment: negative interest rates in a cashless society. As Credit Suisse reports, no matter where you go or what you want to purchase, you will find a small ubiquitous sign saying “Vi hanterar ej kontanter” (“We don’t accept cash”)….A similar situation is unfolding in Denmark, where nearly 40% of the paying demographic use MobilePay, a Danske Bank app that allows all payments to be completed via smartphone.

Ironically, cashlessness is also becoming entrenched in some African countries. One might think that electronic payments would not be possible in poor and unstable subsistence societies, but mobile phones are actually very common in such places, and means for electronic payments are rapidly becoming the norm

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in its 2015 annual letter, adds a new twist. The technologies are all in place; it’s just a question of getting us to use them so we can all benefit from a crimeless, privacy-free world. What better place to conduct a massive social experiment than sub-Saharan Africa, where NGOs and GOs (Government Organizations) are working hand-in-hand with banks and telecom companies to replace cash with mobile money alternatives? So the annual letter explains: “(B)ecause there is strong demand for banking among the poor, and because the poor can in fact be a profitable customer base, entrepreneurs in developing countries are doing exciting work – some of which will “trickle up” to developed countries over time.”

What the Foundation doesn’t mention is that it is heavily invested in many of Africa’s mobile-money initiatives and in 2010 teamed up with the World Bank to “improve financial data collection” among Africa’s poor. One also wonders whether Microsoft might one day benefit from the Foundation’s front-line role in mobile money….As a result of technological advances and generational priorities, cash’s days may well be numbered. But there is a whole world of difference between a natural death and euthanasia. It is now clear that an extremely powerful, albeit loose, alliance of governments, banks, central banks, start-ups, large corporations, and NGOs are determined to pull the plug on cash — not for our benefit, but for theirs.

It’s a matter or record. Americans now populate the largest, wealthiest and most powerful banana republic in the world. The differences between Obama’s America and Maduro’s Venezuela are defined only by degree.
The defining characteristics of banana republics are a matter of history. First, the law is not enforced against a chosen class in a banana republic, usually the allies of the autocrat in charge. Second, foreign policy is always performed in the autocrat’s interests and often in disregard of the nation’s actual interests. This describes how America functions in the era of President Obama.
The newly-released FBI documents on the investigation of Hillary Clinton make it clear beyond argument that the fix was in and that the FBI never had any intention of recommending that she should be prosecuted for her crimes.
That is very hard to write. I have had very good friends among the agents of the FBI, men of unshakeable dedication to the fair enforcement of the law. But that is no longer the FBI’s goal, as just a few references to the documents published last week reveal.

If we cannot trust the FBI to enforce the law, and we cannot, America is now characterized by one of the two facts defining a banana republic.

Russia, China, Iran and al-Qaida will have intercepted Clinton’s emails as a matter of policy. If she isn’t guilty of the federal felony described by Title 18 U.S. Code Section 793(f), I’ll eat her classified emails.
And, oh, by the way, Clinton sent classified information on her private email system after she left the secretary of state job. (That’s a separate crime, but who’s counting?) The bad guys surely have those emails as well.

The other revelation last week was David Albright’s report on President Obama’s nuclear deal.
Mr. Albright’s Institute for Science and International Security (not to be confused with the other ISIS) reported that the international commission running Obama’s nuclear weapons deal with Iran has, in secret, allowed Iran to pretend to obey the deal’s conditions while violating them.
Over the weekend, Obama signed the latest economy-killing global warming deal. Both the BBC and the Washington Post reported the event as U.S. ratification of the deal. Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution provides that only the Senate can ratify a treaty.
Which results in the definition of Obama’s Iran deal being precisely concurrent with the other factor defining a banana republic. Obama’s autocratic foreign policy has been conducted in secret, and in opposition to our national security interests.
You may forgive me, dear reader, if I feel as if I were John Adams in a memorable scene from the musical “1776.” In that scene, Adams sings and shouts to heaven, “Is anybody there? Does anybody care?”

Call it “Plan B”…It’s all being laid out, right at our feet . On Google and Facebook, during US late night shows, through CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post and New York Times.
It will be the final death of whatever was left of American democracy.
The test run was accomplished with few casualties during the Democratic primaries, where Hillary Clinton and the DNC assured victory by rigging the entire voting process.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz lost her job as DNC Chair, but found a better job with the Clinton Campaign, and then won her Democratic primary Congressional District in Florida with little difficulty.

Bernie Sanders, who had the election stolen right from under his feet, fell quickly in line with his masters, and pathetically kissed Hillary’s ring in an embarrassing display of beta manhood.
Now we are all being prepared for the ultimate con. The Ocean’s Eleven of heists. The Presidency of the United States of America. The preparation is well underway.
The main stream media is all in on it. 

The hide her obvious health issues. They ask her softball questions like “how was your labor day weekend?”…that is when they can actually get an audience in front of the recluse candidate.

Hollywood is all in on it. Late night TV stars bash Donald Tump relentlessly, and leave Hillary untouched. George Clooney, Will Smith, Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Timberlake…all the big name A list stars are #WithHer.
Alternative news media sites are also in on the it. The Young Turks was a heavy Sanders supporter, now they gush at Hillary and have mounted a massive Youtube campaign against Trump.
Even the FBI is in on it. What was a slam dunk indictment turned into a total farce. New email releases show just how complacent the FBI was during its Hillary questioning. They let her walk. Any other American who had committed half of what Hillary had done would be locked up for life.

Plan B is in full effect. The polls are tightening…and tightening fast.
Hillary’s August cushion has completely evaporated. Hillary spent August in hiding. People asked questions. “Where is Hillary?”  When she did appear it was a disaster.
She coughs without end. When she does manage to string two sentences together all she can do is toss around blame for her utter incompetence, on other people and shadowy entities (“Alt-Right?”).
The “things” that Clinton talks about, that derail her holy liberal ascendance to the thrown, is Plan B in full effect…and everyone is in on it.

Russia. Vladimir Putin. Manchurian candidate Donald Trump. Breitbart. Election hacking.
Plan B was unnecessary in August, but now the numbers coming in have unnerved the establishment. It is time to make Hillary’s presidency a 100% guarantee.

Reuters/IPSOS poll showed Trump jump to a surprising lead, and wiping away what some had said was an “insurmountable” Hillary lead, moments ago the first post-labor day poll by CNN/ORCshowed that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton start the race to November 8 on essentially even ground, with Trump edging Clinton by two points among likely voters, and the contest sparking sharp divisions along demographic lines in a new CNN/ORC Poll.

Trump tops Clinton 45% to 43% in the new survey, with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% among likely voters in this poll and the Green Party’s Jill Stein at just 2%.

Numbers never lie, and the recent polling numbers (tweak them as much as you want), show Trump surging, and Hillary imploding. 

Plan B time.

When Donald Trump wins the US Election, the Russian hacker narrative will be disseminated on to the dumbed down, conditioned public. Media, internet, social…full on distribution. The title is already in place…

“Russian hackers, under the control of the evil Vladimir Putin, have the capability to hijack US election systems, in order to secure a victory for Russian controlled candidate Donald Trump,” unnamed NSA officials said to CNN.

Obama then suspends the election results.

The NSA, FBI, CIA begin investigations into the possible hack as disclosed by unnamed sources. The Justice Department, under the always reliable Loretta Elizabeth Lynch, certifies all findings from the investigation.


  1. The Boston Globe just yesterday had an OP/ED piece on the benefits of going cashless. It is the same propaganda used by tech companies citing ease of use, end of crimes, more secure. I think the more people voice their opinions against this to family and friends, as well as social media/internet venues the more we can push back against this.

  2. It's been pushed back for too long already. If it's meant to be it will happen

  3. Yea, I believe it has to happen as a preliminary step to the MOTB
