Sunday, September 25, 2016

Urgent UNSC Meeting On Syria As Aleppo Escalates, U.S. Backed Rebels Shut Off Water For 1.5 Million Citizens

UNSC Meeting on Syria is 'Another Information Attack Against Russia'

An urgent UN Security Council meeting on Syria was summoned to conduct an "information attack against Russia." This is a typical scenario the United States uses when the situation does not responds to its interests, Russian senator Franz Klintsevich said.

Earlier on Sunday, France, Britain and the US called for an emergency UNSC meeting to address the escalating violence in the Syrian city of Aleppo.
Fighting in Aleppo intensified after the Syrian army declared an end to the week-long ceasefire on Friday, blaming militants for numerous violations that made the cessation of hostilities unreasonable.
US Envoy to the UN Samantha Power claimed during that UNSC meeting that Russia's actions in Syria were "barbarism."
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said earlier that Aleppo had faced the most intense airstrikes since the start of the Syrian conflict, expressing dismay at the situation and the fate of civilians trapped in the city.

"A UNSC meeting on Syria initiated by Britain, France and the US is an attempt to shift responsibility for failures in the implementation of a Russia-US agreement on Syria," Klintsevich told RIA Novosti.

He noted that the situation deteriorated after the US-led international coalition attacked Syrian forces. This incident intensified terrorists’ activity.

"What is more, Washington has done nothing to separate areas controlled by Daesh, al-Nusra Front and opposition forces and to separate rebel fighters from terrorists," the lawmaker added.

According to him, a meeting in the UN Security Council is not an optimistic sign.
"This is another information attack against Russia. The US always does this when the situation is out of Washington’s control. Of course, this meeting will not be positive for building Russia-US cooperation on Syria," Klintsevich said.

However, he added that it would be premature to say that the agreement is a failure but there are numerous violations of the deal.

In a written statement for the meeting, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Russia and Iran would become "accomplices in war crimes" if they continued to prolong the war in Syria. In particular, the minister referred to the recent bombings in Aleppo, which killed scores of people.

Russian UN Envoy Vitaly Churkin said during the UNSC meeting on Syria that the members of the US-led coalition have failed to announce the results of an investigation into the death of over hundred of civilians in Syria's Manbij as a result of strikes.

"It was reported that French aircraft bombed this city. But neither French colleagues, nor American leaders of the coalition have failed to announce the results of this investigation for two months," Churkin said.

Allegations about civil casualties as a result of airstrikes in eastern Aleppo is part of an information war aimed at demonizing the Syrian Army and its allies, representatives of the city’s militia forces told RIA Novosti.

"Terrorists are in a difficult situation and they’re making up stories about women and children killed in airstrikes. This is nothing but an information war aimed at setting the West against our army and the Russians," they said.

Earlier, Syrian Brigadier General Samir Suleiman told Sputnik that the Syrian Air Force never attacked a civil target. The Syrian Army attacks only military goals and terrorist groups and always conducts intelligence before an attack.

The so-called "moderate" rebels turned off the water to 1.5 million civilians living in West Aleppo in retaliation for a Syrian Army airstrike on East Aleppo that allegedly left 250,000 residents without water setting the stage for an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

The city of Aleppo is “dying” according to United Nations officials after a fierce wave of bombing last night by the Syrian Army in an attempt to break the stalemate in what once was the economic capital of the country but is now left to rubble after years of combat between the Assad government and rebels.
Last night’s airstrikes according to early reporting by the United Nations left 115 dead as hostilities have intensified following the collapse of the ceasefire earlier this week resulting in large part from a US-led coalition airstrike on a Syrian Army base in Deir Ez-Zor that left 62 dead and hundreds injured "paving the way" for a major offensive by Daesh (ISIS) terrorists and over 300 ceasefire violations by the rebels.

The rebels signaled in the day before the ceasefire that they would not comply with the agreement brokered by the United States and Russia with the second largest rebel group Ahrar al-Sham even saying that it was “impossible” for the group to breakaway from al-Nusra Front terrorists (formerly Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate prior to a rebranding effort) because the two groups had become too entangled fighting under the common banner of the Army of Conquest.
With hopes for peace on hold Syrian airstrikes have escalated which the rebels claim undermined attempts to repair a water pump supplying rebel-held districts in East Aleppo with water allegedly blocking the flow of the vital resource to some 250,000 residents.

In an act of reprisal, the rebels switched off the Suleiman al-Halabi pumping station that provides water to 1.5 million Syrian civilians in government controlled West Aleppo raising the possibility of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in what has already turned into the largest displacement of civilians in human history.
Kieran Dwyer, spokesman for the UN Children’s Rights & Emergency Relief Organization (UNICEF) explained that the Bab al-Nairab pumping station supplying rebel-held parts of Aleppo was allegedly damaged on Thursday and subsequent strikes rendered repairs impossible.

"Then in retaliation for that attack a nearby pumping station that pumps water to the entire western part of the city – upwards to 1.5 million people – was deliberately switched off," said Dwyer.

UNICEF fears that families in West Aleppo will be forced to use contaminated liquid carrying waterborne diseases to which children are particularly vulnerable as a result of the intentional act of terroristic sabotage by the rebels in contravention of international humanitarian standards.
"Aleppo is slowly dying, and the world is watching, and the water is being cut off and bombed – it’s just the latest act of inhumanity," said UNICEF Deputy Director Justin Forsyth.

Syrian troops captured a rebel-held area on the edge of Aleppo on Saturday, tightening their siege on opposition-held neighborhoods in the northern city after what residents described as the heaviest air bombardment of the 5 ½-year civil war.
The U.N. meanwhile said that nearly 2 million people in Aleppo, Syria's largest city and onetime commercial center, are without running water following the escalation in fighting over the past few days.

An unnamed Syrian military official quoted by state TV said government forces killed many insurgents in Handarat, and that experts are removing explosives from the area. The camp, which is almost empty and largely destroyed, has seen intense fighting and bombardment in recent years, and changed hands multiple times.

The escalation comes as diplomats in New York have failed to salvage a U.S. and Russian-brokered cease-fire that lasted nearly a week. Moscow is a key ally of Assad's government, while Washington supports the opposition.


  1. When someone looks at things through a man's eyes, the only thing that appears to makes sense is that, one can only see Isreal bombing Damascus ,no one else will step up to the plate,which in turn could/probably set off Isaiah 17 Ezekiel 38,39 like a sand storm the lord will be there to protect Isreal.

  2. I agree Mike, our vision is limited to our feeble minds. That being said , it reminds me of the many people that have predicted the events God has yet to reveal to us. I often wonder (not that it matters, because we won't be here) who the A/C is going to be. Sometimes I take a shot in the dark and guess. Then I realize how futile that is. No one will probably even come close, because God is unimaginably non predictable.

    Although, it's clear the season is here. And just like a song from one of my all time favorite 80's bands, (REO Speedwagon) "I believe it's time for me to fly". Scott, I know you know it! Lol

  3. Hahaha hey thats no fair! Ok im that old admittedly and you got me - i do remember that :)
