Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Satellite Image Reveals The Extent Of Russian Base In Syria

Satellite Image Reveals the Extent of Russian Base in Syria

When Western media outlets first started to report that the Russian military had arrived in Syria, the Russian government was quick to clarify the situation. Putin admitted that his nation’s military was providing equipment and training for Assad’s military, and left it at that. “To say we’re ready to do this today — so far it’s premature to talk about this. But we are already giving Syria quite serious help with equipment and training soldiers, with our weapons.”

Within the same day, anonymous intelligence agents with the US government revealed that the Russians were actually preparing to help Assad in a more direct way. They claimed that a new military base was being built in the port city of Lakatia, that would include an air traffic control tower and several prefab structures that could house over 1000 military personnel.

Nearly two weeks after we heard about these events, a defense official told Fox News that the Pentagon had tracked over a dozen Russian cargo flights, which were dumping a steady stream of military supplies into Syria. At least two of these flights included a shipment of tanks. The defense official added that “This is the largest deployment of Russian forces outside the former Soviet Union since the collapse of the USSR.”

Of course, no one can say for sure what is really going on. While none of this would be all that surprising considering Russia’s blanket support for the Assad regime, as well the Russian military’s appreciation for clandestine warfare, it’s hard to say whether or not these anonymous government sources are telling the truth, misinterpreting their intel, or are just blowing smoke.

However, the first real proof that Russia is up to something in Lakatia has finally arrived. recently purchased a satellite photo of the area, which seems to show what those anonymous officials have been talking about.


You can check out their website to see a larger photo, and a comparison with an older, Google maps image. Something is definitely being built there.

The satellite image shows far more than prefabricated housing and an air traffic control station. It shows extensive construction of what appears to be a military canton at Bassel al-Assad International Airport (named for Bashar’s elder brother, who died in a car accident in 1994). This canton appears designed to support Russian combat air operations from the base and may serve as a logistical hub for Russian combat forces.
In recent days, using aircraft tracking sites, a number of analysts have begun to document the near-daily arrival of Russian transport planes to the base. The Russians are also sending ships to Syria, though the ships often declare for a nearby non-Syrian port, like Port Said in Egypt, and then take a wrong turn at Albuquerque, so to speak.

If there’s one thing we can learn from Russia’s growing presence in Syria, it’s that they’re no longer content to simply fight our proxy forces with theirs. As time goes on, they seem to be stepping up their game, as they take a more direct interest in the conflict. And with that, the potential for a real war between Russia and the US, grows a little more.

Russia's assistance to Syria could well help Moscow play a more prominent role across the Middle East as Washington's allies in the region feel increasingly disappointed with the US.

Western politicians, experts and media almost exclusively refer to Russian aid to Syria as "military buildup" if not "military intervention" which it is not. In reality Moscow is helping Damascus in its fight against Islamic militants, including the Islamic State (IS) and al-Qaeda's offshoot in the country.

To that end, President Vladimir Putin has urged to form a new coalition, involving Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, to prevent Islamic extremists from overrunning the country since the US has been struggling to deliver on its promise to degrade and ultimately destroy the IS.

One of the implications of Russia's assistance to Syria conducted in accordance with international law is likely to be the country's growing clout in the Middle East at a time when US allies in the region are growing increasingly disillusioned with Washington's commitment to addressing their needs and concerns.
Russia appears to be "greatly enhancing its ability to project power in Syria and neighboring states," Eric Schmitt and Michael R. Gordon noted in an article titled "Russian Moves in Syria Widen Role in Mideast."

"This is the most important Russian power projection in the region in decades," the two journalists quoted Stephen J. Blank of the American Foreign Policy Council as saying. "It will enhance Russia's influence throughout the Levant," the expert on the Russian military noted.

Meanwhile, Moscow is continuing its support to its key ally in the Middle East. Earlier this week, Putin said Russia will continue to provide the necessary military, technical and humanitarian assistance to Syria to fight Islamic State militants and urged other countries to join the efforts.

Also see:


  1. I was listening to the news Tuesday here in california when two Arabic men were racing there ferraris down a beverly hills residential neighborhood,blowing through stop signs at speeds 3 to 4 times the limit. When questioned they said that they were under international impunity. These men obviously fill they can do whatever they want,kinda like sharia law. The next thing that comes to my mind is refugee crisis. A new world awaites us under sharia.I keep thinking this is our country but it's not. We have a one world system in place now.Its sure not looking good for the people that are going to be left behind.

  2. I would ask!please listen to JD FARAG's sermon September 13,2015....I have always prayed to the lord,why are u moving so slow,when u say I will come quickly. We'll in the last 2 weeks I have changed my mine,I indeed believe he is moving at break neck speed.l also believe, like JD said prophecy is almost happening by the hr.Google last week's sermon.

  3. I love Pastor JD and listen to him almost every week. But now that Feast of Trumpets has officially passed I can't help but be a tiny bit discouraged that the rapture will happen this year. The FOT seems to be such a perfect picture of the rapture. Could we really be here for another year??? Encouragement, anyone? :)

    And could the FOT be fulfilled in some other way, rather than the rapture of the church?

  4. Personally i think its a mistake to try to place the rapture of the church as coinciding with any specific Jewish holidays. I believe it will come completely unexpectedly as described and i also believe that the dispensation (uh oh. Did i just utter the "D word" ? Lol. ) is completely separate from the nation of israel. We'll see soon enough.

  5. Thanks, Scott! That is encouraging! :)

    And re-reading my post above, I didn't mean to imply that Pastor JD teaches a FOT rapture. He doesn't - just to clarify. :)

  6. Alice I go back on forth on the rapture on a RH and where Scott is on the issue. I would however add that that the two Rabbi's in Jerusalem did not see the new moon until last night so technically RH did not start on the 13th but 15th from what I understand. So keep looking up.... and even if the sun sets tomorrow and no rapture it still has to be very soon. We can't put God in a box. If you read Daniel 11 you will see he says three times that "that day" is a fixed day with God. I find that interesting. Don't be discouraged! It will be soon enough. Things indeed are occurring at break neck speed. Hope to see everyone soon. :)

    1. Like scott said soon we will all see.still a open window

  7. Alice I love him to.This man is rt on,he comes on strong & that's what a man should do.only been listening to him for about two months. Very few pastors are as gd as him.

  8. Alice I'll give u some encouragement,the window is still open & I will not debate this.The bible catches me & reminds me of when the disciples were bickering.

  9. WVBORN, yes I saw that the new moon wasn't spotted until sundown yesterday. Unfortunately, that was around 11:30 AM here (Central time) and lasted until the same time this morning. Unless you're saying there's a 2 day window from the time the new moon is spotted...?

  10. The way events are excellerating I don't see how we could last another year. I do beleive the Holy Spirit is all powerful and can continue to restrain until we are called home (taken out of the way). My question is how much more will God let us get away with before He says enough.
    When they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes. September 23 is UN Peace Day.
    So hold on. It's not over yet. All kinds of crazy stuff will be happening next week.
    We are in the days of awe, so pray continually and stay busy with His work. Jesus was doing His Father's will even on on the cross and to His last breath.

  11. George - Trying to understand your Scripture reference. It has nothing to do with present day events,let alone the UN, but is a reference to the "Day of the Lord", during the Tribulation.

    1 Thessalonians 5:2-3

    2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.

  12. Hi Mrs. C, I guess I don' know where declaring peace and safety fit in. I don't think there will be much peace and safety in the second half of the tribulation. But maybe that is what it means.
    If you see this Scott what is yor view?

  13. The peace and safety followed by sudden destruction, imo, refers to the promises of the AC and what he says he will usher into the unsuspecting world but for those left behind there will be sudden destruction

  14. That is where I'm at. We know they will try to divide Jersulem and that means war. Then the A/C steps in and calls for peace and safety (? For Israel) till the abomination.
    It does say - For when they say peace and safety. Who is they?

  15. Yes indeed Brother Scott :) The ac will usher in the Tribulation through “peace”, and it for the most part, will remain “peaceful” during the first half of the Tribulation, as the Temple is rebuilt etc.
    Daniel 8:25
    25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

  16. The “sudden destruction” then comes when the “abomination of desolation” occurs at the mid-Trib. Up until that point, there was promised “peace and safety”.
    Jesus is speaking directly to the Jewish People of the Tribulation in Matthew 24. and warns them of this time of the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Some will flee, some will be trapped, “not escape” just as Daniel says.
    Matthew 24:15-21
    15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
    16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
    17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
    18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
    19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
    20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
    21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
    The ac once committing the “abomination of desolation” will go out attacking and killing Jews as we see in Daniel 11. We also see this same “fleeing” of Jewish Believers during the second half of the Tribulation, in Revelation 12 , where He then protects them for 3 ½ years.

  17. I am a little surprised that the ac is perceived as peaceful until the abomination . I say this because of Rev 6 when he is referenced in the first seal as coming with a bow and a crown on a victors horse. We also know that three kings are ripped out as he arises to power. So to the world he may look more like a conqueror but to Israel he makes a peace pact that will later be broken. The never should sign this agreement. Doesn't the peace pact begin the 7 year clock? he could have been at war til peace was made and then with the pact looks peaceful with a horror waiting for when the abomination takes place. He comes on the scene as boastful. A frightening view for Daniel.
    I wish I felt that it is as close as all of you do. I want to think that but I keep thinking of still unfulfilled prophecies and the time it takes for them to happen. Just for instance when Israel is left like figs in the top of a beaten tree following the Damascus war, they are safely abiding in unwalled cites and yet while desolated have something that draws Gog into his war. Often I hear that one will quickly follow the other. Why do we think that?Also there are prophecies to Egypt and their stern faced king is not on place yet either. I believe the Lord could rapture the church at any time but His reference to the ark and going into it as in days of noah was immediately a trigger to destruction. Wouldn't it make sense that the tribe would follow our disappearance? Just many questions still. No argument. I love anticipating His coming with all of you but want to be sure I am doing it from Scripture and not the news.

  18. Sister Water -
    For your first part, again lets look at Daniel 8:25. "And by peace shall destroy many". This is "conquering" through "peace".
    Daniel 8:25
    25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
    Yes, the signing of a "covenant with many" shall trigger the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation.
    Daniel 9:27
    27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

  19. Sister Waterer - Yes, Israel will be left "desolate" after the Isaiah 17 war. God, as He always does, leaves a remnant of His People. Israel will be left recuperating from a horrendous war, when Russia and their tag a longs are drawn in by God, so as God can destroy them. Israel already lives in a land of "unwalled villages", and has for quite sometime. When Ezekiel wrote down what God was showing him in the future, to Ezekiel seeing present day Israel, it would be a land without defense walls. In Ezekiel's day, a village without walls would indicate that they have no enemies, because they have no defense walls. He is saying that Israel in the future, is not surrounded by defensive walls that he can see, therefore they must not have enemies.Ezekiel 38 is not a war with Israel, as you can read, Israel is not in any battle. It is God Himself stepping forward for all the nations to see, and defending Israel, that He, and He alone will get all of the Glory. Ill finish up tomorrow...pretty tired for right now...

  20. Hi-

    I have a question on this peace and safety lesson that I am learning from you all. :). I have been thinking it applied to the terms we would be and are hearing now, as we wait, but of course they are saying peace and security. (Our PTB) on all the bill of goods to justify all these non-sensical decisions being made from so many fronts.

    Of course, I am not good at connecting the dots, but I thought as we look up and everything is just as in the days of Noah, I just assumed these words would be used around us while we wait and to watch out in a sense for the deceptions behind it. ac in style because it goes against what God says. Knowing at anytime we are going home. How far off am I in my thinking? :)

    God Bless!!


  21. Sister Water - We know that the Isaiah 17 war, and the Ezekiel 38 invasion, precede the beginning of the Tribulation. Why do we know that they are back to back events? For several reasons we know this, most importantly is what Gods Purpose is for these events. Lets look at how Israel is left, and what occurs, during the Isaiah 17 war. Israel is fighting a multiple fronted war, alone, with no allies or means of resupplying. Just as God would have it.
    Damascus is destroyed 0- gone in one night
    Jordan goes down
    The West Bank goes down
    Israel captures the remnant of Syria
    Then something catastrophic happens to Israel
    God tells His People why He has allowed this to happen to them
    The evil nations surrounding Israel then rush in to finish her off
    God Himself steps forward to "rebuke" these nations to save the remnant of His People.
    Jordan, Gaza, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran are taken down by Gods Judgment Ezekiel chapters 25-32

  22. The Isaiah 17 war, sets the stage for the immediate invasion of Ezekiel 38 by Russia and the tag-alongs.
    As God is orchestrating all of this, Israel is exactly where He wants them. Weak, wounded, unable to defend themselves. We know these events happen back to back, as they will occur before the beginning of the Trib, and actually, we usher in the Trib. They are two events that have not yet been fulfilled. They coincide, most importantly because of Gods Plan to return, reconcile, restore His Covenant with His People, but there are other obvious reasons. Since we know these events happen before the Trib, Gods Word does not say for example that Israel recovers from the Isaiah 17 war, and is powerful and self-sustaining like so many false teachers state these days. Quite the opposite, Israel will be suffering greatly, and extremely vulnerable. As God tells us He wipes out the enemy nations surrounding Israel in the Isaiah 17 war, this is why Russia has a clear path into Israel, with no surrounding enemy nation objecting or blocking their path – they are gone.

  23. Most importantly of all, is Gods Purpose for these events. With the Isaiah 17 war, God Himself begins to step forward, beginning to turn His Full Attention, back to His People. He allows them to be brought to their knees, so as to seek Him, turn back to Him. IF as is so falsely taught these days, Israel was victorious in the Isaiah 17 war, and say had lots of time to recover, be strong, then 1. They would not need God, or turn to Him 2. They would fight the invading Russian forces, which His Word clearly says they dont. Ezekiel 38- with Israel still reeling from the Isaiah 17 war, weak, defenseless, God returns in full, and annihilates the invaders, shows Himself to the world and His People. By the end of Isaiah 17 – God begins to turn His Attention away from the Church, and back to His People, He begins to steps forward – the beginning of His Return in full to His People. Ezekiel 38/39 God Fully returns to His People after thousands of years, restoring in full His Covenant with them. The Church Age has ended, and we His Church are gone

  24. Hi Sister GG, :)
    The “peace and safety” that Paul speaks of, is referring in context to “Day of the Lord” which is as we know, during the Tribulation. The stuff we see presently, is a forerunner of whats to come. Lol, your not “good at connecting dots” lol, silly, your as smart as they come :) When the Ezekiel 38/39 invasion is finished, God Himself will have revealed Himself to His People, and “many nations”. He tells His People after thousands of years, He is back with them. After SO much death and destruction, with Israel at the center of all this, the “world” will be clamoring for “peace”. This is when the ac will emerge, with his false “peace” covenant. Israel will be living relatively in “peace & safety”, even being allowed to rebuild their Temple – which couldnt happen if they were engaging in wars etc. However, Jesus tells us clearly, when He is speaking to the Jewish People of the Tribulation in Matthew 24, that at mid-trib, the ac is revealed, and literally all h--- breaks loose against the Jewish People. They had been living under a false “peace”, and when the ac is revealed in the Temple, “sudden destruction” comes upon them as Jesus says. He tells them to run to the hills, run so fast that dont grab your clothes, and mercy on those who are pregnant and cant run, mercy on those who cant run should this event happen on the Sabbath which would make it illegal to go outside. From that point on, is the Great Tribulation, and the Jewish People are running for their lives from the ac.

  25. Thanks for the kind help on this. I am always amazed how things can seem to fit into a situation that is happening right now around us, but it turns out to be at a latter time. I guess this is where I can truly sit down and study how the words before and after them are used.

    By chance are there any other references that speak of these times of the lies and deceptions that are happening now? That may also speak about what seems like all is well around us but truly isn't because it is a world of constant lies and these are the things to watch for too? It has scared me a lot in the past two years when hearing things promoted that it is all in the best interest of national security or for the people, when its elite evil just consuming our world daily. Just sorting through the the muck can be so discouraging and tiring on many days.

    God Bless you dear Sister for your help at a time like this. This is the time I knew I need clarity when actions are being taken around Israel. I want to understand it every step of the way.


  26. Thanks for your time and effort in explaining Mrs. C. Lots to digest. Not for extra work but as an aside. Does not the one world gov't precede the ten toes? We have not seen the one world gov't which will also crumble and divide into 10 kings.We know A/c comes from people who destroyed Herod's temple but that can be just him coming and uprooting 3 kings and then dominating. It does not have to be the EU but rather a leader from that area. Maybe the rapture will facilitate the One world government very rapidly but that seems to be still future along with the rebuilding of the temple.Scott, you are our expert too and yet I do not want extra work for you. Just saying why one minute it seems imminent ( which it is) and the next like we have some stuff to go through yet.

  27. Daniel 9 makes it clear that the AC will come from the same kingdom responsible for the destruction of jerusalem and that was the roman empire. But. A huge caveat and you have to combine this with Daniel 7 and Rev 17. Its clear that the AC comes from the 10 kings. So all the discussions that you see when people try to dissect exactly WHERE those troops came from (within the roman empire) is trying to do way too much with prophecy and it wasnt intended as such. What really matters and what is more specific is the fact that the AC will come from the 10 Kings. Not before. That has to be taken into consideration

  28. SO Scott, Is this why you sometimes have said that you could see the ten kings as world regions? In that case the ac would be from the Roman region( European?)

  29. Well, it comes from the revived roman empire. Presumably the 10 toes of Daniel's 2 represents this as still being iron and clay and in Daniel 7 the 10 horns from the beast. So the ten kings is somehow a growth from (out of) the revived (or "changed") roman empire. I could see it being an outgrowth of the EU into 10 world regions, but there could also be a contraction back into the old WEU which was 10 members. I don't think we can know for sure (at this point) what the 10 kings will be or how they will arise. There is a lot of speculation on how this will happen - its not too specific from the scriptures. But when it happens it will be obvious. (if we are here to see it - who knows about that).

  30. Hi Mrs. C-

    I know you have been getting a lot of questions thrown at you about this topic and I hope you
    know it's with sincerity of seeking and not a long drawn out downward spiral on this topic. I thought this
    morning to share with you the scriptures I was looking at in my other posted question. I see the OD explained
    above is for the tribulation period, which is helpful to connect that to that time.

    I put these in the order they came in my searching about peace and safety, but I can see these only talk
    about a false peace, without mention of safey attached to these. :) yet remind me that the false prophets are out
    among us all and only in God is there true peace and safety.

    Thanks for taking the time to get that other information together. I know it's not easy with all you have on your end.

    Be well...and truly thanks for helping us out in these last days to keep Gods word truly lined up in the truth only without piece
    mealing to make things fit our own human thinking. :)

    God Bless!!


    Jeremiah 6:13-14New King James Version (NKJV)

    13 “Because from the least of them even to the greatest of them,
    Everyone is given to covetousness;
    And from the prophet even to the priest,
    Everyone deals falsely.
    14 They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly,
    Saying, ‘Peace, peace!’
    When there is no peace.

    Isaiah 48:22

    22 “There is no peace,” says the Lord, “for the wicked.”

    Matthew 10:34New King James Version (NKJV)

    Christ Brings Division

    34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.

    Mathew 10:34

    Faith Triumphs in Trouble

    5 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have[a] peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
