Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Things To Come - More Loss Of Freedom: Mandatory Vaccines In California And Oregon's Proposed Tax On Auto Milage

Mandatory Vaccines for Adults? Leave It to California | The Daily Sheeple

After the California State Legislature passed SB277, which forces all children attending school or daycare to be vaccinated, it was clear that this state was on the road to medical tyranny. Unfortunately, it’s hard to say where that road ends. Like all freedom killing mandates, they never draw a clear line. Each one begets another until all freedoms are lost.

That seems to be the case with SB277, which has spawned SB792. If kids can’t attend school without vaccines, why should adults be exempt? Vaccineimpact.com reports:

SB792- The first US adult vaccine mandate with NO personal exemptions (only medical exemptions approved by a doctor and defined by the bill) and CRIMINAL penalties for failure to comply will be heard in the California Assembly Human Services Committee this Tuesday July 14th at 1:30 in Room 437.

SB 792 would eliminate an adult’s right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. This bill would make California the first state to require mandated vaccinations for all childcare workers, including all private and public school early childhood education programs (Headstart, Private preK and preschools), family daycares, and daycare centers.

Commencing September 1, 2016, a person shall not be employed at a family day care home if he or she has not been immunized against influenza, pertussis, and measles. An employee shall receive an influenza vaccination between August 1 and December 1 of each year.

This bill eliminates medical autonomy, crushes religious freedom, undermines personal freedom, and burdens quality providers with a non-optional series of medical interventions in the form of mandated vaccines that are not even 100% effective.

You can see what this is leading to right? Like I said before, each tyrannical mandate begets another. Every bill sets a new precedent. In this case, SB792 is the first bill that would force adults to take a vaccine. There are already hospitals around the country that have tried to force their workers to take flu shots, but this is the first time (that I know of) where a state government has used the force of law to make grown adults take a vaccine. But for now, it’s limited to people who work with children.

But does anyone really believe that it will end there?

Laws like these are forging a burden of responsibility that is collectively shared by everyone. The fact that it’s possible for one person to spread a disease to anyone else, means that everyone is responsible for everyone’s health, or so their logic goes. But why apply this thinking to kids, or adults that work with kids, when it’s equally applicable to every form of human interaction.

Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time before they start to apply that thinking for everyone. Schools and daycare centers aren’t the only places where adults interact with children. I cross paths with minors every time I go to the store or go for a walk. Should I be forced receive a flu shot every year, just because I have the gall to step out of my house?

That’s the precedent that SB277 has set, and SB792 will reinforce. It won’t be long before they try to force vaccines on every adult and child in California. And if they pull it off there, legislators in other states will try to see if they can use the sheepish tyranny of majority rule to force vaccines on their citizens as well.

The slippery slope never looked so slick.

Don’t Fear Greece, It Is South Africa That Holds the Key to America’s Future | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show

Oregon’s Senate Bill 810 was the first legislation in the U.S. to establish a road usage charge system for state transportation funding.

The Oregon program is under the auspices of a federal program, which will soon be rolled out nationwide program to track your vehicle mileage using a GPS and a cellular link to transmit your travels to a centralized location.

Oregon is requiring a GPS unit to be installed in every vehicle which will subsequently track your mileage for purposes of taxation. It also has a big brother component to it as it tracks your personal travels and the date will be stored in a central location.

Oregon motorists will be billed at the end of each month for the miles driven. The amount of tax that must be paid is based calculations made with a secret formula about the taxpayer’s overall “carbon footprint”. If a motorist drives more than the accepted amount, your automobile smart meter will also attach a penalty to the tax owed for the miles driven.

What if you refuse to pay your tax? A remote kill-switch will disable your vehicle.

On the eve of the official roll out of Jade Helm, this seems almost insignificant. However, it is highly significant as Jade Helm 15, or its successor will be enforcing these Agenda 21 mandates which are rapidly increasing in number.

As American plunges head long into Agenda 21 under the pseudo-science of Climate Change, what will the future hold? If we look across the ocean, we can see an English speaking country where Agenda 21 is much further along than it is here in this country. By examining South Africa, we can get a clear look at what is coming our way.

South Africa has it all, rewilding, UNESCO’s Education for All which has dumbed downed an entire population, prohibition to thin out forests which leads to massive flooding, protection of endangered species resulting in private property forfeiture, job promotions and school admissions based upon mindless  racial quota systems, policies supporting depopulation and the installation of a system of living designed to destroy human motivation and the hope for a better future. Yes, Agenda 21 is gobbling up South Africa. And if America is not careful, South Africa’s hopelessness will soon become our national mantra as well.

One of the more popular Agenda 21 policies centers around herding people into extremely cramped and densely populated urban centers. In the United States, we are beginning to witness the introduction of micro apartments in places like San Francisco, New York City and Ft. Collins, where the living space does not exceed 500 square feet. However, in South Africa, they have turned their urban areas into a type of prison characterized by filth and squalor and extreme political control.

Many of the urban residents live behind high walls, there is electrified fencing and the properties are frequently guarded by the South African version of Blackwater.

Local police forces have been decimated and the citizens are living in fear of these privatized security firms who rape and rob many innocent victims in their jurisdiction. These security firms do so with impunity as the private security firms strictly serve the elite and their prime directive is to keep the people in line and in fear of the one ruling political party. Movement of people, especially at night, is tightly controlled. South Africa is becoming a Marxist “papers please” society.  Both educators and person who did not identify his occupation who wrote to me stated that if you are a white male and you are arrested by these private security firms, you have a very high probability of being raped in the holding cell.

Here is an excerpt of an email I received on this topic from a resident of South Africa.
Hello Dave,
I listen to your show frequently as you talk about the dictatorial policies of governments that embrace Agenda 21. I wanted you to know how bad it is here in South Africa. Our government and our political parties are more authoritarian than they are in China or were in Stalinist Russia. 
…Our third largest political party is openly Marxist and the national song is “Kill the farmer”. This is what our current president sings at his political rallies. Our seconds largest party is socialist.

Here is another email I received from South Africa on their Agenda 21 land policies and wealth redistribution policies.
Dear Dave,
Thanks for the work that you are doing to help save the average person. Could you pay a little more attention to the genocide against white people that is beginning to happen in South Africa?
We have had thousands of our farmers murdered and raped and thousands of commercial farms have been given to “previously disadvantaged people” and 98% of those farms no longer produce anything. Increasingly our food is controlled by government friendly corporations that are not white owned. 
Our roads are in a state of disrepair and 1.3 million people pay 85% of all taxes of which they receive no benefit.

In response to this email, I would point out that America has only 92 million full-time working employees. We presently have about 102 million working age Americans who do not work full-time. Fifty million are on food stamps, that is one in six people in this country. Who is paying the taxes for these Obama phone recipients who garner about $75,000 per year in government benefits while being supported on working people’s tax dollars? On this point, we have already surpassed South Africa.

In America, farms and ranches are presently being seized through administrative fiat of Agenda 21 organizations such as the EPA. In South Africa, most farms do not produce food because their owners have been murdered by these Blackwater/Academi security firms. I cannot stop hearing Obama’s words echoing in my head as he promised America that he would develop a “private civilian security force that is just as strong, just as powerful and just as well-funded as the military”. This is what they have in South Africa and rape and murder rate speak to the wisdom of this globalist approach to law and order.

There is nothing so dangerous to a totalitarian regime as an armed population capable of self-defense. The UN ideal of totally disarming the civilian population and leaving the masses vulnerable to the ruling party is nearly complete.

In most South African communities, firearms ownership is limited to a handgun and 100-200 rounds of ammunition depending on your local communities rules. There are several communities that have totally banned private gun ownership. Some communities are permitted to “rent” guns to tourists for limited hunting, but this is reserved for the elite and it is very expensive. There have been recent prohibitions against carrying  anything on your person that might be considered a dangerous weapon. Objects as benign as key chains, cigarette lighters, pocket knives, screwdrivers are banned in some communities.

In many areas, self-defense of property and self is not a guaranteed right. We have seen this insanity in England for sometime where there are no “stand your ground” kind of codified self-defense statutes. In tightly controlled Agenda 21 communities, we are witnessing the fact that the government can be the only purveyor of force and violence even in self-defense.

In South Africa, parents don’t dare let their children go to play in the park or walk to local stores anymore. All of the South Africans who wrote to me have told me that is it’s just too dangerous to let your kids play outside and many of the missing children end up in child sex-trafficking rings. The privatized security firms transport the children and they are suspected of abducting many “blond haired and blue eyed children” into sex slavery rings.

One South African wrote to me and said that he wanted to give me a feel for what is coming to America and what it’s like to in a Marxist country which is dominated by Agenda 21 policies.  One theme dominated these communications and that is wealth redistribution on a grand scale. Here is another email where this sentiment is expressed and it is a sentiment that should concern all Americans.
Hi Dave, 
…What’s worse is the absolute apathy of the people that live here. Most people have no idea of the different stages of a communist takeover and just accept that living like this is just the way it is. You are labeled as negative or a racist as soon as you mention this in any public forum. I thinks most of us are just hoping that something will change, but we don’t want to know the truth.
…I just wanted to give you a small idea of what life is like in the new South Africa.”
This should serve as a warning to all Americans that our society, as we know it, is living on borrowed time.  

1 comment:

  1. Like it says in the bible, when the masses realize what is going on it will be to late.I could easily see us getting to this stage in a few mouths.
