Wednesday, August 6, 2014

ISIS Moves Into Lebanon

ISIS Marches On Kurdistan, Lebanon, Baghdad

From Osnet:

Editor’s Note…
Several weeks before the recent Gaza war erupted, Osnet Daily predicted the upcoming war and its precise outcome, as well as  the spillover of the ISIS crisis into Lebanon and its methodical expansion in Iraq, Syria and the Arabian peninsula on behalf of its NATO handlers and their gulf financiers like Kuwait and Qatar. Lo and Behold, the crisis continues to escalate in a direct follow up to the end of the Gaza war, which so far has clipped the wings of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist death squads in Gaza (but retained their core structure and capabilities) and forced them back under the Egyptian boot. The long term results in Gaza remain to be seen, but ISIS\NATO are clearly on the move in the greater Middle-East regardless. This very detailed report elaborates on the main issues. 

ISIS Conquers its First Slice of Lebanon

In order to blackmail Lebanon’s government into releasing one of its leaders who was recently captured, ISIS recently expanded its conquest into Lebanon as well, capturing the fairly large city of Arsal, in a Sunni majority region near the Syrian border. Arsal houses 40,000 regular residents and 120,000 Syrian refugees, so it is not just some hick town. According to the Wire:

“Militants associated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) captured the Lebanese city of Arsal in fighting that began on Friday and continued Monday. 
According to The Telegraph, a Syrian rebel group set up check-points in the border city but have not yet declared the area as part of the caliphate. In addition to 40,000 residents, there are roughly 120,000 refugees living in Arsal.
The conflict broke out after the Lebanese Army arrested Abu Ahmad al-Jumaa, a former commander in the Free Syrian Army who later declared allegiance to ISIS. Officials said they arrested Jumaa because he planned to attack an army outpost.
Since the Syrian Uprising began in 2011, an estimated one million refugees have crossed the nearly 250 mile border from Syria into Lebanon, a number expected to hit 1.5 million by the end of 2014 The United Nation’s Refugee Agency predicts.
The Sunni insurgents said they will leave Arsal if the government releases Jumaa, something Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Slama flatly rejected on Monday.
National borders haven’t stopped ISIS before, and evidently the border between Syria and Lebanon isn’t regarded as anything special by it either.  Moreover, this incursion potentially promises a to give it a chance to tussle with Hezbollah, the Shi’ite political party and militant group that predominates in Lebanon. Since its members are apostates in ISIS’ book, it probably relishes the opportunity.

The Lebanese city of Arsal has been captured by ISIS as well now, so to speak in passing.
(Map via
Amazingly, this happened practically concurrently with ISIS’ forays into Kurdish held territory, which shows what enormous reach the organization actually has by now. It seems pretty clear that its membership is far larger than the estimated 2000 fighters that were attributed to it as recently as in April or May.

Global health experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) are meeting to discuss new measures to tackle the Ebola outbreak.
The meeting is expected to last two days and will decide whether to declare a global health emergency.
On Wednesday, a man suspected to have contracted Ebola died in Saudi Arabia. If confirmed, this will be the first Ebola-related death outside of Africa.
Prof Peter Piot, who co-discovered Ebola in 1976, Prof David Heymann, the head of the Centre on Global Health Security, and Wellcome Trust director Prof Jeremy Farrar said there were several drugs and vaccines being studied for possible use against Ebola.

"African governments should be allowed to make informed decisions about whether or not to use these products - for example to protect and treat healthcare workers who run especially high risks of infection," they wrote in a joint statement.
The WHO, "the only body with the necessary international authority" to allow such experimental treatments, "must take on this greater leadership role", they said.

 In the document Shin Bet Director Yoram Cohen, who leads the Israeli delegation, put before the Egyptian intermediaries, the first key condition is based on the Oslo 2 Accords, which restricted Palestinian brigades in the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria to bearing light firearms. The second condition would grant the Israeli military the freedom of action to strike a tunnel system designed for terrorist attacks and demolish plants manufacturing missiles.

Israel requires these two measures to be incorporated in any accords reached at the Cairo conference.

The 19-year old Oslo 2 accord, concluded in Washington on Sept. 28 1995, permitted Palestinian security forces to be equipped solely with light firearms take booty by Israel in the Galilee Peace operation against Palestinian forces in southern Lebanon.

The application of this provision to the Cairo accords, if signed, would outlaw Hamas’ possession of rockets of all types and heavy or sophisticated weaponry of any kind.

This provision has replaced Israel’s original demand for the full demilitarization of the Gaza Strip. Its implementation would require Hamas and other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip to get rid of all their heavy weapons, including heavy machine guns and mortars.

They submitted five more terms for a Gaza deal:

1. An inspection mechanism, whose nature remains to be determined, will be set up to monitor the 1-3 km deep security belt Israel is carving out inside the Gaza Strip along the 75 kilometers of its security border fence. This mechanism will ascertain that no military activity takes place.
2.  Gaza will not be allowed to have either an airport or a deep water port, as Hamas is demanding.
3.  All reconstruction work in the Gaza Strip or repairing the war damage, whether by the international community or Israel, will be channeled through the Palestinian Authority Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas.
4.  All of Gaza’s border crossings will be manned and operated by Palestinian Authority security personnel. Egypt and Israel have submitted this demand with regard to both their border terminals.
5.  Gaza reconstruction work will take place under international supervision.

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