Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Coming Collapse

You may recall part 1 in this series (linked in the first sentence below). 

This is a long but fascinating article as it plunges deeply into the worldwide economic collapse that is headed our way. It is not only coming, but it isn't an accident - this is a planned event and it will most likely end up in a single world financial system, a single currency and ultimately, a world governance which will ultimately give birth to the antichrist. 

Below are just a few noteworthy quotes:

In Part 1 of this article I detailed the insane solutions proposed and executed since 2008 by our owners as they attempt to retain and further expand their ill-gotten wealth, acquired through fraud, deceit, swindles, and the brilliant manipulation and exploitation of the masses through Bernaysian propaganda techniques. Madness has engulfed the entire world, with a concentration of power in the hands of a few psychopathic financial elite wielding an inordinate and dangerous expanse of power over the lives of the common man.

The willfully ignorant masses are kept at bay by the selling them a false dichotomy of Republicans versus Democrats, conservatives versus liberals, and capitalism versus socialism. The ruling class distracts the public with fake wars on poverty, drugs and terror, while using these storylines to further enrich themselves and keep the public alarmed and frightened. We’ve been “fighting” the wars on poverty and drugs for over four decades and poverty is at record levels, while drugs are easier to obtain than candy in a candy store. The war on terror is nothing more than a corporate arms dealer welfare plan. The end of the Cold War put a real crimp in the bottom lines of Lockheed Martin and the rest of the peddlers of death. 9/11 and the subsequent undeclared wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria, with Iran on the horizon, have been a godsend to the bottom lines of the corporations Eisenhower warned about in 1961. In reality, the politicians are interchangeable and bought off by corporate and special interests. The people are sold a fable, and controlled opposition is the fairy tale.

The manipulation of the masses has been perfected by the ruling class through decades of corporate mass media messaging the purposeful dumbing down of the populace through government public school education that teaches children how to feel rather than how to think. The conscious manipulation of the masses has been designed to produce obedient non-thinking consumers of corporate products, educated to believe the accumulation of material goods with debt constitutes wealth, to fear whatever the government tells them to fear, and never look up from their iGadgets long enough to actually think for themselves. We are bombarded with Orwellian memes designed to keep us sedated and pliant, as the ruling class pillages the national wealth and expands their power and control over our lives.

True unemployment, that doesn’t falsely exclude the unemployed who have thrown in the towel, is north of 20%, with youth unemployment exceeding 40%. The “solutions” implemented by our owners have led to a 10% collapse in the median household income since 2008. If the middle class is seeing their real incomes decline, while their living expenses are rising by 5% per year, how can the economy be recovering? It can’t. Bernanke’s banker welfare program and Obama’s $1 trillion deficits, along with accounting fraud and under-reporting of inflation, have produced the illusion of recovery.

Bernanke will eventually roll craps. When he does, the collapse will be epic and 2008 will seem like a walk in the park. In Part 3 of this article I will speculate on the timing, scope and consequences of the coming collapse. It’s not going to be a happy ending, especially for the existing social order.

We can never forget this one. As stated in the link "In this video George Soros talks about the new World Order and the "managed" "slow decline" of the U.S. dollar. He wants a "world currency" as well. 

While this cannot happen overnight. The “pot has been cooking” for a very long time. We must pay attention to George Soros. He loves the camera and may be our best clue to the decline of the dollar and the New World Order, that we must defeat at all costs and in direct opposition to our president. It will be a long and painful battle – we are up against an evil world.

‘It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,’”
He is the founder of the Open Society Institute. Think about that name. It means advocating for “transnationalism.” The U.N.’s Millenium Development Goal (UNMDG) wants human rights standards to respect the “global principle of freedom of circulation for all.”

In short, the U.N. defines transnationalism as a type of globalization that is, this minute, turning the world into a “global village.” That “global village” will give back control of “peace, equity, social justice, democracy and human rights,” to the people. The U.N.’s vision of globalization is one that makes all industry, throughout the world “work for the benefit of everyone to eradicate poverty and hunger globally…”
The U.N. MDG says this:
This can happen only if global corporations, international financial and trade institutions and Governments are subject to effective democratic control by the people…”
The following is one way to do it. From the U.N. Millenium Development Goal (read text here):
The MDG says this can be done by initiating a worldwide freeze on armed forces – prohibitions of the use of force…move towards the abolition of war and…the UN Secretariat and interested Governments, or a separate group of Governments, should develop a draft proposal for global disarmament.

By adopting the Millennium goals in 2000, the U.N. escalated its demands to impose international taxes. Specifically, the Millennium called for a “currency transfer tax,” a “tax on the rental value of land and natural resources,” a “royalty on worldwide fossil energy projection — oil, natural gas, coal,” “fees for the commercial use of the oceans, fees for airplane use of the skies, fees for use of the electromagnetic spectrum, fees on foreign exchange transactions, and a tax on the carbon content of fuels.”

That is how a World Order comes about. Soros sits on a U.N. climate panel (I’m assuming a sub-panel to the IPCC – The Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change):
“The 21-member United Nations panel included Lawrence H. Summers, the White House’s departing national economics adviser; the billionaire financier George Soros; Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, the finance minister of Mexico; and Christine Lagarde, the French economic minister,” the Times reports.
That’s right, the same George Soros who has railed against American independence and sovereignty is now organizing a massive wealth transfer to third world countries in the name of environmentalism.
The headline should read: George Soros Led United Nations Panel Organizes $100 Billion Anti-U.S. Shakedown Effort. But that it does not should surprise none.

By adopting the Millennium goals in 2000, the U.N. escalated its demands to impose international taxes. Specifically, the Millennium called for a “currency transfer tax,” a “tax on the rental value of land and natural resources,” a “royalty on worldwide fossil energy projection — oil, natural gas, coal,” “fees for the commercial use of the oceans, fees for airplane use of the skies, fees for use of the electromagnetic spectrum, fees on foreign exchange transactions, and a tax on the carbon content of fuels.”
My apologies if you believe I have gone off-topic the discussion of the UNMDG, but the truth is, it is all being cooked in the same pot.

So exactly what is it that George Soros is trying to accomplish? Well, in a nutshell, what he wants is a Big Brother-style one world government based on extreme European-style socialism, strict population control and the radical green agenda. It would be a world where the state tightly regulates everything that we do for the greater benefit of the environment and of society as a whole.

The stage is clearly being set for the 7 year period that is coming. Even a basic knowledge of biblical prophecy and the detailed descriptions of the world governance and subsequent tyrannical control that will be in place - is now seen in the final stages of development. 

In the words of the apostle Peter (1 Peter 1:3-9):

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.


  1. Stocks are running slow tonite, not much action. Dow down a couple
    points in nite trading.

    This market STILL GIVES me indications of future bulling.
    I want to see the close on TUES
    for more info.

    WOW......the blog is really quiet again...just me and Scott....

    well, that's normal I guess.

    Stephen >>>>>>>>>>

  2. I am new here for posting comments. I read your blog every day! I am so looking for the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! The evil you feel every day is alarming. All the signs are pointing to his return. Even so, Lord come quickly. Praise the Lord!

  3. I am new here for posting comments. I read your blog every day! I am so looking for the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! The evil you feel every day is alarming. All the signs are pointing to his return. Even so, Lord come quickly. Praise the Lord!

  4. Shirley - I think many of us sense this darkness that is coming upon the world. It is palpable and growing worse by the day. I assume the Holy Spirit senses its presence/

    Stephen - FWIW - we just passed the 2 million mark last week for hits on this blog (I just happened to have noticed this on the stats page)

  5. Congratulations Scott on the two million hits. That is impressive. You do a great job and people are searching for answers as they witness the rapid decline of our culture. We are surrounded by the signs Jesus told us would mark the time of his return.

    Perhaps Today!

  6. Wow Scott- That is amazing 2 million hits. You are touching many, even if we don't always comment. We are here!!!!!! God Bless and Maranatha

  7. Scott, let me add my congratulations as well. Unfortunately too many people are looking for answers in all the wrong places. The best way to stay sane in an insane world is to cling to the promises of our Lord and Savior and the glorious future He has awaiting us.

  8. Perhaps today Lord.... perhap today... our Redemption draws nigh.
    Maranatha, is right!!
    Keep on spreading the reason for the hope that is in you, cuz there is so little time....

  9. Hey thanks guys - but I wasn't seeking anything congratulatory or anything like that. In fact, I just stumbled on that number by accident. There is no correlation between readership and comments. (which is kind of interesting). The readership increases dramatically when things are going on in the world, and it is interesting to see so many people seeking out sites such as this. I can't imagine what it would have been like around 9-11, as so many people were searching for answers to what had happened (remember people flocked to church for 3-4 weeks?).

  10. Hi Scott! I don't comment often but I am here checking in every single day! I have many friends that are doing the same thing. Thank you so much for your blog! MARANATHA!
