Monday, February 11, 2013

Evening Update: Iran Getting Closer To The 'Red Line'

PM Netanyahu issued a warning that Iran is approaching the so-called "red line", which presumably be that line which would force Israel into military action:

Iran is taking steps that are bringing it closer to the “red line” in its nuclear program that Israel cannot tolerate, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned on Monday.

Speaking at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Netanyahu said, “The three external challenges that we face begin with Iran. I spoke about Iran’s plan to develop nuclear weapons. Its nuclear weapons program continues unabated. It’s focused on enrichment because if they can continue and complete the enrichment of high enriched uranium, then they’ll have enough to produce enough material to produce a nuclear bomb.

“I drew a line at the UN, last time I was there,” he added. “They haven’t crossed that line, but what they’re doing is to shorten the time that it will take them to cross that line. And the way they’re shortening that time is by putting in new, faster centrifuges that cut the time by one third, so that Iran is putting itself in a position to cross the red lineand have enough material to produce one nuclear bomb’s worth of highly enriched uranium. This has to be stopped, for the interest of peace and security, for the interest of

“The second challenge we face is in Syria. Syria is not one of the great economies of the world. It’s not a developed country. And it certainly suffered tremendous tragedies in the last two years with great human cost. But this undeveloped country has the world’s most developed weapons there. It has stockpiles of chemical weapons, and it has other strategic weapons – weapons that can change the balance of power in the Middle East. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: we will not sit idly by and let those weapons fall in the hands of terrorists.”

Looking at the last paragraph below, before this new information, PM Netanyahu was working under the assumption that 'summer 2013' would represent the red line in terms of Iran's nuclear development. So if that time has been cut by 1/3, some quick math would take us to spring 2013, which is indeed a very interesting development. 

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday that new centrifuges Iranwas installing for its uranium enrichment program could cut by a third the time needed to create a nuclear bomb.
As Iran and world powers prepare to resume talks aimed at easing a dispute that has raised fears of a new Middle East war, Tehran announced late last month it planned to install the new machines at its main enrichment plant.
The move underlined Iran's defiance of international demands to scale back the uranium enrichment which Tehran says is for civilian purposes but which could also potentially be used to make material for atomic bombs.

Netanyahu touched on the subject in an address to American Jewish leaders and his words came ahead of a planned visit to Israel next month by President Barack Obama.

"Iran's ... nuclear weapons program continues unabated ... I drew a line at the U.N. last time I was there," Netanyahu said. "They haven't crossed that line but what they are doing is to shorten the time that it will take them to cross that line and the way they are (doing it) is by putting in new, faster centrifuges that cut the time by one third."

In a speech to the U.N. General Assembly in September, Netanyahu gave a rough deadline of summer 2013 as the date by which Iran could have enough highly enriched material to produce a single nuclear bomb.

Also see:

{You can't read this article without pondering just how close we are to the Tribulation]

*** See the comments section below for a note regarding registered comments***


  1. Please let me know if you had any trouble posting comments when I was requiring ID. I had a couple of people contact me saying that they were experiencing difficulties. I'd appreciate the feedback on that.

    1. I figured it out....worked for me. Bye the way, I got the book...reading it now.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I can't remember - was it Showers book: 'Maranatha.."?

  3. Scott, have you heard of Peter Turkson? He's Cardinal from Ghana who's a frontrunner to become the next Pope. If he wins, would you consider him to be "Peter the Roman"?

  4. Scott....I tried posting a couple times before yesterday, and it only showed the Google ID option and the Open ID option...I chose Open ID...and clicked, and it didnt post my just was lost. I had wrote what I wrote, and just said the heck with it. I didnt feel like re-writing, and I had lost the words.

    I was a little lost because I usually just put my name on it...I was gonna ask about it, but I couldnt post! LOL......Theres my answer to your question. :)

    And while Im here, I will comment on the pope thing....the Malachy Prophecies are not scripture, but that doesnt make it irrelevant. if you take that 'prophecy' and doesnt fit in God's Word. It isnt part of the whole package, which is absolutely perfect from beginning to end. It very well could be a little sumpn extra that God provided....

    Personally, I think you cant argue with a perfect record. If the new pope doesnt fit the prophecy, the the whole thing is shot. But what are the odds? Hmmmmm.......And if it fits? Ya cant argue the timing is absolutely spot on.....

    I think the clock has begun to tick.......not years....not months....but all we can do is be READY!!

    Come soon, Lord Jesus!!!


  5. Dylan....Peter Turkson....wasnt he one of the Monkeys? LOL...Sorry...couldnt resist....;)

    The one that pops out the most is Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro Bertone....from Romano Canavese...."Peter the Roman"....He has been a very power hungry and powerful person in the Vatican. I know...that is just TOO obvious.....


  6. Scott as I indicated earlier I am an IT dummy and had difficulty figuring it out. I did finally stumble into getting my posts to work. For some reason it listed me as "Mark" which is my name but I did not type it in anywhere. I was somewhat panicked because I feared I was not going to be able to communicate any more if this was permanent. I could see others posting so I knew it could be done I just struggled to figure it out. Like I said I'm not the brightest when it comes to computers. If you go back to doing it that way please include some posting guidelines to follow to facilitate signing up. My $0.2 cents. :)

  7. Yea, (oh, thanks for the input), I'm torn on the Malachy stuff myself. On the one hand, the accuracy is hard to deny; I mean some of the references are just uncanny in its accuracy. ANd believing that we are on the brink of the Tribulation, and now, according to Malachy, we're facing the last Pope - one who would be present during the Trib. Thats hard to deny.

    OTOH, it isn't Biblical and I fully get that argument and agree to a large extent.

    Still - its something that is very interesting and there is no way I feel that I can ignore it and/or not watch it evolve - if nothing else, just from pure interest.

  8. Thanks WV. Hmmm....I'm going to look into this and see what can be done. I appreciate the input. We went a couple of days with no comments, and that hasn't happened in a long time. I assumed there may be a problem, (I was alerted by a couple of people here as well).

  9. North Korea just tested a nuke, that caused an earth quake!

  10. David

    The first half can be difficult to get through, as he lays the basis of interpretation. If you want to get right to the Rapture you can cheat and go to Chapter 7 (Part II of the book). Actually, the first half of the book may have more interest after starting with part 2. Just fyi

  11. Mike another possibility with the Malachy "prophecies" could be they are not prophecies as much as they are a possible road map for the Cardinals to follow.

    That of course does not account for the prediction that this is the last Pope or that he is the Pope of the tribulation. But of course that has not yet occurred.

    They may just be at this point self fulfilling prophecies? I'm just thinking out loud. :)

  12. and here we go again.....typical.

    Wall Street BLIND stupid bulls with
    there usual scorn and scoff games.

    please read this .......

    note the END of the article, how
    the writer COMPARES the last
    pope to the Mayan prophecies.

    really ??

    Wall Street is decieved...

    I KNOW THAT TO BE true....

    as of tonite.

    for sure.

    Stephen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  13. WV, like a guidebook for the Cardinals who are doing the electing who to elect? So the prophecies aren't prophecies but commands and orders of who to elect and what their papal name should be? The election IS fairly secret so that could be the case.

  14. I really agree with this business of Bertone, I have read about him.
    Some of the IDEAS he has for the
    RCC are dangerous, to say the least.

    Some of his comments to the media
    in the PAST lead me to believe that
    he does not consider Jesus to be that important....for salvation...

    really ??

    if so THAT would be an evil plot
    by him and the AC during the
    time of Jacob's trouble coming.

    I think it will be Bertone....
    that is selected...

    we will see......

    Stephen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  15. Hi Brother WV, :)
    You need to log into your Google account. Then go into your "blogger" profile. There is an option to type in your name to be displayed, that is where you type in WV instead of Mark that you previously entered. :) Just poke around, you'll find it. :)

    God Bless!

  16. So, what I THINK I just read is Bibi saying that the massive explosion in Iran's processing center last month did lots of damage......but not enough to set the program or schedule on its heels. Certainly not enough to change the date of the "red line" crossing significantly.

    Now, related news that both N. Korea's nuclear and delivery system programs have made significant advances and now potentially pose a threat to the US mainland.

    And, tonight Obama is going to start the real push to get guns out of citizens hands.....

    And the Fed continues to buy every piece of mortgaged property in the US while keeping the interest rates artificially low.

    Now evidence the government is buying up all the 22 ammo produced to keep them out of the public's hands. A month ago you could buy a "brick" of 22LR for $20, now its $80-$100, if you can find it.

    One of the ladies at the county sheriff's office exclusively handles weapons and concealed permits. She's shaken! Says that after a career she has never seen such a parade and stampede of people arming themselves to the, white, rich, poor, old, young, male, female...everybody from "just of age" to granny.

    Incredible times we have been blessed to live in and witness.

  17. Scott,
    I couldn't get the open id thing so tried google. My gmail account uses my name and I did not want that to pop up and didn't know if it would so I opened a second account. At first it worked but then it went to an ad and th e comment would disappear. I tried again and opened a third google account, the same thing happened. I wish you could leave the name thing in and just leave Anon as NOT an option with the rule that if you post as a named person you must stay that person.

  18. Somewhere on this thread (or it may be the post below this one), Mrs C have some instructions on how to change the name on that acct. I believe that is your problem, you need to use that 'original' acct; just change the name. Let me know if you can find that.

  19. I would like to comment on the pope candidate that Mike mentioned.

    Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro Bertone....from Romano Canavese...

    I read also that if there is some problem with the conclave elections, that he would be interim pope until someone is actually elected. It has something to do with his current position.

    I do find all of this fascinating.

  20. I was reading up on this Cardinal Bertone, & he sounds like THE one fitting all qualifications to be next Pope according to those Malachi prophesies. Will be honestly surprised if he isn't. Very fascinating to watch unfold, indeed!
