Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In the Middle East

Just a few stories on a slow news day (so far anyway):

Iran says it's installing new nuclear enrichment machines

Iran is installing new uranium enrichment machines aimed at speeding up progress in its nuclear program, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday, a development that may add to Western concern about Tehran's aims.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast appeared to confirm a Reuters story last week that Iran was installing two newer and more advanced models of the centrifuges used to refine uranium for large-scale testing at a research site.

To repeat what I have said before - I believe Iran is desperately provoking Israel to attack, so that they will have an excuse to "counter-attack" and bring in their allies in the region under the premise that they are a "victim" to an Israeli attack. We shall see.

In addition, we now see AlJazerra carrying the story on Israel's imminent attack on Iran:

CIA veteran: Israel to attack Iran in fall

A longtime CIA officer who spent 21 years in the Middle East is predicting that Israel will bomb Iran in the fall, dragging the United States into another major war and endangering US military and civilian personnel (and other interests) throughout the Middle East and beyond.

Earlier this week, Robert Baer appeared on the provocative KPFK Los Angeles show Background Briefing, hosted by Ian Masters. It was there that he predicted that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is likely to ignite a war with Iran in the very near future.

Baer was especially impressed by the unprecedented warning about Netanyahu's plans by former Mossad chief Meir Dagan. Dagan left the Israeli intelligence agency in September 2010. Two months ago, he predicted that Israel would attack and said that doing so would be "the stupidest thing" he could imagine. According to Haaretz:

When asked about what would happen in the aftermath of an Israeli attack Dagan said that: "It will be followed by a war with Iran. It is the kind of thing where we know how it starts, but not how it will end."

The Iranians have the capability to fire rockets at Israel for a period of months, and Hizbollah could fire tens of thousands of grad rockets and hundreds of long-range missiles, he said.

Also note this aspect of the article:

There is almost "near certainty" that Netanyahu is "planning an attack [on Iran] ... and it will probably be in September before the vote on a Palestinian state. And he's also hoping to draw the United States into the conflict", Baer explained.

It should be noted that the Iranian regime is quite capable of triggering a war with the United States through some combination of colossal stupidity and sheer hatred. In fact, as Baer explained, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard would welcome a war. They are "paranoid". They are "worried about ... what's happening to their country economically, in terms of the oil embargo and other sanctions". And they are worried about a population that increasingly despises the regime.

They need an external enemy. Because we are leaving Iraq, it's Israel. But in order to make this threat believable, they would love an attack on their nuclear facilities, love to go to war in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and Iraq and hit us where they could.

Syria recognizes Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital

Big surprise here.

"Syria recognizes a Palestinian state within the June 4, 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital, and on the basis of the preservation of Palestinian legitimate rights," a statement said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas began a visit to several European countries on Sunday to gather support for a UN vote on an independent Palestinian state.

According to the official Syrian News Agency (SANA), Abbas welcomed Syria's recognition of the Palestinian state and described it as "a major step which supports the Palestinian efforts to attain UN recognition in September."

Renewed Gaza fighting still going after a week

Violence between the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip and Israel has been quietly ratcheting up over the past week. Some fear the current rumblings are a prelude to another explosion of violence

Some Israelis fear the Palestinians could begin escalating the level of violence ahead of a Palestinian bid to [unilaterally declare statehood at the UN in September].

While that strategy would seem counterproductive, the international community has demonstrated time and again that its chosen method of dealing with Palestinian violence is appeasement.

Remember this (next) story? It still appears from time to time, and no (reasonable) explanation is ever given:

Mysterious big fish kill in Cape York river

The department says it received reports of about 1,000 dead fish floating in parts of the Normanby River, at the Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park, last week.

Most of the dead fish were barramundi and jewfish.

Samples of the fish have been tested and results are expected next week.


  1. While we have a bit of a breather, there is something that has helped me a lot lately when all these signs are making me feel overwhelmed. Its an old saying "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water" ;) I'm sure for those who are just waking up, it is somewhat astonishing at how close we are and the more you search, the more you can see it. Whew! Really you don't even have to search anymore. It is so incredibly obvious right now. Even a blind man knows when the sun is shining!
    I have lots of things I would like to express but everyone here is at different levels of understanding and knowledge. I'm afraid I put a lot of info out, or at least am willing to investigate many things that many people aren't ready to consider or don't understand. I apologize if I scare or confuse anyone! Scott-that is why I love your self restraint so much.
    It is also interesting as to what different people hone in on. For instance, Scott-you are really watching for the 10 Kings and the one world monetary system, Stephen-searching for clues to the a.c., me, I'm really looking for those natural events and signs in the sky. We all look for everything but each of us has their own little niche. Pretty cool! Teamwork!
    I'm so excited about Christ's Shofar blast that I can hardly contain myself. So once again, I apologize if I make anyone scared or nervous. That is not my intent. I want everyone to be as excited as I am.He gave us very specific things to look for so we wouldn't be scared. He warned us because he knew people who didn't know and trust him would be freaking out. He even said "Don't be afraid, the end is not yet". He is coming really really soon! With love-your sis in Christ Jesus-ally

  2. 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Uzbekistan. What amazes me is how Ezekiel 38 is lining up. We are helping Al-Quada take Libya (Put). Sudan just split- Christains vs Moslems (Cush). Turkey (Mechek.Tuber,Gomer)has announced they support PA State with Jerusalem as capital. Russia ended peace talks last week insisting Israel return to 67 borders.(Gog) Iran continues to threaten America and Israel (Persia). France allowed a ship to leave for Gaza and IDF intercepted. It seems to me the whole word is poking their finger in God's eye.

  3. Ally, your comment above really hit home. Yep, we each have our pet "watches". There are several specifics I look for but one of mine is the alignments of signs......the weird, off the wall stuff.

    The weather, HAARP, the BP well blowout, Gulf Stream destruction and hence Jet Stream changes have been part of it.

    But here in our back yard we have one going on. We have some land, natural woods, and lawn inside a fence. My wife feeds the squirrels twice a day with shelled peanuts and we have had a huge crowd built up......13-16. It was like clockwork, they would show up early in the morning and at dinnertime.....but puff...they're gone. Maybe one or two....and as we sit out at night we normally listen to them chatter to each other.....not now. Its quiet.

    For me, I enjoy the birds...and have about 11 hanging feeding stations with every type food and suet. It sounded like the middle of a banquet in the jungle out there. We got everything, multiple types wood peckers, every color, shape, appetite imaginable....but no more. About the same time the squirrels left the birds changed. Very little activity.

    And our dog...kind of aggressive and very protective....now he's more clingy that protective.

    I know animals can often predict natural disasters.

    I have to wonder about the big brown dwarf thing that supposed to be heading our way and the super sized electromagnetic field and effects its supposed to have. Are our little friends sensing something and laying low?

    This isn't something I would normally post on an open board but this is family. Any thoughts? Any one else out there seeing something like this?

  4. ok, Gold and Silver starting to come down.....but stocks are still
    going up. As Prechter says in elliottwave.com, they all move together in the end......

    and they will crash together.....

    reason for QUIET news is that bulls
    are still busy.....but once they
    get hit by the coming crash, I
    expect many prophecies to get
    fufilled VERY QUICKLY.....

    and STAY IN CASH !!!!


    Stephen in Hawaii >>>>>>

  5. ANON- You make some great points about some of the signs in the Middle East and I agree wholeheartedly.

    Ally - Very good observations - I think God works with our various personalities. I also think Paul touched on this when he encouraged us to gather together with the words of prophecy - perhaps he saw us all bring different aspects 'to the table' ...

    Caver - I recal reading (years ago) about a guy in California who was (successfully) predicting earthquakes several days in advance based on the number of missing cats and dogs - which apparently would occur days before quakes. I always found that interesting and it ites in with what you are saying

  6. Hello Caver

    Scott could well be right about your missing birds and squirrels; I have read of the same - better batten down the hatches just in case you are in for a shake?

    Please don't worry about this 'brown dwarf' thingy! Try to remember that Jesus has the WHOLE universe under his control - NOTHING can happen without his say so.

    Hebrews1:10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:

    Praise The Lord!
    God bless you

  7. Hi Miss Sue,

    Thank you and rest assured, we aren't worried about the brown dwarf thing-a-ma-bob. We are fascinated by it but worried ..... nope. We know who's on The Big Seat! And....we know He knows us!

    As long time prophecy watchers, its just amazing watching these words from thousands of years ago line up and then come true in such literal and precise fashion. And....in such ways we could never have imagined.

    Nope...worried we ain't. We are in prayer for discernment for how He wants us to prepare and be prepared for "our job" during these times according to His perfect will and plan for us.

    We often comment on what an honor it is that He has enough confidence in us to allow us to be alive during these times, witness His word come true, teach it, and try and be prepared to do whatever He calls on us to do. Ya know, I'm reminded of a novel I read a few years ago about how to be cool and collected during the most difficult of prophetic of times....the safest place to be is dead center of His will for us....just being obedient and leaving all the consequences to Him. He is, after all, still on The Throne!

  8. Hi Caver-I'm so thankful you answered my precious Sue. She always has such beautiful uplifting things to say, and just like Mrs. C., always the exact chapter and verse to follow with. Ah, God is so good, isn't he?
    I am with you in the weird, wild and wonderful corner. God just keeps on surprising me with the almost unbelievable ways in which things are occuring on a daily basis! So, I continue to keep my eyes (both figuratively and literally) and mind open to so many possibilities.
    It is a good thing God has provided us with people like Sue and your misses to help us stayed anchored down to earth. Otherwise we would be floating in the stratosphere somewhere!
    I'm sorry your creatures are missing. I love communing with God's handiwork! It could just be because it is so miserably hot outside. maybe a small fountain in the shade might help? Or it could be the electrical signals/magnetics/earth changes too. Try and get prepared just in case.
    I totally am expecting some wild stuff from Elenin! Wether it is because of Elenin itself or the fact it will be used as an excuse by TPTB, or something else, I have a "gut" feeling on this one and I have learned to listen to that feeling. Because when I don't, usually a disaster comes my way :(
    I've read pro, con, Nasa, New Age, Christian etc opinions on it and this is what I believe currently to be the truth. It is NOT a comet. It is traveling way to slowly to be a comet. Neither does it look like a comet. The government does not spend millions of dollars to put a special telescope at the South Pole to look at a comet. Neither does the Vatican staff an observatory to look specifically for "this comet". The extremely large earthquakes that have occured on the alignment dates alone warrant further examination. Do you realize the last time this thing came around was when Moses was getting the Israelites outta Egypt? The massive amount of chemtrails being injected into our skies at the same time this "comet" is approaching is curious also.
    My opinion,and it is just an opinion, is it is a small brown dwarf with great density, extreme magnetic and gravitational pull, possibly with a few smaller planets revolving around it. I wouldn't be surprised if a few weird things come along with it such as things Marzulli might find interesting ;)
    The Bible tells us numerous times about the signs in the heavens. I believe God and I expect the signs to be quite noticeable. Anytime the gov't blatantly lies to us and then spends a lot of money along with it makes me suspicious. Those 2 combined really piques my interest.
    Lovn you all-ally

  9. Hi Ally, thanks for the comments and I love your take on all this. Yep, staying prayed up, constant sensitivities to what the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do, being obedient, and leaving all the consequences in His quite capable hands seems like a good road map to this old boy.

    I have a business and times are tough. When we get to Heaven remind me to tell you the times we've seen His finger prints all over things happening and keeping us afloat during these days. Its amazing....just amazing.

    He is still on The Throne!

  10. I will Caver, i will. I've been praying for a year to find a church home. NOTHING! No one preaching the word, no power, no nothing. It has been killing me. Come on, thats a prayer God should answer quickly right? That should be easy as pie for him. There is one on every corner here in the Bible Belt! But oh no-nada! I mean I prayed, I begged, I pleaded, I meditated. Still nothing.
    So my boyfriend and I have been working on a run down house in the worst neighborhood in town. I mean, murders in broad daylight, crack and heroin dealers on every corner, the cops are scared to go there kind of place. The bus stop is in front of this tiny old Baptist church. So last week, tues., a smiling glowing faced lady said hi to us before she went inside. Then this mon. a glowing faced couple and little baby stopped and chatted. They went inside and I could hear Praise and Worship. Before the bus came, the Holy Spirit was all over that bus stop. The crack dealers crossed the street to get away from it, it was so strong. But I couldn't get my bf to go in.
    Last night, we went in! Whoa Doggies, what a treat! I sobbed for an hour and a half during Praise and Worship. They weren't gonna stop til God showed up! And show up he did! The Holy Ghost was the Host at this service! We didn't get out of church til midnight, on a tuesday night guys!
    We were the only white people there. But Jesus was so strong in that place, and in the people there that it didn't even make a ripple! I got a church home now I think! Thank you Jesus! ally

  11. I will Caver, i will. I've been praying for a year to find a church home. NOTHING! No one preaching the word, no power, no nothing. It has been killing me. Come on, thats a prayer God should answer quickly right? That should be easy as pie for him. There is one on every corner here in the Bible Belt! But oh no-nada! I mean I prayed, I begged, I pleaded, I meditated. Still nothing.
    So my boyfriend and I have been working on a run down house in the worst neighborhood in town. I mean, murders in broad daylight, crack and heroin dealers on every corner, the cops are scared to go there kind of place. The bus stop is in front of this tiny old Baptist church. So last week, tues., a smiling glowing faced lady said hi to us before she went inside. Then this mon. a glowing faced couple and little baby stopped and chatted. They went inside and I could hear Praise and Worship. Before the bus came, the Holy Spirit was all over that bus stop. The crack dealers crossed the street to get away from it, it was so strong. But I couldn't get my bf to go in.
    Last night, we went in! Whoa Doggies, what a treat! I sobbed for an hour and a half during Praise and Worship. They weren't gonna stop til God showed up! And show up he did! The Holy Ghost was the Host at this service! We didn't get out of church til midnight, on a tuesday night guys!
    We were the only white people there. But Jesus was so strong in that place, and in the people there that it didn't even make a ripple! I got a church home now I think! Thank you Jesus! ally

  12. Ally
    I know what you mean at a church like that - its an awesome experience and I'm so glad you got a chance to experience that!

  13. Re. Elenin/Planet X/Nibiru/Nemesis and electrical fields:

    I watch conversations (well, wars) in various places on all that, and the debunker side always cites NASA and presumes that someone in the world would speak up if we were really in danger. But there are problems with that view:

    1-- Trust NASA? Any government? Not me.

    2-- To borrow a movie line, they all "proceed from a false assumption": that their Big Bang, Gravity-is-Everything model is correct. But the universe is electromagnetic in nature; there are some good websites on "electric universe" (EU) or "thunderbolts" that explain more. Conventional astronomy is always getting "surprises" while the EU model predicts things that make no sense otherwise. So when the NASA etc. organizations tell us something about the universe, they are based on the wrong model. Sure, they can predict planetary motion (via Newtonian physics, not Einstein or any other newfangled claptrap with its math-dependent house of cards), but they will get some pretty significant things wrong-- especially regarding astronomical entities they really know little about.

    3-- We all know the media and the scientific community are about as trustworthy as governments. Yes Virginia, there really are global conspiracies.

    Just FYI. ;-)

  14. Ally, I'm so happy for you guys.

    Thank You Father!

    It was the same for me....over 8 years and I' couldn't find the right one. Then accepted an invite to what I thought was a small country church in the middle of nowhere. It was huge for where it was at....and you could tell the Holy Spirit was there from almost the time you walk in. The sermon is never started without inviting the Lord and His Holy Spirit in to guide and lead it. They do show up when invited.

    Ally, its absolutely in the middle of nowhere and its huge and growing.

    If you're interested...http://bensongrovebaptist.org/?page_id=7

    The Caver household rejoices with you!

  15. Carver-how cool! I looked at your church and if I ever get a car, I'm driving down to check it out :) Its not that far really, about 3 hours. Thanks for sharing! Be forewarned though, I am rather a hippie type. LOL! love, ally
