Thursday, July 14, 2011

Global Earthquake and Volcano Overview

I've been meaning to put together an update on the increasing earthquake and volcano story that has been simmering lately - as seen around the world - but the array of other news has prevented that. Fortunately, Dutchsinse has done it for us. The video link below provides a very nice and timely review of this recent increase in earthquake/volcano activity:

Global Earthquake and Volcano Overview


  1. Hey Scott,

    Have you ever considered a message board? So much is happening so fast but it's hard to keep track of conversations when the blog format pushes older ones down the page. I've set some up in the past and could help with that.

  2. yeah it is getting crazy!Scott-you wouldn't believe how many have happened today! We are getting really close and we need to be getting even closer to the Holy Spirit! Discernment is absolutely neccesary right now! Yeeee haw brother and sisters in Christ, he is on his way! Loving you guys soooo much! MARANATHA! ally

  3. Cantcha just smell dinner cookin'?

  4. Paula
    Its an idea - but OTOH, I have seen a bunch of message boards go down over the years. Even though this format isn't as easy for comments (as a message board) I do like that there is a singular, daily focus. Message boards also (IMO) take more work to return to threads etc. I don't know. But I have definitely considered it and thought about it a lot. Still thinking about it and praying about it too.

  5. I can't wait to see you guys :) Look, I doubt TPTB will let us continue on much longer. Goo gle just shut down over 11 million christian websites a few days ago. A lot of people are waking up (mostly secular weirdly enough)so "they" will have to do something soon. So when that happens...lets keep on praying for each other big time! :) Because of the craziness I just got to witness on facebook :) though that probably gaureenteed me a spot in Kamp Fee Ma. Come quickly Jesus! ally

  6. Scott, if obummer shuts down this site, please start another blog. You should think of a name so we know what to search to Find it.

  7. Ally, how can GOOG do that, are u
    sure, that is alot !!!!

    11 Million ??

    if so, then GOOG is going to be
    cursed REAL SOON.....

    Their stock will crash....

    oh, BTW, still NO AC as of tonite...

    Stephen !!!!

  8. Dylan
    I'm going to find Sue and DrNo's underground bunker and use their computer equipment. It may take a few days - plus, they haven't given me security clearance yet

    By the way - is there a link to the Christian sites being taken down?
