Sunday, December 19, 2010

10 EU States to "Upgrade" PA Status

Thanks to Stephen from Hawaii, who sent me this one.

Erekat: 10 EU states will upgrade their PLO missions

Around 10 EU countries are set to upgrade the status of Palestinian representative offices in their capitals in the near future, chief Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat declared on Sunday.

This would mean that Palestinian missions would move a step closer toward becoming embassies whose officials enjoy full diplomatic immunity.

Erekat said that the move follows Norway’s recent decision to upgrade the status of the Palestinian representative office. Moreover, the move comes in wake of three South American countries to recognize a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, he added.

Below, we see the strategy that is involved in this effort:

A PA official told The Jerusalem Post that the decision to seek international recognition of a Palestinian state was designed to shift the conflict from one over “occupied Palestinian territories” to one over an “occupied state with defined borders.”

The official said that while the Palestinians did not expect the recognition to end Israeli “occupation,” it would increase international support for the Palestinians and their cause.

Erekat said that the Palestinian position has earned the support of a majority in the international community.
Erekat did not say which EU countries were expected to upgrade the status of the Palestinian representative missions.

Earlier this week, the PA said it has appealed to several EU countries separately to recognize a Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967, borders.

“The Israelis are afraid that the issue of recognition of a Palestinian state would enter the EU,” he said. “We urge the international community to salvage the two-state solution by recognizing a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders.”

This article brings up several important issues, all of which involve the new/revived Roman Empire:

- The EU continues to increase its involvement in the Middle East, particularly issues involving Israel and PA borders.

- The pressure to create "pre-1967" borders, and to have those borders recognized internationally, is gaining momentum, and the push to make this happen is growing tremendously.

- If these borders do become agreed - at some point they will have to have "international peace-keeping forces" in order to "confirm" this plan. We have been watching the EU's progress in forming just such a military structure for such purposes.

At that point will the world be prepared for a leader to step forward and announce HIS plans for keeping these borders secure and for finalizing such plans (aka "confirming" the plans)?

Only time will tell, but the EU's involvement in this situation is becoming more and more interesting by the day.


  1. DEAR SCOTT >>>>


    I am trying to understand why the EU picked the number 10 to upgrade with the PA.....weird isn't it???

    And u are right, they are very much involved with pushing their
    agenda thru with the PA....

    I think this is a very serious matter, what has transpired since
    this AM....I will be watching
    later this week to try and find
    out the names of these 10 nations.
    I believe the PA knows this info
    but is keeping it secret for now.

    38 EZEKIEL and 17 ISIAH could be very close at this point. I have
    the haunting feeling that something
    BIG is coming soon.

    and this is just in >>>>

    Turkey is getting VERY UPSET with
    Israel for a deal on energy
    boundaries (demarcations) that
    was concluded on Friday of this past week. Jpost has that also.

    Stephen in Hawaii

  2. Thanks again Stephen...I agree - we are getting so very close to seeing some of the events that we have been waiting to see. I'l check out the story on Turkey.

    You are probably enjoying nice weather while the rest of us are freezing in this winter storm!

    Thanks again, God Bless

  3. You should move to Hawaii...soon...

    Stephen !!!!

  4. Not a bad idea - this global warming thing has brought us nothing but a severe deep freeze - plus, I'm in the mountains right now and its BITTER cold!
